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Gibson's passion film 'too Catholic'
Belfast Telegraph ^ | 19 March 2004 | Alf McCreary

Posted on 03/19/2004 9:59:58 AM PST by presidio9

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To: Canticle_of_Deborah
Absolutely no chance of any reference to Mary in that phrase. The Greek eskenosen refers to His body. Read the verse.


381 posted on 03/19/2004 6:43:07 PM PST by BibChr ("...behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD, so what wisdom is in them?" [Jer. 8:9])
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To: nickcarraway
That doesn't broach the statutes of the Lord regarding communicating with the bodily dead. Remember Saul was put to death for trying to communicate with a dead prophet, Samual. All he was trying to do was get a favor from a brother before God for cryin out loud, and God put him to death for it.
382 posted on 03/19/2004 6:43:40 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: BibChr
Read Exodus 40. The "Word" was placed in the Ark which dwelt in a tent. That's the most literal analogy I've seen yet.
383 posted on 03/19/2004 6:44:51 PM PST by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: Havoc
Then you agree. This post of yours gets it.
384 posted on 03/19/2004 6:47:57 PM PST by nickcarraway
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To: Salve Regina
Read it again. Does it say that Jesus was speaking to them or that they were speaking with him (ie speaking to him).
John hears things in the visions in revelation. It isn't anything new or special. Look at the vision given to Peter.
It doesn't change the fact that it is a vision, not actual circumstance. The scripture states it was a vision and from the mouth of Christ. You are trying to argue Christ a liar to save your philosophy. Which is more important, Christ and God's word, or your philosophy?
385 posted on 03/19/2004 6:50:08 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Canticle_of_Deborah
The allusion of the Greek eskenosen is indeed to the mishkan, the Tabernacle. But that is the dwelling presence of God. Though she had an important role, Mary is a very minor figure in God's Word. There the focus is on the person of Jesus Christ, as it was for Mary (John 2:5) and is now for all Christians (Revelation 19:10; Colossians 1:19). The Tabernacle speaks of Christ, not Mary.


386 posted on 03/19/2004 6:54:12 PM PST by BibChr ("...behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD, so what wisdom is in them?" [Jer. 8:9])
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To: nickcarraway; TRY ONE
That's your choice, but nowhere in the Bible does it say that the deceased can't pray to God.

Again, you're begging difference on something not being addressed. It has nothing to do with whether the spiritually living in heaven can speak with God or not. It has to do with whether or not they can interact with you. They are not forbidden to speak to God, they are cut off from being able to speak to or interact with you by God's own statutes. They can't hear you or respond to you. If they could hear you, they couldn't respond to you. If you want proof, I'll prove it to you. I'll give you 1 million bucks if you can stand in an arena of 1 billion people while they all shout at you at random for one minute at the same time and you can write down the name, number, address and exact thing they said. You aren't God, you can't do it and for the same reason, they can't. They are not diety.

387 posted on 03/19/2004 6:56:11 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: presidio9
the film is "extremely violent", and that "anyone who watches it will be shaken and possibly terrified by its graphic and bloody scenes."

Not true. I just got back from seeing it. It was more a caricature of violence. It is sort of like those Disney Land rides where you expect to be taken into another world but end up being bored by silly robots.

As far being "too Catholic" goes I do not believe it is Catholic doctrine that Mary Magdalena was the prostitute that Jesus saved from being stoned. The movie clearly indicated that she was.

The scourging could not have been nearly as bad as shown in the movie. There is no such evidence of a violent scourging on the Shroud of Turin. :-)

388 posted on 03/19/2004 6:56:52 PM PST by Jeff Gordon (LWS - Legislating While Stupid. Someone should make this illegal.)
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To: nickcarraway
Please read Deuteronomy and Isiah carefully. It condemns necromancy and witchcraft and such, not prayer.

Isaiah and Deuteronomy are not the entire old testament and more than just necromancy and witchcraft are forbade. Each of the religious forms mentioned has different practices associated with them. Communication with the dead in all forms is covered. It doesn't matter what your intentions are or what you call it. It is still communication with the dead. Saul had nothing but the best of intentions in trying to communicate with Samual. GOD KILLED HIM FOR IT. The term prayer is something you should go read the definition for. Prayer is just a term used to mean communication - it is used here to represent supernatural communication. Thus necromancers were put to death literally for praying to the dead. Go read the definition. I didn't invent language, nor did I invent the occultic arts. But I've made it my business to know what they are. You have to know your enemy. Just as you must know God's word. If you don't, you can be talked into doing things that you didn't know were an offense against God that would have required your death were it not for Christ. We're not playing games here. This is your soul and mine we're talking about here. We should act like it.

389 posted on 03/19/2004 7:05:21 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Havoc
Don't forget to answer my questions in #365. I'm interested in hearing why you think God would teach error in prophecy.
390 posted on 03/19/2004 7:10:39 PM PST by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: nickcarraway
This is what the Bible says. If you believe it's wrong, fine: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.(John 3:15-16)

The Bible also says this: Hebrews 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Yours says we don't die, mine says we do. So either God is a liar or they're saying different things. Since God isn't a liar, they are saying different things. Yours is talking about spiritual life, mine is talking about physical. Logically we can prove that yours is speaking about physical life because Jesus said it elsewhere AND we can all travel probably less than a mile and go visit where dead christians are buried. Christians physically die. You are going to some day DIE. It isn't debateable, it is a fact of life. But if you accept Jesus into your heart and are saved by confessing him, you will have spiritual life. And one day, your body will be ressurrected and changed just as Jesus' body was changed. There is physical life and death, and so to is there spiritual life and death. They are not one in the same thing.

391 posted on 03/19/2004 7:12:26 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: NYer
Been over it. quoting it again doesn't change it. It is symbolic prophecy. Quote Revelation all you wish. What you say thereafter is not scripture nor is it biblical.

The reference to Hebrews 12:1 notes we are surrounded with the witness of the stories of the saints who have gone on.
It says nothing of any interaction with them. Strike one.
Matthew 25:21 is speaking of the things done by the living, not the dead. Neither of these two verses gives any license to violate the statutes of ecclesiastes 9 or of the condemnations against communicating with the dead. Period.
You have just attempted to logically argue that the witness or deed of a living person makes them more physically useful to us when they are dead and we are no longer allowed to have audience with them - till we ourselves die anyway. A nonstarter.
392 posted on 03/19/2004 7:22:19 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Salve Regina
You were given an answer. Jesus said it was a vision. So whatever happened there was a happenstance between Jesus and a vision. It isn't about me. It's about you not liking the word vision. You'll have to take that up with Jesus. Visions aren't real people. Argument done. Over with. If visions aren't real people, Elias and Moses were not Physically present interacting with Jesus - something that is blatently against God's word. Again, for the nth time. You are trying to call JESUS a LIAR to support your philosophy. I say Jesus is bearing the witness of truth. It was a vision. Why do you call him a liar.
393 posted on 03/19/2004 7:27:44 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Canticle_of_Deborah
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us as in a tent...." (John 1:14)

I know you didn't mean to do this, but you just proved the correlation from Exodus 40 as Mary being the Ark of the Covenant. Thank you.

Okay, I'm toeing the line between amusement and irritation at seeing the Scriptures so abused here.

Get a literal translation or go into the original Greek, and you'll see that the words "as in a tent" are an interpolation. They're not an inaccurate one per se, since the original Greek word for "lived" or "dwelt" is skenoo, which can mean "occupy, encamp, or tent," but the interpolation is adding additional emphasis that isn't there in the original. The point of the verse is simply that God became Man and lived as one among us, nothing more.

The fact is that Hebrews 8:4-5 tells us in no uncertain terms that the Tabernacle is meant to be a model of "heavenly things." If you do some study and cross-referencing between the Torah, Hebrews, and Revelation, you'll be able to see the model yourself.

Now, the Ark, and in particular the Mercy Seat that covered the Ark, does have an important role, but it wasn't that of the Messiah's womb. Rather, it symbolizes God's throne.

Consider the placement of the cherubim. Just as we see four cherubim guarding the throne of God in Heaven, the Ark too had four cherubim standing guard over the Mercy Seat of God: The two cherubim built into the Mercy Seat itself (Ex. 25:19-20) and the two larger cherubim statues built into the Holy of Holies, whose wings spread over the Ark and from wall to wall (2 Chr. 3:11-12). This would seem to correspond with John’s description that the four cherubim were both “in the midst of (i.e. “on” or “in the middle of”) the throne and around the throne.”

The suggestion that the Ark somehow symbolized Mary is completely contrived, just as is the suggestion that she was "immaculate" and "without original sin." Leaving aside the fact that she was the recipient of God's blessing and/or grace rather than simply possessing it as a part of her nature, Mary makes a point of calling God her Savior (Lk. 1:47). Unless Mary too needed redemption like the rest of us, she would not have called God her Savior--only those needing saving have a Savior.

The theory that God would not allow His Son to be borne in an "unclean" womb is shown false on three fronts: The first, because Mary, looking forward to the Messiah, was as saved from her sins as those of us who look backwards (in effect) to Him. The second, because by that theory, God would not have allowed His Son to become ritually unclean by coming in contact with the lepers, the dead, menstrating women, whores, Gentiles, and all the rest of the unclean. Yet Jesus was the most tender with the outcasts, the sick, and the ruined.

And the third, and most important, because the Bible nowhere says or even implies that it must be so.

It is not denegrating to Mary to point out that she too needed a Savior, especially when she herself said it. Nor is it to accord her the honor of carrying the Messiah, but not the honor of being the mother of God. God preceded Mary from eternity.

You can argue the semantics of this--Jesus is God, Mary was the mother of Jesus, ergo Mary was the mother of God--but the title, "Mother of God" is putting an emphasis on the wrong person. Remember that to the Jews no son was greater than his ancestors (see Mt. 22:41-46). Thus, the title makes it seem that Mary is greater than Jesus and through Him, God.

And before you object that Catholics don't really mean it that way, just consider all of the icons that show a glowing Mary holding an infant Jesus--who comes off as the greater in those images? Or consider the rationale for asking Mary to pray for you, that Jesus will do as His mother asks--who is calling the shots according to that philosophy, Mary or God?

Mary, Daughter of God would be a more appropriate title, if understood in the sense that all of the Redeemed are the Sons and Daughters of God through their adoption in Jesus Christ.

Mary had a very special, very specific role to play: To bear and raise the Messiah. She fulfilled both well, and is truly to be honored. However, there is honor, and then there is ascribing sinlessness and omniscience (the latter being necessary if she were to actually be able to hear and respond to the prayers of millions of Catholics at a time), both divine traits, to anyone other than God. The latter is actually an insult to Mary's memory, not a blessing.

394 posted on 03/19/2004 7:35:16 PM PST by Buggman (President Bush sends his regards.)
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To: BibChr

Word= 10 Commandments

Ark of the Covenant= physical container of the Word

Dwelling place=area of tent where Ark of Covenant/Word was placed.

The Book of Exodus

Chapter 40

The tabernacle is commanded to be set up and anointed. God filleth it with his majesty.

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:

2 The first month, the first day of the month, thou shalt set up the tabernacle of the testimony,

3 And shalt put the ark in it, and shalt let down the veil before it:

The Tabernacle is the physical dwelling place, not the Lord Himself.
395 posted on 03/19/2004 7:37:56 PM PST by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: Buggman
The Word was in the Ark. The Ark is the physical container of the Word, both OT and NT. Both were in the dwelling place in the tent. Beyond that, you have taken the discussion in an entirely different direction.
396 posted on 03/19/2004 7:41:18 PM PST by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: Canticle_of_Deborah
#1 How would the angels and elders be in possession of the prayers in the first place? Did they intercept/steal something which was intended for God?

You should read what it says. It says that the prayers of the saints are rising to heaven and when they arrive, they are presented to God to act on. It doesn't say that any of the prayers are meant for the saints or angels. It doesn't say they are directed to either. It says they come up and go before God. You also don't see the saints interceding here. They don't speak to God about the prayers. They don't discuss the content. It doesn't even say they have any idea what they are carrying other than to say they are prayers. There is more NOT said here than there is said, and it is symbolic. This doesn't give you license to make it up and proclaim your fictions as fact. I similarly don't have any such right to add to what is there or to color what is there especially when what is said is a stretch to begin with and when one can go to the bulk of scripture otherwise and get plain language that states the opposite with prejudice.

Let's consider another argument that is similarly bad - the idea that the 6 days of creation were not six literal days. What day were plants made on and what day did the sun come out? Plants have to have light to live. The animals had to have food to eat and they were vegetarians. If the plants all died before there could be light to feed them so that the animals could have something to eat, they'd all be dead before God got anywhere. Six days or do we call God's word a lie and turn it to thousands of years, millions, etc because someone expresses doubt about an idea. Doubt combined with calling God's word a lie and telling man he can be like God has been the devil's approach all through time. Thinking yourself wise because you make God's word a lie to prop up your ideas because you know better than God's word is not the kind of ground I'd be lookin to stand on.

#2 Even if Revelation is "symbolic prophecy", why would John be given erroneous imagery contrary to Scripture? That in and of itself would render Revelation a false prophecy. You are saying Scripture is fallible.

Who said "erroneous imagery". You are attempting to interpret prophecy by saying that the prophecy is interpreted literally as it appears. Let me say that again, You are saying the interpretation of the prophecy is the exact wording of the prophecy. Propehetic images mean things. The woman riding the beast means something. It doesn't mean that a woman in the end times will come along and ride a big beast. It isn't discussing a rodeo act. It has symbolic meaning and as it happens, it is largely interpretd for us by another prophet who tells us what much of it means. The woman is a religious orgainization that pretends at Christianity. It is a whore because it claims Christianity and yet has corrupted itself with all manner of pagan doctrins and practices. It has soiled itself in aliances with the Kings of the earth. The beast it rides is Government. The combination of church and state. They give rise to the Antichrist who leads them. Anti Christ in the scriptural sense means "in place of" Christ. Not against Christ. In place of Christ - which has more significance when considering that he pretends to be a Christian as does the religion and government he leads; but, he has subtly twisted the truth just enough to make it a perversion, but so slightly that it could almost fool the elect. It's all in there. Every last bit and more even than I've just stated. A damning portrait that is unmistakeable. But hidden behind symoblic imagery that if it were not for the writer and for a prior prophet, we'd be largely clueless about. Prophecy is false if it's interpretation doesn't pan out against other scripture. It's imagery is quite another story.

397 posted on 03/19/2004 7:57:19 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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To: Havoc
You also don't see the saints interceding here.

They are offering the prayers of others to God. That's intercession.

Who said "erroneous imagery".

You did. If heavenly beings offering prayers to God on behalf of earthly beings is wrong, it would not be used as imagery, literal or metaphorical.

398 posted on 03/19/2004 8:10:35 PM PST by Canticle_of_Deborah
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To: BibChr
If it had a mother, it isn't God

Says who?

Oh, I forgot. It's another infallible pronouncement of dogma from the inerrant and divinely-inspired Pope BibChr.

Pop quiz! Which teaching is true?

1. “Mary is the Mother of God.” - 2,000 years of Christian belief

2. “Mary is not the Mother of God.” - BibChr's personal opinion.

Easy choice. I choose #1.

1. Jesus is 100% God.
2. Mary is the mother of 100% of Jesus.
3. THEREFORE Mary is the mother of 100% of God.

399 posted on 03/19/2004 8:14:41 PM PST by B-Chan (Catholic. Monarchist. Texan. Any questions?)
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To: nickcarraway
I dispise no one. I hate your doctrines for the foul lies of the devil they are. I just make no bones about saying that because that is our purpose as Christians. To shine the light of the truth on the lies of Satan and to be truthful even if it kills us - literally. Christ was the same way and did it better likely than I will ever do. The Apostles were the same way. And they commanded us to do likewise. If I were not doing my best to do so, i would be blamed for it.

Christ didn't come to sweet talk and be cozy with people. He came to tell the world we are sinners and will die in our sins unless we straighten up. And the way he did it at times was downright bold, confrontational and without apology. He called a liar a liar, put the religious leaders in their place for making merchandise of souls and bringing God's word to naught. He said obey them because they are the law, they sit in Moses seat; but, stay away from their doctrine. That's the part of Matthew 16 some people evidently never got around to teaching. It makes some priests a little uncomfortable.

I may love you; but, loving you don't mean I'm going to stand by and let you call God's word a lie and get by with it. I will correct you; but, at the end of the day, I love you, God loves you and we both want you in heaven. It's kinda like having Kids. We may love our kids; but, we ain't gonna put up with them if they can't behave. I can stand here and correct anyone with all authority as I'm told to do in Titus. They can listen to me or not. Implicit in that is binding and loosing. Any born again spirit filled Christian has that authority. You can ignore me; but, I'm just the messenger. God's word is the message. And that is why you are to check every word I say against God's word because God's word is what will judge you. Not Roman Catholic philosophy, not Mormon Philosophy, Not Watchtower philsophy, not Budhist philosophy - but the word of the living God.

I, just as paul stated, come with the same message of the Gospel he came with. If I come with any other message than he gave, I am to be cursed. Paul said of himself, 'if even I myself come with a doctrine other than I have already preached, let me be accursed.' Strong words. But how can you know without the mind of Christ and a full understanding of the scriptures rather than some cut and pastes spoonfed to you out of context. Read it all and seek God for the understanding. God said if you are born again you will put on the mind of Christ. If his mind can't understand his own words, you will never understand scripture. And anyone who tells you a Christian can't understand Scripture calls Christ and the Apostles liars and God unjust. God holds you accountable for HIS word. If you can't understand it and you're the one responsible for it, you're in trouble cause Paul said you're supposed to know it enough to be able to tell the real deal from the fake by lookin at it.

400 posted on 03/19/2004 8:17:00 PM PST by Havoc ("The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!")
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