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**Richard Clarke Takes Position as ABC News Consultant**
ABC News
| March 25, 2004
Posted on 03/25/2004 8:47:38 PM PST by Howlin
I don't do this very often, so forgive me.
I was watching the ABC program tonight on Donald Rumsfeld at 8 P.M. EST.
Right in the middle of the show, here appears Richard Clarke, and down in the corner is the little ABC logo with the words ABC (SOMETHING) CONSULTANT. (Not sure what TYPE of consultant, but definitely CONSULTANT.
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2004election; 2004electionbias; abc; abcdisney; abcdisneynews; abcnews; agitprop; bigcogwheelturns; boycott; boycottdisney; bushhasser; bushhater; campaignfinance; ccrm; cfr; clarke; conflictofinterest; documentedliar; donatestodemocrats; election2004; kerrycampaign; mccainfeingold; mediabias; meglomaniac; memogate; memogate2; memogateii; nationalsecurity; nbc; paidshill; partisanattack; partisancommission; propaganda; richardclarke; rumsfeld; thefixisin; traitorsinc; waltdisney; waltsrotatingcorpse; waronterror; wot
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To: Mitchell
Thanks for the clarification. I see your point.
I still think it is important for people to know since most are unaware of his affiliation with ABC.
Perhpas the order is reversed as respects his comments and the hiring, but I think we are still seeing an organized effort to attack the President and his policies as regards 911 and the War on Terror and that it is being done for political and monetary gain. Either way, IMHO, his recent testimony, his position with ABC, his book deal, etc are all tired together in that effort.
Just my opinion.
To: js1138
There's no problem with my posting style. In #246, I put one thing in italics -- that was the only quote. It was the headline of the thread, which, unlike most thread headlines, didn't come from an actual news article, but was simply written by the original poster.
It really makes no difference when Clarke became a consultant to ABC.
It makes a big difference, since the whole point of the article was that ABC had supposedly hired him to support him in his accusations (which would be a natural conclusion to reach if they had, in fact, hired him in the aftermath of his book release and testimony).
Do you really think that it's "Breaking News" that he was hired in August, 2003, or earlier?
To: Howlin
Megga Ditto.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:25:14 AM PST
To: Pukin Dog
Not so surprised as disgusted.
Any suggestions for a form of activism we can take?
posted on
03/26/2004 9:26:17 AM PST
To: Peach
Term limits.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:27:41 AM PST
Pukin Dog
(Sans Reproache)
To: Pukin Dog
Yup! We need 'em since the voting electorate is too uninformed to figure out what's going on.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:29:14 AM PST
To: Pukin Dog
US Rice To Conduct Interview With CBS' 60 Minutes NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--In addition to offering a second round of testimony from its National Security Adviser, the White House also has offered Condoleezza Rice to CBS's 60 Minutes program, the network's Web site reported Friday. CBS has accepted an offer for a sit-down with Rice and an interview has been set for Saturday to air on the 60 Minutes program on Sunday at 7 p.m. EST, according to the Web site.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:29:58 AM PST
To: maica
US Rice To Conduct Interview With CBS' 60 Minutes NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--In addition to offering a second round of testimony from its National Security Adviser, the White House also has offered Condoleezza Rice to CBS's 60 Minutes program, the network's Web site reported Friday. CBS has accepted an offer for a sit-down with Rice and an interview has been set for Saturday to air on the 60 Minutes program on Sunday at 7 p.m. EST, according to the Web site.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:30:56 AM PST
To: maica
For anyone whose eyes still work after a week of non-stop reading (live threads are so tempting), this link goes to an interesting anti-Bush blog thread that started March 20 --- BEFORE the 60 minutes interview. Interesting response at the blog cites a Computerworld article, of all things...:
Vince Cannistraro, former chief of operations at the CIA's Counterterrorism Center...knew Clarke during his tenure as deputy chief of intelligence and research at the National Security Council, where Clarke "often came up with questionable proposals for covert action."
"Questionable proposals for covert action" neatly illustrated by this bit of lunacy even before before Clarke went to the NSC:
In 1986, as a State Department bureaucrat with pull, (Clarke) came up with a plan to battle terrorism and subvert Muammar Qaddafi by having SR-71s produce sonic booms over Libya. This was to be accompanied by rafts washing onto the sands of Tripoli, the aim of which was to create the illusion of a coming attack. When this nonsense was revealed, it created embarrassment for the Reagan administration and was buried."--George Smith, "Richard Clarke's Legacy of Miscalculation",, Feb. 17, 2003
To: NYC Republican
Try this: Picked it at one of the communist Web sites. They had a nice listing so I copied it for future use for myself.
To: piasa; Just mythoughts; okie01; Kenny Bunk; Jeff Gannon; Carl/NewsMax
Could Mr. Clarke be the guy who leaked the 'news' that Plame was a CIA operative to Novak? I always considered the possibility that Novak was telling the truth that his first contact was not "partisan." If he lied about that, and the source came to fore, and he was partisan, Novak would look worse than he already does.
Here's Novak:
"...During a long conversation with a senior administration official, I asked why Wilson was assigned the mission to Niger. He said Wilson had been sent by the CIA's counterproliferation section at the suggestion of one of its employees, his wife. It was an offhand revelation from this official, who is no partisan gunslinger. When I called another official for confirmation, he said: "Oh, you know about it." The published report that somebody in the White House failed to plant this story with six reporters and finally found me as a willing pawn is simply untrue. ..."
Certainly Richard Clarke could have fit the non-partisan description. At least then, maybe not anymore.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:48:47 AM PST
To: BushisTheMan
Great -thanks
posted on
03/26/2004 9:56:16 AM PST
NYC Republican
(Bush is criticized for NOT acting preemtively vs. Al-Qaeda , he's criticized for JUST THAT in Iraq!!)
To: Pukin Dog
Wow, that is fascinating re Clarke. Thanks for sharing your insight into this situation.
To: hoosiermama
Pukin Dog says they are still checking out the emails. Clarke' will be toast by Sunday AM.
Please tell me that Pukin Dog knows something is in the works and could you enlighten me?
posted on
03/26/2004 9:56:30 AM PST
(This tag line for sale because Dave Ramsey said so.)
To: Heff
Why protest .. aren't their ratings already in the toilet. Who in their right mind would want to work for/with Jennings anyway. In fact, it's probably the only network who would hire Clarke.
Clarke's ideas are kookie - just give him time, and he will reveal that to the public .. hopefully before the election.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:57:00 AM PST
(The 2004 Election is for the SOUL of AMERICA)
To: Pukin Dog
WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a highly unusual move, key Republicans in Congress are seeking to declassify testimony that former terrorism adviser Richard Clarke gave in 2002 about the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Friday. Frist said the intent was to determine whether Clarke lied under oath -- either in 2002 or this week -- when he appeared before a bipartisan Sept. 11 commission and sharply criticized President Bush's handling of the war on terror.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:57:25 AM PST
To: maica
WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a highly unusual move, key Republicans in Congress are seeking to declassify testimony that former terrorism adviser Richard Clarke gave in 2002 about the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attack, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Friday. Frist said the intent was to determine whether Clarke lied under oath -- either in 2002 or this week -- when he appeared before a bipartisan Sept. 11 commission and sharply criticized President Bush's handling of the war on terror.
posted on
03/26/2004 9:58:06 AM PST
To: Mitchell; Howlin
I don't do this very often, so forgive me. I was watching the ABC program tonight on Donald Rumsfeld at 8 P.M. EST.
Right in the middle of the show, here appears Richard Clarke, and down in the corner is the little ABC logo with the words ABC (SOMETHING) CONSULTANT. (Not sure what TYPE of consultant, but definitely CONSULTANT.
Dear Mitchell,
Howlin did not say when Clarke became a consultant, only that it was news to her. She was asking fellow Freepers if anyone else had seen what she had seen. Because O'Reilly was unsufferable, I happened to channel surf to pass by Friends, and a basketball game, to land on ABC just in time to see Clarke onscreen AND the logo in the corner. I was shocked and appalled, especially since, after reading a 2000+ thread and a 3000+ thread on this week's hearings, I had no idea that Clarke was working for ANY TV company.
I believe that Howlin had the same reaction to his image on ABC Primetime "Rumsfeld ... War" that I had.
SHOCK, fear and revulsion!
posted on
03/26/2004 9:59:38 AM PST
(World Peace starts with W)
To: Shermy
Think you've got a very interesting theory re Clarke and Novak.
To: Howlin
ABC has a news program. Really who would have figured
posted on
03/26/2004 10:04:44 AM PST
(Fukai please pass the squid sauce)
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