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Ashcroft: Clinton Neutered FBI via ^
| April 14, 2004
Posted on 04/14/2004 6:21:30 AM PDT by stylin_geek
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Pretty good read.
To: stylin_geek
Good read...but should the author have used "Clinton" and "neuter" in the same heading?? ;^)
posted on
04/14/2004 6:26:16 AM PDT
(1-877KARZFORKIDZ - makeitstop!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
To: stylin_geek
OK so the FBI was eroded over 8 years of the Clintons. How come its only an issue now that Bush got embarrassed by former White House counter-terrorism coordinator Richard Clarke?
I'd give Bush & Ashcroft credit for calling for reform if they had done it within a year of Sept 11, 2001. Instead, Bush was saying that everyone was doing a hunky-dory job, and refused to fire a single FBI or CIA bureaucrat who makes six-figures off of my tax dollars. Now, that he has been exposed by Clarke as fiddling over Saddam when he should have been looking for Al Kaida agents, he is trying to blame the CIA and FBI bureaucrats.
To: stylin_geek
After yesterday, GORELICK HAS TO GO!
Her staying the commission makes it farcical at best. Recusing herself from questioning a couple 'witnesses' AIN'T gonna cut it.
That skank should be AT the witness table answering questions, NOT asking them.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:28:31 AM PDT
("Diplomacy without arms is like music without instruments." -- Frederick the Great)
To: Condor51
posted on
04/14/2004 6:30:39 AM PDT
(A vote for JF'nK is a vote for Peace in our Time!)
To: Vic3O3; cavtrooper21
Well worth the read.
Semper Fi
posted on
04/14/2004 6:31:09 AM PDT
(Happiness is a full VM-II and a DEAD AND BURIED AWB!)
To: Condor51
I don't understand: was Ms. Gorelick afraid at all that this memo would come out? Why did the Ds put her on the commission, knowing (or did they?) about her involvement in buidling the wall?
posted on
04/14/2004 6:32:47 AM PDT
To: stylin_geek
Bump for later read
posted on
04/14/2004 6:33:13 AM PDT
(Where Will You Be When You Get Where You're Going? -- Jerry Clower)
To: rageaholic
It's possible to do a good job while being hampered by regulations. According to what John Ashcroft said, the FBI and the CIA were doing their job, unfortunately, due to government regulations, they were unable to share information neccessary to pursue these people.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:34:00 AM PDT
(Koffi: 0, G.W. Bush: (I lost count))
To: soozla
Clinton could have save everybody a whole lot of trouble if he would have neutered himself first.
To: rageaholic
he has been exposed by ClarkeThe only one "exposed" by Clarke.
Although if I were you, defending the odious Clinton administration, I'd use the word "exposed" quite sparingly.
To: stylin_geek
As Ben-Veniste was told yesterday by the FBI's ex-acting director, it was
Travelgate that made the Clinton White House toxic and off-limits to the FBI.
Travelgate occured in 1993, two years prior to the Gorelick "Walls" memorandum. Ex-Acting FBI Director Thomas Pickard seemed to suggest under oath in yesterday's testimony that the results of the Travelgate fiasco on WH-FBI cooperation were devastating -- that even without the Gorelick Walls, Travelgate --- Hillary's fiasco Travelgate was -- would have had the sufficient chilling effect to have blinded our national counter-terrorism effort to domestic threats.
Independent Counsel Robert Ray seems to have suggested that Hillary lied before the Travelgate Grand Jury, yet given political and media bias towards the Clintons he could not effectively prosecute that perjury.
Since Ray thought that, given his close association with the FBI, imagine what career-fear and ten-foot-poleism distance existed between the rank-and-file FBI and the Clinton WH and its extended operatives.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:45:12 AM PDT
To: rageaholic
The commision has probly realized that by giving creedence to Clarkes book it tightened the noose around its own neck. These hearings were only to be found on C-Span with very little coverage in the mainstream press until they started waving Clark's book around like it was the end all story what happened pre-9/11.
Now that every other TV in the country is watching at least some part of the hearings, the commision has forced itself to do a competent job (I know its a stretch), and for most of the politicians on the panel, they will have to get over the fact that the truth that they find is most likely not the truth that they wanted.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:49:39 AM PDT
Delta 21
To: stylin_geek
Let's see the GOP DEMAND that Buzz Patterson " Dereliction of Duty " testify IN PUBLIC
posted on
04/14/2004 6:50:17 AM PDT
To: stylin_geek
It's possible to do a good job while being hampered by regulations. No. It is not. At some point the regulations become so cumbersome that in immdeiate effect even adept A-grade people are egregiously hampered by them, and there are worse effects over time. Over times the hampering regulations trip up the good, and serve to make the good look as incomptent or misfeasant as any -- so in hiring and promotions, the incomptent and the gold-bricking con-artist, are not filtered out --and as the aggravating, grinding down effect of hampering regulation is most sensed by the good and diligent, it is that group that leaves for greener pastures. What remains then are the incomptent and the corrupt.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:52:28 AM PDT
To: Delta 21
Now that every other TV in the country is watching at least some part of the hearings, the commision has forced itself to do a competent job (I know its a stretch), and for most of the politicians on the panel, they will have to get over the fact that the truth that they find is most likely not the truth that they wanted.
And now that the Clinton cabal is being exposed look for the left wing pundits in the media to start pontificating " IT IS TIME TO STOP THE PARTISAN FINGER POINTING AND GET ON WITH FINDING SOLUTIONS"
It is the tactic they always use when the GOP starts to fight back against the Dem slime machine
posted on
04/14/2004 6:54:02 AM PDT
To: bvw; Mia T
Were the clintons and Reno and others working on the inside together to establish a framework of regulations to thwart legitamate law enforcement form finding and sharing information of posible crimes? Did this, in fact, facilitate the terrorists of 9-11 in carrying out their attacks on America?
The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy wants to know !
posted on
04/14/2004 6:57:40 AM PDT
Delta 21
To: rageaholic
Bush was saying that everyone was doing a hunky-dory job, and refused to fire a single FBI or CIA bureaucrat who makes six-figures off of my tax dollars. Now, that he has been exposed by Clarke as fiddling over Saddam when he should have been looking for Al Kaida agents, he is trying to blame the CIA and FBI bureaucrats. According to Ashcroft's testimony, the problem was not the CIA or the FBI. It was the Justice Dept. and the previous administration who prevented them from doing their jobs with regulations, firewalls, and inadequate funding.
Janet Reno, Hillary and the Zipper-in-Chief are the ones to blame.
To: rudy45
I don't think they knew - they padded the Commission (Dashcle and Gephardt) in the mistaken belief that she would be the water carrier to damage Bush for Hillary.
She either forgot about the memo, or was convinced it would never see the light of day.
posted on
04/14/2004 6:58:16 AM PDT
(A tuning, a Vote in the topic package to the starting US presidency election fight)
To: bvw
There was an article posted on how Gorelick tried to get FBI files to determine how much information the FBI had on Clinton Chinese fund-raising. This was in 1996, and I believe it is somewhere in a thread about the 9/11 Commission here.
posted on
04/14/2004 7:01:07 AM PDT
(A tuning, a Vote in the topic package to the starting US presidency election fight)
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