To: Goreknowshowtocheat
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record.
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To: jaime1959
He's a former Army officer. It's the same reason my prints are "on file", although I've never been arrested.
15 posted on
05/07/2004 10:18:56 AM PDT by
(Complacency is an enemy sniper)
To: jaime1959
You don't have to be a criminal to have your fingerprints on record.
He was military, they have fingerprints.
If he got a concealed carry, he'd have prints, a gaming license, he'd have prints, etc.
Hope that answers your question.
To: jaime1959
This POS was a former Army Officer and had an Oregon driver's license.
The Army has his prints and so does the Oregon DMV if he has a recent license.
17 posted on
05/07/2004 10:20:15 AM PDT by
Grampa Dave
(FReep eye for the liberal lie or what left wing lies of the media will we expose today?)
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record. "Brandon Mayfield, a 37-year-old U.S. citizen, lawyer and former Army officer who converted to Islam, was taken into custody . . . "
20 posted on
05/07/2004 10:21:09 AM PDT by
(When they asked me what I thought of freedom in America,,, I said I thought it would be a good idea.)
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record. He was in the military...
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record.
He was fingerprinted as part of the process of applying for admission to the Oregon State Bar, like all other applicants.
36 posted on
05/07/2004 10:40:50 AM PDT by
Atlas Sneezed
(Your Friendly Freeper Patent Attorney)
To: jaime1959
If you have a security clearance you prints will likely be on file.
38 posted on
05/07/2004 10:41:41 AM PDT by
(From each according to his inability, to each according to his misdeeds - DNC Motto)
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record.Prints from his military file.
40 posted on
05/07/2004 10:42:06 AM PDT by
Joe Hadenuf
(I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record.He's ex-military.
The government has two sets of my prints, one from the military and one from a routine procedure for a wall street job, one requiring a license. I have no criminal record.
49 posted on
05/07/2004 10:59:07 AM PDT by
To: jaime1959
" I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record. " You don't need a criminal record to have your fingerprints with the FBI. Mine went there 3 different times for 3 different reasoms, and I have never been remotely part of a criminal investigation:
They got my prints:
When I went into the Army,
When I worked briefly for the Dept of Corrections
When I worked for an Airline and needed an airport ID.
50 posted on
05/07/2004 11:00:54 AM PDT by
(LBJ sent him to VN. Nixon expressed him home. And JfK's too dumb to tell them apart!)
To: jaime1959
..he didn't have a criminal record... Glad you referenced the past tense in that line!
56 posted on
05/07/2004 11:37:38 AM PDT by
(NASCAR: Where everything's made up and the points don't matter.)
To: jaime1959
If he was in the military, they have his prints.
76 posted on
05/07/2004 12:31:27 PM PDT by
To: jaime1959
He was in the Army....they take your fingerprints there.
Also, I don't know about Oregon but some States take your fingerprints when you pass the Bar.
To: jaime1959
I needed to be printed after I got my broker's license and was bonded. I'm sure mine are on file too. You don't have to have a criminal record.
89 posted on
05/07/2004 1:20:36 PM PDT by
To: jaime1959
As an "officer of the court" fingerprinting is routine for bar asociation acceptance.
Semper Fi
93 posted on
05/07/2004 1:55:51 PM PDT by
(Free Republic....where information is the ULTIMATE weapon)
To: jaime1959
I asked this in another thread, but how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record. You've already got the how. Now for the really interesting question:
WHY did they think to try matching the finger prints found on a bag in Spain, to an American in the U.S.?
I seriously doubt we share those data with the Spanish government. Somebody had a reason to suspect him.
As I noted above, we know who this guy's been talking to. What this tells me is, the FBI knows about a lot more people than this one guy.
98 posted on
05/07/2004 2:18:37 PM PDT by
To: jaime1959
He's a service member... Finger printed when he entered service.
He's been flagged as a "possible" problem since he resigned his commision and converted to the "Religion of Peace".
His name turned up on a visa/passport list as having been in or near Spain prior to the attacks.
He's more than likely a vocal supporter of Islam and Islamist causes. Ran his yap in front of an agent or CI.
Turn him over to the Spanish and let them plop him in one of their nastier prisons...
99 posted on
05/07/2004 2:21:59 PM PDT by
(Hooah??? HOOOAAHHHH!!!!!)
To: jaime1959
how could they track this guy's prints like that? From what I read, he didn't have a criminal record. I don't have a criminal record, but I was printed 20 years ago when I interviewed for the NSA (through campus recruiting). Never completed the interview process as private sector offered a job for higher pay. I'm sure they still have my prints on file.
103 posted on
05/07/2004 3:55:49 PM PDT by
(Float like a butterfly, sting like a B-52)
To: jaime1959
He was prior military. You give up your prints when you enter the military.
To: jaime1959
I wonder how many more people are going to tell you they have his prints because he was in the miitary?
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