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NC ALERT: Leftist "anti-war" rally in Fayetteville planned for March 20, 2004
NC Peace Hub ^
Posted on 02/14/2004 10:41:05 AM PST by tgslTakoma
It seems that the usual suspects (United for Peace and Justice, International ANSWER, National Lawyers Guild, International Socialists, Muslim American Society, etc.) have had some difficulty amassing the requisite number of sheep to do another "Mass March on Washington," so they are instead planning multiple smaller events across the country on March 20th.
Heads-up North Carolina FReepers - they are coming to Fayetteville, NC.
From NCPeaceHub's website, here is their announcement:
Fayetteville, North Carolina- 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Local: National:
One year ago on February 15th, 2003, millions of people took to the streets to say no to the impending war on Iraq. On March 20th, 2004, the one year anniversary of the U.S. Invasion of Iraq, people from around North Carolina and the South will march and rally in Fayetteville to demand Real Support for the Troops: Money for Jobs and Education, not War and Occupation. Sponsored by Military Families Speak Out, Veterans for Peace, United for Peace and Justice and over 100 local peace & justice organizations, the March and rally on March 20th in Fayetteville is part of a global day of action to say: The World Still Says No to War. Organizers are seeking endorsements, donations, peacekeepers and other volunteers. Durham and Chapel Hill bus tickets are available from the Regulator Books, the Know Bookstore, and Internationalist Books. More information is available on the web at
TOPICS: Activism/Chapters; Announcements; US: North Carolina; US: South Carolina; US: Virginia
KEYWORDS: anniversary; answer; calismakingsigns; communistagenda; fayetteville; freep; northcarolina; oldnorthstate; roadtripfromdc; socialistagenda; unhelpful
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I have to believe, from the latest happenings and announcements on the ANSWER and other leftist sites, that smoke and mirrors are no longer effective, and that ANSWER is spinning its wheels and trying to dig out of its malaise.
If ANSWER thought they could still spin that they had a broad base of support, and that they could get large numbers of people to DC, they would not have changed plans so close to the date of the "mass rally" in DC. I think they know that their numbers would be small, and news coverage of their recent forays has been less glowing than in the beginning. So now ANSWER and their lefty buddies are going for local coverage, to try and recover their base.
March 20th can be the "stick a fork in it" day for the radical left's assault on the US, if the regular folk (that's us, kiddos) stage our own local counterdemonstrations to theirs. I know that time is very short, but I know that there are tons of right-thinking people in NC, especially Fayetteville, who can wave flags and signs and set the record straight about the red roots of the "peace movement."
Oh heck, maybe it isn't necessary. Maybe only 100 lefties will show up. But do you all want those 100 lefties to have the undivided attention of the local news crews?
If I still lived in NC, I know where I'd be on March 20th.
To: Constitution Day
Bump from an ex Nash County Tarheel.
posted on
02/14/2004 10:42:30 AM PST
(Why call it ANSWER? It's Workers World Party! Coming back to DC on March 20, 2004)
To: Constitution Day
Sic 'em! <|:)~
posted on
02/14/2004 10:42:41 AM PST
(Why DO they call it "North Kakkylakky"?)
To: tgslTakoma
If I was A.N.S.W.E.R., I'd be keerful. They don't call it "Fatal-ville" fer nuthin'. 505th PIR bump!
posted on
02/14/2004 10:46:03 AM PST
(Where are we going? And what's with this handbasket???)
To: tgslTakoma; Jim Robinson; JustAmy; Saundra Duffy; DoughtyOne; ALOHA RONNIE; Republic; basil; ...
The latest email news from ANSWER has a paragraph listing locations where they are trying to get local rallies organized for March 20, 2004.
In addition to the major regional demonstrations taking place in New York City, San Francisco, Chicago and Los Angeles, momentum is growing across the country and around the world to make March 20 a massive day of global action. Cities organizing local protests include: Atlanta, Georgia; Augusta, Maine; Bellingham, Washington; Charlotte, North Carolina; Columbus, Ohio; Crawford, Texas; Dallas, Texas; Denver, Colorado; Des Moines, Iowa; Eureka, California; Fort Wayne, Indiana; Fresno, California; Lansing, Michigan; Lincoln, Nebraska; Mobile, Alabama; Naples, Florida; New Bedford, Massachusetts; New Orleans, Louisiana; Oxford, Michigan; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Portland, Oregon; Riverside, California; Rockford, Illinois; San Diego, California; San Jose, California; Santa Fe, New Mexico; Seattle, Washington; Tallahassee, Florida; Tucson, Arizona; Ventura, California; Waterloo, Iowa; Yellow Springs, Ohio; and many more!
There is also a note next to Washington, DC which indicates that they will be loading buses in DC to travel to the New York City event -- we are checking to see if this means they are giving up on anything big in DC this time.
posted on
02/14/2004 12:55:24 PM PST
(FReepers are Everywhere! We Support Our Troops! (Hillary's Vast Rt Wg Conspiracy))
To: tgslTakoma
Is there a NC chapter of Protest Warrior? If ever there were a few idiots that needed to be shouted down -- especially those from that communist International bookstore in Chapel Hill...
posted on
02/14/2004 7:09:53 PM PST
(But everywhere I go, I see you...)
To: MikeD
mmm interesting, seems to me that there was a group of socialists and communists that got together in North Carolina back in the late seventies or early eighties.
Comment #8 Removed by Moderator
To: tgslTakoma; *Old_North_State; **North_Carolina; Constitution Day; mykdsmom; TaxRelief; 100%FEDUP; ..
NC Ping* 
Let me, MYkdsmom or Constitution Day know if you want on or off the NCPing list or if you think you've been accidentally dropped or ....
posted on
02/15/2004 11:18:12 AM PST
(What are you doing Nov. 2nd? Take a vacation day and come watch the polls!)
To: tgslTakoma
I don't think they'll get too much sympathy or support here in Fayetteville. Not with all the yellow ribbons, flags, etc I see around.
To: Snickersnee
I second the 505th PIR bump!
To: tgslTakoma; Constitution Day
Shows you how out of touch with reality these jerks are, Fayetteville for an anti-war rally.
have car, will travel
Guess they couldn't wait for May Day.
posted on
02/15/2004 2:49:38 PM PST
To: rangerwife
Anti-war protests in Fayetteville, home of Ft. Bragg and the 82nd Airborne? ROFL!!
Oh, they'll protest, but you'll have to look pretty hard to find them.
posted on
02/15/2004 2:52:44 PM PST
("Black holes are where God divided by zero.")
To: wimpycat
They will be bussing the protestors in.
posted on
02/15/2004 4:24:14 PM PST
(What are you doing Nov. 2nd? Take a vacation day and come watch the polls!)
To: rangerwife; Constitution Day
From the looks of ANSWER's website, they have pulled out of marching en masse in DC on March 20th. I'm seriously thinking about a road trip, and bringing my MOABs with me.
Anyone in NC organizing a "greeting party" for these yahoos?
posted on
02/15/2004 4:49:24 PM PST
(Why call it ANSWER? It's Workers World Party! Coming back to DC on March 20, 2004)
To: tgslTakoma
I'll be there. It will give me something to look forward to and get out of the house as hubby is leaving very soon for a while.
To: rangerwife
You have freepmail!
posted on
02/15/2004 7:23:13 PM PST
(Why call it ANSWER? It's Workers World Party! Coming back to DC on March 20, 2004)
To: tgslTakoma; rangerwife; Vinnie; TaxRelief; wimpycat
Let's get a group together to FReep these losers!
Also, I still have an e-mail list from our Rally For America in Raleigh last March.
To: Constitution Day
I can put out something through the Republican Party, if we bill this as a "Support the Troops Rally" to attract general participation. Just a thought.
We could possibly tentatively reserve a bus from each major city then sell seats.
posted on
02/16/2004 12:31:15 PM PST
(What are you doing Nov. 2nd? Take a vacation day and come watch the polls!)
To: tgslTakoma
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