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To: Frank_Discussion
Oh, MAN! Right when I gotta get to bed!
2 posted on
01/28/2004 8:07:08 AM PST by
(<a href="" target="_blank">miserable failure)
To: Frank_Discussion
To: Frank_Discussion
C-SpanBookmark this and then you can open it from your bookmark and also have FreeRepublic open at the same time.
6 posted on
01/28/2004 8:10:13 AM PST by
(This little tag just keeps following me where ever I go.)
To: Frank_Discussion
Sen. Warner speaking to Kay now
To: Frank_Discussion
8 posted on
01/28/2004 8:10:44 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion; StriperSniper; Mo1; Peach; Howlin; kimmie7; 4integrity; BigSkyFreeper; ...
BUMP Thanks for this thread.
To: Frank_Discussion
To: JohnGalt
Well, I am tuning in here at work.
23 posted on
01/28/2004 8:16:11 AM PST by
(Was that offensive? I hope that wasn't offensive.)
To: Frank_Discussion
Does anyone know if this clown Levin voted for the war in 2002? (you know, the way Kerry did?)
35 posted on
01/28/2004 8:21:28 AM PST by
God luvs America
(Howard Dean is a deranged lunatic!!)
To: Frank_Discussion
50 posted on
01/28/2004 8:28:29 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
83 posted on
01/28/2004 8:38:05 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
122 posted on
01/28/2004 8:48:22 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
Levin's not getting the 'right' answers from Kay, so now he wants to hear from the VP.
oh, whine alert!
138 posted on
01/28/2004 8:51:05 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
Hey Carl - remember this??
"We begin with the common belief that Saddam Hussein is a tyrant and a threat to the peace and stability of the region. He has ignored the mandated of the United Nations and is building weapons of mass destruction and the means of delivering them." Sen. Carl Levin, D-MI. Sept. 19, 2002.
146 posted on
01/28/2004 8:52:42 AM PST by
(We did not have to prove Saddam had WMD, he had to prove he didn't.)
To: Frank_Discussion
"I, uh, want, uh, to thank uh you uh for uh your uh efforts uh and uh.....uh uh uh uh uh uh uh"
273 posted on
01/28/2004 9:12:43 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
Kay is prisoners...not the fat man, the beast or levin touched him.......
304 posted on
01/28/2004 9:17:31 AM PST by
The Wizard
(Saddamocrats are enemies of America, treasonous everytime they speak)
To: Frank_Discussion
Hillary can't even READ he statement/question without a series of disruptive 'uh's. She needs to go back and take high school speech. It is irritating to try to listen to her [and hearing the 'uh's, too].
318 posted on
01/28/2004 9:19:24 AM PST by
To: Frank_Discussion
Fox News has the following on their website in the article entitled "Kay: We Were All Wrong." It quotes WV senator Jay Rockefeller addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee either yesterday or today:
"Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said: "It's a quandary. We're at war and people are dying every day. We went to war on the presumption that we were going to be attacked very soon if we didn't do something and the reign of terror would come from weapons of mass destruction. I'm still in search of those weapons of mass destruction."
This is the second time I've seen Rockefeller insist that the threat from Iraq was imminent (he himself saying that, not claiming that President Bush 'misled' us by making the claim). So, apparently, this Democrat senator is the only one with that belief; will someone inform Dean, Kerry, Edwards, and Clark so they can shut up already?
To: Frank_Discussion
Fox News has the following on their website in the article entitled "Kay: We Were All Wrong." It quotes WV senator Jay Rockefeller addressing the Senate Armed Services Committee either yesterday or today:
"Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., said: "It's a quandary. We're at war and people are dying every day. We went to war on the presumption that we were going to be attacked very soon if we didn't do something and the reign of terror would come from weapons of mass destruction. I'm still in search of those weapons of mass destruction."
This is the second time I've seen Rockefeller insist that the threat from Iraq was imminent (he himself saying that, not claiming that President Bush 'misled' us by making the claim). So, apparently, this Democrat senator is the only one with that belief; will someone inform Dean, Kerry, Edwards, and Clark so they can shut up already?
To: Frank_Discussion
I only had a chance to listen to part of the testimony.I am sure that I heard Levin,when quoting the VP's speech last week, say that Cheney had said " there were weapons programs in Iraq. " But,thereafter,Levin,would say that Cheney had said that Iraq had " weapons." The money quote was Kay's response to a question, from Warner,I believe-basically,if Saddam had not been removed,would he be developing WMD as we speak-answer-Yes. Levin,Kennedy and Clinton were their usual despicable,partisan selves- unconcerned about the security and future of the country,just concerened with trying to arrange sound bites for political purposes.
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