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To: ExSoldier
There are certain times where proper action becomes critical and to not act ensures great misery and defeat. That was what we faced after 9/11. It required great leadership and that was what Bush provided.

You are correct that most times there is not a need to act with great urgency but we are not in those times now.

Taking the war to the enemy has made us safer and that is the indispensible leadership Bush supplied and why he must be retained for the good of the country. Those special ops and intel forces are useless unless they are employed and evidence indicates that Kerry would fall back on the Clinton policy of non-response to our enemies.

Surely you are aware that Kerry voted AGAINST providing the funds for our forces in Iraq after voting to allow them to go in. You would really risk elevating such leadership to the Oval office? There would be NO rebuilding under such a leader but further undermining of our Intel capacities and military ones as well.

Capable leaders are not necessarily electable as President or even Congress. Jeb Bush would do very little different than his brother. He has been attacked by the uncompromising purists as well on various fronts.
494 posted on 02/11/2004 9:56:16 AM PST by justshutupandtakeit (America's Enemies foreign and domestic agree: Bush must be destroyed.)
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To: justshutupandtakeit
"Jeb Bush would do very little different than his brother. "

You're DEAD wrong on that one pal. Jeb is FAR more conservative than his brother. How do I know? He's a personal family friend of the first name kind. I've known him from long before he was the Governor.

I will vote my conscience as I always do. I am sick and tired of the spending, gun control prattle and pandering to the left. I'm REALLY sick of the immigration debacle that has gone on for DECADES, but which this President has only worsened in his pandering. I'm beginning to wonder if the leaf doesn't fall far from the tree of his CFR/Globalist/UN loving daddy. Bush 41 was almost as damaging to the country as Clinton. And don't get me wrong, as of right now, I'm still voting for GWB in Nov. Holding my nose, but voting. So far. But if he signs or pushes the AWB even as a rider to critical legislation. It's over.

And you know what? Maybe this country needs a smack across the chops again by having the country slide near the edge or beyond under a RAT administration. The RATS are stupid enough to do something really foolish which can still be stopped before it really get's moving, yet the attempt itself, as seen by MR and Mrs "Average American," might be enough to finish them off for all time. They really are verging on the ragged edge of oblivion. Bush would have pushed them off that ledge a long time ago, except for his own blunders to the left. My tinfoil hat just heats up and the little propeller spins like mad when I think and wonder if these really are "blunders" or some sort of plan orchestrated by "Daddy" to advance a NWO agenda. Yeah, I know that Bush 43 PI$$ED off the UN in several major ways this term, but there might be a long term backlash that is very beneficial to that organization.

568 posted on 02/11/2004 12:53:49 PM PST by ExSoldier (When the going gets tough, the tough go cyclic.)
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