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The Nation-State Is Finished ^ | February 23, 2004 | William F. Jasper

Posted on 02/28/2004 6:34:36 AM PST by B4Ranch

"The Nation-State Is Finished" by William F. Jasper

Robert Bartley, a closet one-worlder at the WSJ, used his newspaper’s "conservative" clout to seduce American business leaders into sacrificing U.S. sovereignty for trade. ‘‘What in blazes can President Bush be thinking?" That has been the general response — on talk radio and in media surveys, Internet postings and letters-to-the-editor — of many current and former Bush supporters angered and confused by the president’s immigration proposals. These folks would not have been surprised by the president’s outrageous announcement on January 7 or his remarks the following week at the Summit of the Americas in Mexico if they had been paying attention to his immigration themes from the get-go. While still governor of Texas, Bush had already indicated his tilt toward open borders between the U.S. and Mexico. However, like most well-coached politicians, he knew better than to play this grating chord to his conservative core constituency.

The Bush amnesty plan (which the president insists is not an amnesty) calls for legalizing millions of illegal aliens, whom President Bush, in deference to the canons of political correctness, calls "undocumented workers." It also calls for increasing the flow of "temporary" foreign workers into the country, as well as upping our annual quotas for legal immigrants. All of which would prove disastrous for our already overwhelmed immigration and border patrol agencies. Bush’s proposed immigration fiasco did not originate with President Bush, however, or even with his "Amigo Numero Uno," Mexican President Vicente Fox, who endorses this new plan for open borders. This suicidal migration scheme would be more appropriately christened the Robert L. Bartley Open Borders Plan, and the Monterrey Summit of the Americas might well have been dubbed the Robert L. Bartley Memorial Summit, both in honor of the late Wall Street Journal editor who championed the death of nationhood.

Bartley’s Legacy

Mr. Bartley, who passed away on December 10, 2003, is hugely responsible for promoting the idea of open borders among America’s business, academic and political elites. For 30 years, he used the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal to redefine American political and economic conservatism and to undermine a key conservative and constitutional principle: the protection of national sovereignty against internationalist encroachment. One of Bartley’s signal triumphs has been a general acceptance by many of these elites — especially the neoconservatives who have hijacked the Republican Party — of the need to sacrifice national sovereignty, supposedly to promote trade. Thus, the Journal’s news and editorial pages consistently promoted NAFTA, the European Union, the World Trade Organization, the FTAA and many other internationalist schemes.

"I think the nation-state is finished," Bartley once told Peter Brimelow, a former colleague of his at the Journal. "I think [Kenichi] Ohmae is right," he continued. Kenichi Ohmae is not a household name, except to avid readers of the Wall Street Journal, Foreign Affairs, The Economist and the like. Mr. Ohmae, an economic guru and prophet of regionalism, is the author of such works as The Borderless World and The End of the Nation State: The Rise of Regional Economies. In his 1993 essay, "The Rise of the Region State," for Foreign Affairs, house journal of the Council on Foreign Relations, Ohmae declared: "The nation state has become an unnatural, even dysfunctional, unit for organizing human activity and managing economic endeavor in a borderless world."

Peter Brimelow was understandably stunned by Bartley’s candid admission. He states:

I was thunderstruck. I knew the fans of the Journal’s editorial page, overwhelmingly conservative patriots, had no inkling of this. It would make a great Wall Street Journal front-page story: Wall Street Journal Editor Revealed As Secret One-Worlder — Consternation Among Faithful — Is Pope Catholic?

Yes, Robert Bartley, the supposed paragon of conservatism, was indeed a secret one-worlder, and this was evident many years ago to alert readers of the Journal. In more recent years, Bartley began inching out of the one-world closet and showing his real globalist colors. In an editorial for July 2, 2001, entitled "Open NAFTA Borders? Why Not?" he announced the Journal’s support for dumping U.S. sovereignty and transforming the United States into a vassal of a hemispheric superstate modeled after the European Union. Bartley wrote:

Reformist Mexican President Vicente Fox raises eyebrows with his suggestion that over a decade or two NAFTA should evolve into something like the European Union, with open borders for not only goods and investment but also people. He can rest assured that there is one voice north of the Rio Grande that supports his vision. To wit, this newspaper....

Indeed, during the immigration debate of 1984 we suggested an ultimate goal to guide passing policies — a constitutional amendment: "There shall be open borders."

Get that? Mr. Bartley was bragging that he and the Journal — that supposed bastion of conservatism — were pushing for open borders 20 years ago! Not to put too fine a point on the matter, but that is another way of saying that Bartley and company were (are) pushing for the abolition of the United States of America. Which is to say — and there’s no way around it — that Bartley and his WSJ coterie were (and are) engaged in subversion and treason, no matter how respectable they may appear or how cleverly they couch their verbal assaults on nationhood.

What makes the Bartley-WSJ globalist scheme so dangerous is not so much the proposal itself (how many Americans want to abolish our borders and merge with other nations?), but the use of deception and conspiracy to foist it on an unsuspecting public. The open borders advocates could openly and honorably lay their plan before their fellow citizens and explain it something like this: "In our globalizing economy, the political constraints of our individual nation states have outgrown their usefulness and are impeding economic progress and prosperity for all our people. We think it is time to unleash the productive potential of the people of our hemisphere by eliminating national boundaries and allowing the free movement of peoples and trade. Of course, this will mean doing away with the U.S. Constitution and our national sovereignty and constructing some as-yet-unknown and undefined regional system of governance that would reflect a mixture of features of our U.S. system and those of 33 Latin American and Caribbean countries."

But the Bartley claque of internationalists at the Journal knew that a forthright appeal of this sort would have about as much chance of flying as a penguin in lead underwear. They knew they would lose hands down if the supposed merits of their plan were carefully scrutinized and publicly debated. So, for the most part, they have cloaked their true objectives in rhetoric extolling "free peoples," "free markets" and "free trade," while gradually insinuating their plan of hemispheric integration into their reporting and editorials.

Fronting for the Power Elite

Mr. Bartley’s recent death brought forth a flood of eulogies from the high and mighty. President Bush eulogized him as a "giant of journalism" and noted that he had recently bestowed on Bartley the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Leading editors, writers and network television news anchors proclaimed him the oracle of conservatism and a key opinion molder who shaped modern economic thought. But Mr. Bartley’s vision and influence were not his own; he was an agent, not a principal. He was able to man the helm at the Journal for three decades because he faithfully and effectively retailed to an essential clientele the propaganda of America’s one-world Insiders. Robert Bartley (a.k.a. Mr. Conservative to unsuspecting Journal readers) was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Trilateral Commission, as well as an attendee of the super-secretive Bilderberg meetings. These are the premier organizations that have been undermining American sovereignty and promoting world government for many decades.

Bartley’s main task, which he ably fulfilled, was to gradually redefine conservatism in such a way that his readers would not realize that they had been led onto a completely new track, eventually taking them to a destination they would have rejected if they had gotten their direction from the Left. Which meant that the Journal would continue to function as the "conservative" voice of Pratt House, the New York headquarters of the CFR, just as the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, etc. serve as the CFR Establishment’s "liberal" voice. The Journal editorial staff is loaded up with CFR members: Daniel Henninger, Robert S. Greenberger, George Melloan, Gerald Seib, Amity Shlaes and John Bussey, to name a few. Karen Elliott House, publisher of the Journal and president of its parent corporation, Dow Jones & Company, is also a CFR member. As is Dow Jones CEO Peter Kann. Dow Jones is a corporate member of the CFR. Editorial page editor Paul Gigot, a former CFR member, is a stalwart internationalist nonetheless and one of the most ardent promoters of open immigration.

One of Bartley’s early undertakings was to boost a group of ex-Trotskyite socialists (who were still internationalists and hadn’t even shed all of their socialist inclinations) as the new spokesmen of conservatism. Now known as neoconservatives, these intellectuals hold dominant sway in the Republican Party, the Federal Reserve and many of the Beltway think tanks and conservative organizations.

In his eulogy to Bartley in The Weekly Standard, Irving Kristol (CFR), the renowned "godfather of neoconservatism," noted the pivotal role that Bartley played in launching the neocon revolution. Kristol recalled that he was editor of a young and little-known magazine called The Public Interest when Bartley came to interview him in the late 1960s for the WSJ. "I was amazed," Kristol wrote, when Bartley said he was an avid reader of the magazine. The Journal’s promotional piece on Kristol and The Public Interest was a big help to the fledgling publication, but that was just the start of a much bigger assist. Bartley also gave Kristol a regular column in the Journal, which Kristol used to promote neoconservatism (internationalism) as a replacement for traditional nationalist, constitutionalist conservatism.

Mr. Kristol was not alone. The Journal began regularly to feature one-world scribblings from the CFR brain trust (besides those on its own staff), such as the January 1, 2000 op-ed entitled "A World Without a Country?" by Henry Grunwald (CFR). Accenting a favorite theme of Kenichi Ohmae, Grunwald predicted that the "nation-state will undergo sharp limitations of its sovereignty" and that "just as the old, petty principalities had to dissolve into the wider nation-state, the nation-state will have to dissolve into wider structures."

On May 1, 1998, Bartley turned over a large chunk of editorial space to David Rockefeller, former chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank and chairman emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission. The purpose of Mr. Rockefeller’s op-ed was an urgent appeal for support for the International Monetary Fund. Over the past six decades, the IMF has promoted socialism, waste, corruption, global inflation, national bankruptcy and a tidal wave of debt. Of course, the IMF also has been immensely profitable for politically connected banks and corporations, like Rockefeller’s, whose projects are funded by the IMF. And all in the name of "free market" economics. In his Journal op-ed, "Why We Need the IMF," Rockefeller argued: "In a globalized economy, everyone needs the IMF. Without the IMF, the world economy would not become an idealized fantasy of perfectly liquid, completely informed, totally unregulated capital markets." According to Rockefeller, "the IMF is the sovereign nations’ credit union," and U.S. taxpayers and the U.S. Congress should be willing to pump more billions of dollars into its tills.

The Regional Superstate

Along with the Council of the Americas (David Rockefeller, founder and honorary chairman), the Americas Society (David Rockefeller, chairman), the Forum of the Americas (David Rockefeller, founder), the Institute of International Economics (David Rockefeller, director and principal funder) and a number of similar organizations, the Bartley-CFR cabal at the Journal succeeded in selling the idea of regional economic and political convergence to the global business community, as a prelude to global convergence and global government under the UN. A principal part of their strategy in preparing the way for establishing the FTAA has been to convince the U.S. financial and business communities of the supposedly overwhelmingly positive attributes of the regional economic and political convergence occurring in the European Union.

In furtherance of this strategy, the Journal and its one-world confederates promoted economist Robert Mundell, the "father of the euro." When Mundell was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1999, the Journal could not help breaking forth in rhapsodic acclamation. "For a generation now these columns have preached economics from the gospel by Robert Mundell," the paper crowed in its lead editorial for October 14, 1999. The Journal praised Mundell as "the chief intellectual proponent of the euro" and the savant most responsible for winning acceptance of a common currency for Europe. The Journal then devoted nearly one-third of a page to reprinting a 1990 essay by Mundell advocating a world central bank, including this large blow-up quote: "We have a better opportunity to create a world central bank with a stable international currency than at any previous time in history."

This should have provided all the clues any careful reader would need to understand the globalist game plan. Mundell and the Journal were admitting that, in their vision, the European Central Bank (ECB) was just a steppingstone to a world central bank. The ECB is using its formidable powers to destroy the residual national sovereignty of the countries of the European Union and bring them under the control of one-world Eurocrats in Brussels. A world central bank would do the same thing, but on a global scale. And remember, the Journal says Mr. Mundell’s word is gospel. The end result of the Mundell-Journal vision would be a world economic cartel leading to world political control under the United Nations.

Seen in the light of the regionalist process described above, President Bush’s amnesty program and his proposals to increase our immigration quotas and temporary work visas take on additional frightening meaning. As harmful as they would be, in and of themselves, the truth is that these are merely part of a process that envisions still more radical schemes aimed ultimately at destroying our borders and merging the U.S. in a hemispheric region state. An article by Robert A. Pastor (CFR) in the January/February 2004 issue of Foreign Affairs shows where this process is headed. Mr. Pastor does not pretend to be a conservative; his left-wing bona fides are well known. He has long been associated with the Institute for Policy Studies, a think tank with close ties to the Soviet KGB and Castro’s DGI. His current Foreign Affairs essay, "North America’s Second Decade," calls for melding U.S. immigration and security policy with Canada and Mexico, in effect obliterating our borders. Pastor says that our security fears born of the 9-11 attacks should "serve as a catalyst for deeper integration. That would require new structures to assure mutual security, promote trade, and bring Mexico closer to the First World economies of its neighbors." This necessitates, he avers, "a redefinition of security that puts the United States, Mexico and Canada inside a continental perimeter."

"The European experience with integration has much to teach North American policymakers," he states. We must jettison our "outmoded conception of sovereignty," says Pastor. "Most important," says this left-wing Pratt House one-worlder, "the Department of Homeland Security should expand its mission to include continental security — a shift best achieved by incorporating Mexican and Canadian perspectives and personnel into its design and operation." That’s right, merge our new Bureau of Customs and Border Protection with Mexico’s military and law enforcement agencies, which are riddled with corrupt officials and paid agents of the drug cartels. That will surely enhance our homeland security against foreign terrorist groups!

Replay of EU Deception

The Bush administration is already headed in that direction, with much of the program outlined by Pastor faintly visible in the statements of Bush officials and the Special Conference on Hemispheric Security in Mexico last October, in which the U.S. participated. President Bush, along with Republican and Democrat leaders of Congress and the CFR choir in the major media, insist that these moves toward regional government constitute no threat to our national sovereignty. That is precisely what European politicians and their enablers told the peoples of Europe as the Common Market was morphing into the increasingly tyrannical superstate now known as the European Union.

Sir Peregrine Worsthorne has been one of the few prominent voices in Europe over the past few decades warning against the merger designs of the EU one-worlders. A regular columnist for London’s Sunday Telegraph, he protested in a 1991 column of the ongoing campaign of deception used by the EU advocates. "Twenty years ago, when the process began, there was no question of losing sovereignty," said Worsthorne. "That was a lie, or at any rate, a dishonest obfuscation."

However, it wasn’t until 2000 that documentation showing the depth of deception and the enormity of the lies by government officials began to seep out of sealed records. "What these papers revealed more starkly than ever before," says British journalist Christopher Booker, "was just how deliberately the Heath Government and the Foreign Office set out to conceal from the British people the Common Market’s true purpose. They were fully aware that it was intended to be merely the first step towards creating a politically united Europe, but they were determined to hide this away from view."

"For 40 years," says Booker, "British politicians have consistently tried to portray it [the Common Market and EU] to their fellow-citizens as little more than an economic arrangement: a kind of free-trading area primarily concerned with creating jobs and prosperity," dismissing and denying the charges by opponents that the emerging EU government unequivocally attacks national sovereignty.

There is no need for Americans to wait 40 years to find similar documentation of official lies and deception by the Clinton and Bush administrations concerning the FTAA plan to merge the Americas. By then it would be too late. We must not allow the neocons’ seductive siren song of "free trade" and "free markets" to dull our senses to the reality of their socialist-internationalist trap, which, when sprung, would kill nationhood as well as free trade and free markets. We already know everything we need to know to oppose this treasonous scheme with all legal and honorable means at our disposal.


Neocons to the Rescue! by William F. Jasper

Anticipating a hostile reaction to the Bush proposals from the conservatives who elected him, the Wall Street Journal and its internationalist allies moved quickly to shore up support and neutralize opposition.

Anticipating a hostile reaction to the Bush proposals from the conservative Republicans and Democrats who elected him, the Wall Street Journal and its internationalist allies moved quickly to shore up support and neutralize opposition. A January 12 Journal column by Tamar Jacoby (CFR) declared: "The Bush immigration plan is Reaganesque in its optimism." "What could be more conservative," asked Jacoby, "than encouraging the American dream, rewarding work, restoring the rule of law and enhancing our security?" Too bad the Bush plan does none of these.

Former Congressman and HUD Secretary Jack Kemp, one of the prized protégés of the Bartley-Kristol school of globalism and open borders, charged out of the starting gate on January 12 with a syndicated column entitled "Race to the Border." Kemp began his piece with a typical leftist ploy of labeling opponents of unlimited immigration as "xenophobes." The Bush plan, says Kemp, is "an excellent beginning" that "seeks to blend salutary economic policy with sound national security." The president should be commended for "bold leadership" on the issue, but he doesn’t go far enough, Kemp declares. He would like to see a detailed plan for speeding the border jumpers to full citizenship.

Kemp then invoked the supposed benediction of George Washington upon open borders, by quoting this most venerated Founding Father, to wit: "I had always hoped that this land might become a safe and agreeable asylum to the virtuous and persecuted part of mankind, to whatever nation they might belong." Kemp knows that is another deception. The key word here is "virtuous," indicating selectivity. Neither Washington nor any of the other founding patriots would have countenanced the total eradication of our borders as proposed under the Bush plan and the FTAA. "My opinion with respect to immigration," said Washington, "is that, except for mechanics and particular description of men and professions, there is no use in its encouragement." Alexander Hamilton stated: "The influx of foreigners must, therefore, tend to produce a heterogeneous compound; to change and corrupt the national spirit; to complicate and confound public opinion; to introduce foreign propensities. In the composition of society, the harmony of ingredients is all-important, and whatever tends to a discordant intermixture must have an injurious tendency." Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and other Founders expressed similar sentiments.

No, Kemp’s co-opting of George Washington is as disingenuous as his regular use of free market rhetoric to justify more New Deal/Big Government programs. His primary vehicle for spreading the neoconservative, one-world gospel is Empower America (EA), a Pratt House front for neocon Republicans. One of his co-directors at EA is his longtime boon companion William J. Bennett. Back in 1994, Kemp and Bennett teamed up with the leftists of the radical Hispanic lobby to campaign against California’s Proposition 187, a responsible initiative to deny welfare benefits to illegal aliens. Kemp and Bennett characterized Proposition 187 backers as bigots, racists and xenophobes. Californians passed Proposition 187 anyway. The other three co-directors at EA are William S. Cohen, Vin Weber and Jeanne Kirkpatrick — CFR members and internationalists all, not patriots in the mold of George Washington.

TOPICS: Mexico; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: akissingerplot; aliens; amishstdofliving; amnesty; autopiancrank; aztlan; bewarefalseprophets; bitterblacksmith; blamethemasons; blamethexenophobes; buchananlost; buildaburgers; buildawall; buyspam; centralbank; cfr; dualloyalties; enemyatthegates; european; europeanunion; ftaa; glassdrunkbyaliens; glasshalfempty; globalism; harmonization; homelandinsecurity; homelandsecurity; illigration; imacrank; imanutball; interdependence; invadeusplease; invasion; inyourdreams; ips; johnbirchsociety; meximerica; monterrey; morebsfromjbs; nafta; nationstate; oas; openborders; protectionistutopian; robertapastor; robertbartley; rockefellerrepublic; skullandcrossbones; trade; undocumented; ussovereignty; williamjenningsbryan; workers; wto
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To: KC_for_Freedom
His experience in Texas seems to have convinced him that he can increase the number of hispanic votes in his election with this approach.

That is high condemnation not a statement in Bush's defence.

I happen to agree. In the short run, Bush is out for votes, whereever he can get them. His judgment is, I guess, that he will gain more Hispanic and Indy votes than he will lose in the conservative base. After all, it's clear he takes the base for granted. Show a bit of backbone on a hot button issue or two, then be pro-global on the issues that really matter.

In the long run, he does seem, like his daddy, to favor the one-world, open-borders philosophy. Please spare me the "You'll elect Kerry!" bleating. Kerry can't pass FTAA. Bush thinks he can.

***an ex-Republican base voter***

81 posted on 02/28/2004 2:20:51 PM PST by citizen (Write-in Tom Tancredo President 2004!)
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To: Tailgunner Joe
Did you read the link? What is your real reason for a knee jerk reaction to being against more States in the Union?
-- Would you object to Canadian States joining us?

You are the one who wants to talk about some fantastic scheme for Mexican statehood

Joe, discussing solutions to problems rather than ranting about them is what FR is all about.

rather than the destruction of our sovereignty by the FTAA and OAS. If you want more states in the Union why don't you start with Puerto Rico? Oh yeah, because THEY DON'T WANT TO BE A STATE!

Maybe we should make them a offer they can't refuse?

Guess what? NEITHER DOES MEXICO! They want to leech of our system without having to contribute to it. It won't hurt their "pride" either because us yanquis stole all this land from them to begin with! It's only just that the ill-gotten gains of the racist American empire be redistributed to their rightful owners: THE BRONZE NATION OF AZTLAN!

Rant on joe baby.. Your name is well chosen.

82 posted on 02/28/2004 2:27:10 PM PST by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
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To: citizen
That is high condemnation not a statement in Bush's defence.

You are perceptive, on this issue, Bush sucks, unless there is something going on that I don't see, like First we get their names and bio data, next we make sure they don't vote in our elections. Then we close the border for real. Finally we deport them at a rate that does not seem mean or uncompasionate. But I do not think this is what is going on.

I do take exception to voting for Tom, even though he is spot on in this issue. I think we need to have Bush, we need republican judges, we need Tom in Congress where he is, and we need to raise the level of discussion until Bush (not Kerry) comes around. You will never get Tom, and you will also not find Kerry sympathetic on this issue, or any other conservative issue we could name.

83 posted on 02/28/2004 2:36:02 PM PST by KC_for_Freedom (Sailing the highways of America, and loving it.)
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To: KC_for_Freedom; Travis McGee; citizen
"Well, we need to become discriminatory again. And soon."

That, I do not think is going to happen. Our children have been taught to be pc and the newspapers spout that nonsense daily, the TV hourly.

Folks talk about civil revolution once in a while. I doubt that will happen either because just the idea of stepping up to the line is much more than most combat veterans want and the rest of the country just doesn't have the balls.

Probably the best chance for a violent overthrow would be if the women said to do it. That's when Washington would know they might just as well vacate the buildings because it would go on until we won the freedom to put true Americans in their chairs.

84 posted on 02/28/2004 2:46:59 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: KC_for_Freedom
First we get their names and bio data, next we make sure they don't vote in our elections. Then we close the border for real. Finally we deport them at a rate that does not seem mean or uncompasionate. But I do not think this is what is going on.

I don't think so either. I think the predilection most politicians have for thinking only in the present as to how a given position will affect reelection is getting to be critical for the survival of the Republic.

WRT protest voting for Tancredo or not, I don't expect to get any more meaningful positions of policy from Bush as to what he will do RE immigration, offshoring, free trade issues between now and November. I'll get feel-good statements, wanna-be positions, etc. After all Bush is a politician.

So Tom probably will get my vote. Perhaps I will vote Bush if it looks close in my state.

85 posted on 02/28/2004 3:09:00 PM PST by citizen (Write-in Tom Tancredo President 2004!)
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To: B4Ranch
Are you trying start a war between us?

You know better than that!

So, my friend, who are we voting for in 04? BTW Hubby is not telling me either.

86 posted on 02/28/2004 3:18:30 PM PST by Jackie222
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To: Jackie222
As the day draws nearer I'm sure you and I will discuss this subject in depth. No reason to get nervous about it yet.
87 posted on 02/28/2004 3:23:36 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: Travis McGee
Who'd you have in mind?
88 posted on 02/28/2004 3:25:33 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: B4Ranch
OK OK.......I'll back off for the moment. I wonder if FR will stand up under the test.
89 posted on 02/28/2004 3:28:08 PM PST by Jackie222
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To: B4Ranch
The nation state is currently being buried by the Internet.
90 posted on 02/28/2004 3:29:34 PM PST by FoxPro
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To: tpaine
We believe that such a greater Union would be in the very best interest of all people of good will, but the initiative for such a grand marriage of lands and peoples must come from private persons, because the public leaders of both countries are unlikely to propose such a merger for fear of angering nationalists in Mexico on the one hand or isolationists, racists, and cultural chauvinists in the United States on the other.

Gee, I guess we don't get the courtesy of being called nationalists like the Mexicans. I guess "patriots" would be out of the question then?

But borders don't protect cultures, and cultures don't ossify. They change or vanish.

Says who? Sounds like multiculturaleftist crap to me.

Historically, Mexico is far older and more distinguished than the United States.

Gee, maybe we should be the ones applying for Mexican statehood then.

Poor Mexicans are supposed to suffer so that their ruling class can keep itself aloof from domination by U.S. demand? We don't think so.

So you are encouraging the poor Mexican to rise up and overthrow their rich masters? Workers of the World Unite!

Americans do aspire to cultural unity, but we recognize that our culture is diverse, so what we seek is the paradoxical "unity with diversity."

I believe the saying goes "From many, one." This multiculraleftism is the exact opposite.

Nothing the United States did to Mexico accounts for Mexico's miserable performance as a nation, nor the misery of the bulk of its people.

Yes, and nothing we do is going to fix their problems for them. they'll have to do that themselves.

Mexico's own culture of elitism (in both its Spanish and Amerind precursors), racism, oligarchy, plutocracy, and sexism, plus a national tendency to scapegoat the United States for everything that is wrong with Mexico, is to blame for Mexico's misery.

Does this guy teach class, race and gender studies or something? Does anyone but socialists use the word plutocracy?

An email might go to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People pointing out that Mexicans too have been victims of racial discrimination and know the sting of prejudice, so would be sure to ally themselves with the aspirations of blacks and other minorities in the U.S., adding the strength of 95 million new Mexican citizens to that of 28 million Chicanos, 33 million blacks, and 2.8 million mainland Puerto Ricans in a new coalition devoted to economic as well as political justice for all citizens regardless of color or ancestral language. And so on.

Uh, yeah, great. Hurray for economic and social justice.

91 posted on 02/28/2004 3:33:35 PM PST by Tailgunner Joe
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To: FoxPro; Jackie222
The nation state is currently being buried informed by the Internet. Having to live with the censorship of mass media is what has numbed most folks. Some beyond repair.
92 posted on 02/28/2004 3:45:21 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: B4Ranch
I doubt this will be a very popular thread tonight.
93 posted on 02/28/2004 3:47:43 PM PST by swampfox98 (Beyond 2004 - Chaos! 200 million illegals waiting in the wings)
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To: tpaine
IMO Joes is right, you however seem to be out in leftist field.
94 posted on 02/28/2004 4:01:28 PM PST by Joe Hadenuf (I failed anger management class, they decided to give me a passing grade anyway)
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To: B4Ranch
Annexing Mexico wouldn't work because they wouldn't merge seamlessly with us. Their culture is the opposite of fact, they intend to annex most of the US and impose their culture or lack of same on us. They are outbreeding us, too, and speak Spanish and don't plan to learn English anytime soon. Worse of all, they won't adopt anything remotely resembling the Protestant work ethic.
95 posted on 02/28/2004 4:05:07 PM PST by hershey
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To: B4Ranch
96 posted on 02/28/2004 4:20:40 PM PST by Pelham
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To: swampfox98
As long as folks think for a bit about our country then it'll serve its purpose.
97 posted on 02/28/2004 4:33:13 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: hershey; KC_for_Freedom
Annexing Mexico isn't my proposition. Thats's the last choice I'd offer up. KC_for_Freedom is the one with that idea.
98 posted on 02/28/2004 4:36:35 PM PST by B4Ranch (Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.--Eleanor Roosevelt)
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To: Joe Hadenuf
If you want to actually discuss the issue, feel free to counter my posted words. Your bleatings on 'leftist fields' are meaningless BS.
99 posted on 02/28/2004 4:37:37 PM PST by tpaine (I'm trying to be 'Mr Nice Guy', but the U.S. Constitution defines conservatism; - not the GOP. .)
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To: B4Ranch
As long as folks think for a bit about our country then it'll serve its purpose.

Your article tells the reason we have been and will continue to be flooded with illegals. Most people don't want to discuss the truth. It's too horrible to contemplate. But I applaud you.

100 posted on 02/28/2004 4:49:04 PM PST by swampfox98 (Beyond 2004 - Chaos! 200 million illegals waiting in the wings)
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