Just extending your logic ... you understand.
Must be pleasant. Gorelick is honest. A nation should trust the kind of national officials the 9-11 commission represents! Oh, yes. Janet Reno was incorruptable and the most competent, honest, conscientious Attorney General we've ever had.
William Jefferson Clinton! There's a man Sean can get behind!
What does the great President Clinton say about Ron Brown. Sean surely agrees with him!
* * *
To be realistic: For the sake of truth, the best that can be said is that the cause of the death Ron Brown is unknown -- and that like the Foster case, like Waco, like Elian -- the whole affair smells, stinks, is awfully troubling. And that there is NO rationalility based on how we can see the Federal government worked then, works now in review of 9-11 -- in trusting word ONE from them.
For real!...especially if you don't want to risk some mysterious deadly event for you or a member of your family.