Other items of interest:
Write AGAINST Nancy Pelosi Friday! Please take 30 seconds for this quick "letter to the editor"
Official Action Item: Demand Nancy Pelosi's CENSURE (reprimand) for personal attacks on Bush!!!
Sample letter for above action item at comment #44
Keep exposing this woman... people need to know who she is, because the media sure won't tell 'em!
Use Arnold as a Weapon against Pelosi PING!!!
This is not an endorsement of Arnold, but we should use every resource we have against Pelosi.
Use Arnold as a Weapon against Pelosi PING!!!
This is not an endorsement of Arnold, but we should use every resource we have against Pelosi.
Good Idea!!!
We need to expose Pelosi is a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST in the US government. Her "caucus" is nothing but cover for socialist goals.
Personally, I'd just love to see Ms. Pelosi get a punch right in the blow-hole. I just think that Governor Schwartzenegger is too much of a gentleman to go there. Perhaps we could arrange for Chappaquiddick Ted to become her chauffer? Or a evening out on the town with O.J. Simpson?
I think that Arnold would be wasting ammunition on condemning Pelosi.
I rather see him campaign and fundraise for Republicans and help defeat the Democrats running for State and National offices in CA in November. THAT is what counts. And he is already doing that. I think people can thank him and encourage him to do more of the same.
Who is the Republican running against Pelosi?
I wish the link would have opened in a separate window. Oh well, here's what I sent Arnold, Cruz, and Bill:
Dear Sir,
Mrs. Pelosi has gone too far with the remarks made about President Bush recently. There is no excuse for her behavior. We are at war, and when terrorists see this kind of behavior from our own people, it makes them bolder. Guess who loses? Our troops! This isn't a Boy Scout camping trip. These folks have a religious obligation to kill, convert, or enslave non Muslims.
I am completely dismayed at the behavior of Mrs. Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, and others during this sensitive time. When an elected official chooses to sling defamatory remarks towards a sitting president, that person should be publicly censured. Please give serious consideration towards censuring Mrs. Pelosi and Ted Kennedy. We all need to stick together and present a united front.
God bless America.
I tried to be as professional as possible. Talk about trying to break concrete with a butter knife...
Please let me know if you want ON or OFF my General Interest ping list!. . .don't be shy.
At Abu Ghraib "glow sticks" played a part in the abuse of prisoners. Still, few Democrats made an issue of this sort of thing.
There is a reason.
Ecstasy users also make use of "glow sticks" in their social gatherings.
These devices are emblematic of ecstasy use.
It's not likely any ecstasy user would complain about "glow sticks" due to the risk that the Department of Justice may get reversals on some of the federal court decisions that have barred them from enforcing consent decrees with RAVE PRODUCERS to ban "glow sticks" at events.
Nancy cannot plead ignorance of ECSTASY use. Her studied disinterest in the "glow sticks" used to abuse the prisoners provides us with all the information we need about her own abuse of restricted narcotics.
Have written and faxed the ugly, anti-American Pelosi yesterday. The terrorists love this woman and use her words to further their cause against America. Nancy Pelosi is a trader, a hate monger, bent on destroying America and our efforts in Iraq. She cares not a whit about her country, just the Socialist Democratic Party, that in itself undermines our Constitution and our Sovereignty.
Everyone fax this friend of the enemy - let her hear from the American people whom she professes to serve she only serves Nancy and the terrorists!
Also, maybe YOU should include in your letter to Arnold your strong statements of non-endorsement for his governorship.
Sent and bumped.
(or a hillary clinton) (viewing movie requires Flash Player 7, available HERE) hillary talks:ON TERROR (viewing movie requires Flash Player 6, available HERE) johnkerryisdangerousforamerica.blogspot.com missus clinton's REAL virtual office update http://hillarytalks.blogspot.com http://virtualclintonlibrary.blogspot.com http://demmemogate.blogspot.com http://www.hillarytalks.us http://www.hillarytalks.org fiendsofhillary.blogspot.com fiendsofhillary.us fiendsofhillary.org fraudsofhillary.com COPYRIGHT Mia T 2004 |