Just spoke to blackie about 10 minutes ago.
He's in good spirits and asked that I Thank You All for your concern.
He's only about a 1/2 mile from his house so Barb can see him often.
Details how to contact him are in
He has no internet access in the rest home
BUT I sent this thread to Barb so she can print it for him to read.
Praise the Lord!
I'll still keep Blackie in my prayers.
Thanks for the update..
Wonder how one could sneak a laptop in to him...
Preays for Blackie & Barb.
Thanks for the update.
Get well soon Blackie.
Thanks, Tonk. Continued prayers for blackie.
I believe that with this in mind, you will see a fairly even number of trades from one side to the other. However, I'm pretty sure that housing prices in the conservative half will skyrocket; demand will go up even without government subsidies. People on the 'left' half will start realizing they are getting soaked in taxes, and the savings alone might make for a few 'converts'.
But I would be sure, if I was in charge, to prevent those carpetbaggers from 'spamming' border communities with transients who want to leech the benefits of our conservative society, newcomers would not be allowed to vote until they established citizenship as indicated by living on our territory for a minimum of two years.
To be sure, I suspect a few on our side might sneak over to score some of the cheapie socialized health care and what not, but I suspect a few tastes of that will be about as good as free coffee at a rescue mission; you get what you pay for.
Our side would prevail. I'm sure of it. I believe in 20 years time, it might be necessary to construct a fence to keep the "illegals" out as they start to desperately escape the by-then rampant socialism that will run amok on the liberal side. We would offer asylum to those seeking release from communist oppression, but we don't want to create an underground illegal alien economy. After all, if we did, why bother changing from the current state of affairs; that's what we got now!
But enough; I've put more blab on the subject here than I have at my own site at www.twoamericas.us! I can't help it, it's fun here!