Brian Craig made an interesting point this morning. He said the blind liberal hate for Bush is like that woman in the photo at Little Rock High School in 1957 screaming at the black girl who was attempting to enter the school. Her face was so twisted with hate that it blinded her just like the liberals are blinded by their hate of Bush today. Good point by Brian Craig.
Steve Kane VBRY ANGRY at the reaction of liberals to the atrocity yesterday.
1 posted on
05/12/2004 4:24:30 AM PDT by
To: PJ-Comix
Steve Kane just announced the audio will be played in the 8 AM (EDT) hour. The reason he gives for playing the audio is his disgust with all the liberals now blaming Bush (not the terrorists) for this atrocity.
2 posted on
05/12/2004 4:28:04 AM PDT by
(Saddam Hussein was only 537 Florida votes away from still being in power)
To: PJ-Comix; All
Crosslinked: The Berg Beheading- some links
various FR links | 05-12-04 | The Heavy Equipment Guy
The slaughtering of Nick Berg is one small step for terrorists and a major leap for the Wests encounter with Jihadism. The videotape, posted on the Ansar web site, was one of many horrifying acts perpetrated by the followers of Osama bin Laden. It ended up becoming a shameful benchmark in the Wests liberal media reporting.
3 posted on
05/12/2004 4:29:31 AM PDT by
(Just an old Keyboard Cowboy, ridin' the TrackBall into the Sunset...)
To: PJ-Comix
Col. North is on Fox& Friends. He's saying that we need to wake up to what 'they' are really like.
4 posted on
05/12/2004 4:30:54 AM PDT by
(Clintonites have such good hind-sight because they had their heads up their hind-ends 8 years.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson