1 posted on
05/28/2004 12:32:42 PM PDT by
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To: sandbar
To: sandbar
"Money doesn't care who it goes to."
-- Joseph Myerson, 1873-1956
3 posted on
05/28/2004 12:39:04 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
Oh, well if Sir Paul thinks it's wrong, well... I am too young to remember the Beatle fascination and too old to care what some foreign entertainer thinks about our choices.
4 posted on
05/28/2004 12:39:25 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
I like Mull of Kintyre.
Still, these comments are pretty tame and qualified.
5 posted on
05/28/2004 12:39:32 PM PDT by
(Juntos Podemos!)
To: sandbar
Let's all hold hands and sing several choruses of "All You Need is Love" and the mean old terrorists will like us ad be very sorry for their actions and will make us their friends and be like all good from now on and then we can all get together for fun parties and go to the beach and stuff and meet for dinner and be the best of buds and like yos know can't we all just not be mean anymore?..............
6 posted on
05/28/2004 12:39:50 PM PDT by
Red Badger
(I-gnorant S-tupid L-ying A-rab M-uslims.........I SLAM ISLAM UNCLE SAM I AM..............)
To: sandbar
"It would have been better if the UN had been together," It would have been better, but too many members of the security council (and other parts of the UN) were on Saddam's payroll for that to have ever happened.
7 posted on
05/28/2004 12:40:02 PM PDT by
(Teach a Democrat to fish and he will curse you for not just giving him the fish.)
To: sandbar
"It would have been better if the UN had been together," the 61-year-old singer continued.They were you idiot. Together they were trying to undermine everything we did because they were in bed with Saddam. What part of that don't you understand? Do I have to make it into a musical for you?
9 posted on
05/28/2004 12:42:09 PM PDT by
(Every morning is the dawn of a new error...)
To: sandbar
The BBC headline is misleading. McCartney only offers a criticism, not a condemnation.
12 posted on
05/28/2004 12:43:10 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
15 posted on
05/28/2004 12:45:12 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
"It would have been better if the UN had been together,"
It would have been better if the UN was not made up of weasels. But alas, not to be.
22 posted on
05/28/2004 12:48:32 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
...Now it's become very bloody with Iraq, it's very difficult...
If this is difficult, how would he describe WW2?
Bottom line, the business in Iraq is trivial. The Leftist problem is very difficult.
24 posted on
05/28/2004 12:49:58 PM PDT by
(Saddam supported Terrorists. Al Qaeda are Terrorists. I can't find the link.)
To: sandbar
Paul is much like a bait fish.
Perfectly content with milling around in the middle of the school, counting on saftey in numbers for his survival, while cheerfully saying I'm glad it was them and not me.
25 posted on
05/28/2004 12:50:17 PM PDT by
(A President is best judged by the enemies he makes when he has really hit his stride…Max Lerner)
To: sandbar
This from a man made popular by hippies and anit-war protesters.
26 posted on
05/28/2004 12:52:25 PM PDT by
(Veritas vos liberabit)
To: sandbar
Aw Paul you're such a weenie. Go sittown idiot and shut your pie hole.
27 posted on
05/28/2004 12:53:14 PM PDT by
(Veni, Vidi, Vici)
To: sandbar
"To look for Bin Laden seemed reasonable to go against terrorism, but the war has become very difficult."
Duhhhh... War IS difficult! Especially when dealing with TERRORIST groups and regimes! How hard is THAT to understand?!?
"If someone came to my house and blew it up, I wouldn't just want to sit there and say thank you," he said.
- o.k., so WHAT is your gripe, Paul? Oh yeah, You've got to be 'hip' and 'politically correct' and 'Love is the answer'-even when dealing with EVIL people who want to wipe people like you and me and our children off the face of the earth at ANY cost for no particular reason except that we are NOT them!
Too many years doing too many drugs, my friend....
For the sake of YOUR children and grandchildren, WAKE UP!!!
To: sandbar
He is stating an obvious fact, the war has become difficult. Remember all the support, songs and fund-raisers he did after 9-11? He's a liberal of course and a pal to Clinton but far more decent than most of them have been, it seems.
31 posted on
05/28/2004 12:57:03 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
The made Elton John a "sir" also. I guess standards have really dropped when they knight a queen and a dope addled has been singer.
To: sandbar
Not so long ago, we were children, watching the Ed Sullivan Show when the Beatles appeared on the screen. Our parents were shocked and said that the Beatles didn't make sense and looked abominable--like girls with mops on their heads.
We should have listened to our parents.
38 posted on
05/28/2004 1:10:22 PM PDT by
To: sandbar
*sigh*... Paul, why can't you just let it be, eh?
44 posted on
05/28/2004 1:30:31 PM PDT by
Charles Martel
("Who put the Tribbles in the Quadrotriticale?")
To: sandbar
Paul's words quoted in the article do not necessarily fit the headline.
46 posted on
05/28/2004 1:47:29 PM PDT by
(I'm so glad to no longer be associated with the Party of Dependence on Government!)
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