Posted on 02/03/2004 3:29:59 PM PST by OXENinFLA
Following the recent death of Muslim Brotherhood movement leader Mamoun Al-Hudhaybi, Muhammad Mahdi Othman 'Akef was appointed as his successor. He has since given a number of interviews to the Arab media. The following are excerpts from the interviews:
Martyrdom Operations are a Religious Obligation in Palestine and Iraq
In an interview with the Egyptian pro-Nasserite weekly Al-Arabi, 'Akef spoke about suicide bombing operations: "The Muslim Brotherhood movement condemns all bombings in the independent Arab and Muslim countries. But the bombings in Palestine and Iraq are a [religious] obligation. This is because these two countries are occupied countries, and the occupier must be expelled in every way possible. Thus, the [Muslim Brotherhood] movement supports martyrdom operations in Palestine and Iraq in order to expel the Zionists and the Americans." [1]
America is 'Satan' and Will Soon Collapse In response to a question by the Egyptian weekly Al-Arabi on "relations with the U.S," 'Akef said: "We have no relations with the U.S. It is a Satan that abuses the region, lacking all morality and law." 'Akef also denied any "secret dialogue between the Americans and the [Muslim] Brotherhood," saying that this is "an unfounded lie." [7]
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Q: Isn't it Haram (forbiden) to be a part in elections in a non-islamic state?
The evidence from the salaf that we follow is what the scholars used to do before, when they used to go to the leaders of their time (note: many of these leaders was worse than many nowaday rulers !), they go to make naseeha (advice) and forbid them from evil. The Ikhwan's objective from the parliament is to try to forbid evil as much as they can. You may say: "But this is a non-Islamic regime", and that is true that the regime there is NOT A TRUE Islamic regime, but the point is: Is it a "kaffir" regime in order not to forbid getting involved in any of its systems ? The answer is that those guies ruling a country like Egypt are not "kaffirs" but they are "sinners", and we (as a group) are not judges on the Iman of people as long as they declair Islam, but rather invitors to the way of Allah (s) [Refer to the book "Du3ah la Qudah" (Invitors and not Judges) by Os.\ Hassan Al-Hodeibi, the ex-leader of Al-Ikhwan].
And then, does the elections mean a confess that the current law is correct from the Islamic point of view and that it is now the constitution of Al-Ikhwan???? Absolutely not. Al-Ikhwan said that: "We are a part of that society, and so we are doing what is within our capability to change un-Islamic laws in all aspects of life for the good of this society". Moreover, professional or social organizations is a completely different story. These organizations are not applying non-Islamic laws !! nor their leaders are governing with the laws of Islamic Shari'a. The situation here is, also, different. Even if there are some rules in their by-laws which are Haram, they can be easily changed according to the elected board.
I truly FEAR that Islam is on a parallell to what McCarthy exposed!
LOL! ;-)
But this isn't a religious war right?
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