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To: SoothingDave
"Pagan" and "propaganda" share the same root. The Latin word for "country." To propagate the faith is to take it out of the cities and out to the boonies. And out in the boonies, people still clung to the "old" "pagan" beliefs.

I'm sorry, that's just almost too funny to believe. I'm noteably skeptical based on what I know now about the Waldensians; but, if it were true, it'd be a nice one to point to for a good joke now and then. Can you provide a citation for that which doesnt' come from Catholic sources? Cause many of these I see are CYA's and in the case of the Waldensians, I know that whole episode has been a matter of false accusation and vendetta. Unfortunately for Rome, it appears some of their writings survived them as well as part of the sect..

988 posted on 03/22/2004 12:29:08 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Havoc
The origin of the word propaganda. I just googled it and got this (for propaganda+Latin+origin):

This is a neuter plural gerundive based on the root "pagus" which means "rural district" so, assuming the common "necessity or obligation" use of the Latin gerundive, the meaning is "things needing (or deserving) to be spread to the countryside." James R. Baron Department of Classical Studies The College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

From here

1,004 posted on 03/22/2004 12:42:46 PM PST by Cronos (W2K4!)
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To: Havoc
Still wondering. How do you know you are right and billions of others are wrong? What about Protestants who disagree with you on some point? How do you KNOW they are wrong in disagreeing with you?

You have, thus far, refused to answer this. Why? Why do you refuse to answer? Perhaps if we knew where your perfect authority comes from we would all follow you in your impeccable truth.
1,007 posted on 03/22/2004 12:45:41 PM PST by broadsword ("The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. " Edmund Burke)
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