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Reading, Writing, and ... Homosexuality?
TownHall ^
| Feb. 21, 2004
| Doug Giles
Posted on 02/21/2004 10:43:16 AM PST by DemWatch
Gone are the Norman Rockwell days of sending young Scooter off to school with his satchel slung over his shoulder, PBJ sandwich in his Superman lunch box and a wide-eyed expectancy of learning, the kind that makes individuals and nations great.
With regard to the safe and trusted haven that was the public school, the fat lady has officially sung. Not only did Big Mama sing a while back, shes been in the grave decomposing for a solid 40 years. I hate to sound like a freaked out parent, but I AM A FREAKED OUT PARENT! -- and Im seriously concerned about what is going on inside our public school systems, natoinwide.
I send my daughters off to school Monday through Friday to become alpha females in reading, writing and arithmetic. I want my kids to get a classic, quality education based on the historical and cultural tenets that have made us the greatest nation on the planet, and for them to get a stranglehold on the essential sciences.
We should also be able to expect their teachers not to undercut the moral authority that we parents have over our children, regarding right and wrong, particularly as it relates to sexual intercourse and homosexuality.
Public school teachers and administrators: if you mess with my kids heads while theyre in your classroom or at your school, respecting what I feel is not only wrong but also foul and offensive as well as spiritually, socially, mentally and physically unhealthy -- youre going to meet with at least one angry Dad.
And now Im an officially ticked off father, as just the other day without warning and without notice both my daughters were exposed to Its Okay to Be Gay propaganda presented by high school students to their classmates, including my daughters, with the approval of their high school and middle school teachers.
Its bad enough my girls have to see and hear things from fellow students that single sailors on leave in Borneo dont see and hear, but now they get an overt inoculation regarding homosexuality sanctioned by their teachers and paid for by MY tax dollars.
Teachers and kids cant talk about Jesus Christ, Moses or Biblical ethics -- at least not in a positive, plausible sense -- in the classroom. But its just fine to talk about Timmy and Tommy, the Testicle Twins? About Daddys male roommate? About anal sex and oral sex between teenagers of the same sex? What in the world is going on?
Parents, the innocence you work your butts off trying to provide your kids is being eroded, undermined or at the very least under-valued within the NEW public school systems.
The pro-gay propaganda and politically correct thought-control spawned by a few, a VERY FEW liberal deconstructionists ought to be radically and unendingly challenged by the 95-plus percent of Americans who think homosexuality is wrong. Parents, teachers and students with beliefs fundamentally different from those of the homosexual proselytizers invading OUR public school system, should make a loud noise about our dissenting views.
Were the majority and the last time I checked, the majority still rules in the USA.
My ClashPoint is this: concerned parent, if -- IF -- your child is going to stay in public school, then it is your duty as a parent to know what is going on in his or her school, especially regarding such a serious issue as homosexuality. Or any school, for that matter. Its this simple: you and I must be involved in our kids educational process.
Its our job to meet their principals, teachers and counselors to tell them our beliefs and values; to view our kids courses and curricula; to attend every sport, play or project our children participate in. And we must teach them to listen carefully and to challenge constantly those things that reason, nature and history state are injurious.
The homosexual agenda is infecting and affecting our schools. Remember: they are OUR schools; we MUST protect and strengthen them. There is much we can do, and we CAN succeed in stopping gay recruitment -- but we cant do it by burying our heads in the sand.
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial
KEYWORDS: curriculum; education; gay; gayagenda; gayintoleristas; genderneutralagenda; govenmentschools; governmentskrools; homosexualagenda; homosexuality; indoctrination; lavendermafia; leftsagenda; prisoners; publicschools; recruiting; recruitingchildren; romans1
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posted on
02/21/2004 10:43:17 AM PST
To: DemWatch
I think it is an infringement on religious freedom for public schools to indoctrinate children on liberal religious and moral views on sexual activity, including homosexual activity. People have a right to hold traditional views on sexual morality.
To: xsmommy
-here is another really angry parent from a public school. He has a national column to spout off in!
posted on
02/21/2004 10:53:41 AM PST
To: Texan5
-you should see this as well.
posted on
02/21/2004 10:54:21 AM PST
To: DemWatch
"There is much we can do, and we CAN succeed in stopping gay recruitment -"
What can we do? When the law allows them to break the law, what can we do?
I would gladly do it if I knew what it was.
They are now a strong and militant group who are threatening and verbally abusing anyone who gets in their way.
I have joined every single group that has been posted on this forum and signed the petitions including the one to the president. What more can we do?
posted on
02/21/2004 10:55:43 AM PST
To: DemWatch
The purpose of the modern government school is not education, but rather is indoctrination and socialization.
Children are taught to be pliant, cowed and credulous - of anyone (no matter how ignorant or incompetent) in authority, of bullies and their peers.
Students in government schools are there in order to learn a new ethic and unlearn anything taught at home or in church or synagogue. That goes back to the foundations of 'public education' with Horace Mann and J. Dewey.
There is no neutrality in this life and government schools have never been and never will be 'neutral.' In teaching you must of necessity teach out of certain epistemological presuppositions and absolute or ultimate commitments - the teacher will communicate a world & life view no matter how irrational or inane.
Best thing to do if you don't like the tripe in government schools - rather than send your children there to be brainwashed - educate them at a private school, a homeschool co-op or homeschool yourself. Otherwise, you are deliberately turning over your child to be molded and taught by unaccountable educrats.
posted on
02/21/2004 10:57:49 AM PST
To: DemWatch
One word Doug: Homeschool.
posted on
02/21/2004 10:58:26 AM PST
Bob Mc
To: little jeremiah
Queers and Fagots ping alert.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:02:11 AM PST
(Ta-ray-za now gets to execute her "maiming of choice." I'm hoping for eye gouging, how 'bout you?)
To: PresbyRev
The point of Government Schools has always been
"indoctrination and socialization." The indoctrination just used to be more benign.
It is now important that a majority of the citizenry realize that the end of universal education does not require the means government schools.
Everyone agrees on the end. We need to focus the debate on the means and not let the demagogues control the debate.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:10:30 AM PST
To: DemWatch
I hate to generalize about teachers but why do they knuckle under to these kicked-in-the-head descontructionist ideas? Who thinks up these stupid ideas in the first place? Does no one have the sense to refuse to implement this garbage? Does anyone remember the disastrous "new math"? These obviously destructive curricula are signed on by administrators and implemeted in the schools without the slightest evidence that these things are anything but destructive.
Teachers as a class must be dumb as rocks. Or gutless wonders who will pass on any filth to out children just to keep their crummy jobs.
I guess I'm being too harsh. How many parents have the guts to say no to the Ritalin pushers, give up a few personal luxuries and put their kids in private school? A few thousand parents demanding the dismissal of these educrats would work wonders I bet.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:13:26 AM PST
(If you agree with the French raise your hand... if you are French raise both hands.)
To: tioga
Oh, my God-this garbage has got to stop.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:18:32 AM PST
(You've got to saddle up your boys, you've got to draw a hard line..)
To: DemWatch
Were the majority and the last time I checked, the majority still rules in the USA.Boy, don't say'll invite some sarcastic, angry Democrats to bring up the 2000 election again.
Btw, majority is certainly not always the best way to go.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:18:48 AM PST
(Like painted kites, those days and nights, they went flyin' by)
To: PresbyRev; DemWatch; Unam Sanctam; trek; stopem
This something I posted yesterday on another thread:
Two liberals I know from New York came to visit me recently...they asked me if I thought "gay marriage" would be accepted in America...I said most Americans do not agree with gay marriage(mirage)....The liberals said the reason most of middle America don't agree with it is because they are just plain stupid,ignorant and narrow-minded...They said that American children have been brainwashed by their parents.... I said it is not that they are stupid...they have a moral conviction that it is wrong...they said that most Americans are dumb and need to be reeducated...I said how to you propose to do this. They said it is already being done in the public schools.
To: Seruzawa
I have two beautiful little granddaughters ages 6 and 3. I have already told my son and daughter-in-law that I will make sure (financially) these kids continue to be enrolled in Christian school, just as they are now.
The public school system will be the major cause for the destruction of this country if it is not changed.
To: stopem
What more can we do? Water the roots of the tree of liberty.
To: DemWatch
We just took our 6 year old niece to Disney World. While in Epcot, I made sure to take her into the American pavilion so she could watch the "American Experience" show.
Throughout the show, I kept leaning over and explaining who everyone was...
"That's George Washington, the father of our country. He led our troops in the Revolutionary War."
"That's Thomas Jefferson, the man who is credited with largely writing our Constitution."
"That's Abraham Lincoln, leader of our country during the Civil War."
You get the idea.
Wouldn't you know... of ALL the people that she saw in the show, there was only ONE for whom she pointed at the screen and exclaimed, "I know who that is!"
Martin Luther King.
I was a little taken aback since this was late into the show and she hadn't known a single historical figure up to this point. Furthermore, MLK only flashed across the screen briefly, during a montage, yet she still picked him out readily.
So I asked her what MLK was known for.
(rough paraphrase, by memory) "He had a dream and he wanted everyone to be free including the 'afra-mericans' and then he got shot 'cause some bad person killed him."
OK... six years old. She can't even get the days of the week correct yet (don't blame me, she's my niece! (though we worked on that!)) but she can rattle off a mini-bio for MLK. She didn't even know any of the names of the other historical figures. Great.
Public education priorities. Gotta love 'em.
(I think MY kids will be home-schooled... when I have 'em, heh.)
posted on
02/21/2004 11:36:21 AM PST
To: Lady Eileen
Your friend would appear to be correct. The radical gay left is definitely in control of public school curricula and Bush is doing nothing about it except increasing Federal support for the poison.
Patsy Schroeder (remember her?) is the top dog in the organization responsible for the textbooks used in schools around the country. How does that make you feel about the kind of education our kids are getting in the government schools.
posted on
02/21/2004 11:37:17 AM PST
To: DemWatch
Separation of School and State BUMP!
posted on
02/21/2004 11:45:42 AM PST
(John Kerry, self proclaimed war criminal, Democratic Presidential nominee)
To: Lady Eileen
Don't forget the private schools. They're just as bad when it comes to educating kids about homosexuality. I'm surprised that the propaganda I got didn't persuade me but rather strengthened my conservatism. I guess being a conservative was my teenage rebellion. But not all kids react this way. On my college campus, I'm shocked that even conservatives (and Christians too!) from red states react to the whole gay marriage debate with a shrug and a "I don't see what could be wrong with it. We shouldn't be mean." Schools and popular culture has already screwed over my generation on this issue....
To: the right side jedi
But presumably one has a choice in whether or where to send kids to private schools. Public schools should be neutral on such a controversial topic.
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