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Who says George W. Bush has done "nothing" for conservatives?; various news sources ^ | 1/27/04

Posted on 01/27/2004 7:03:00 AM PST by Wolfstar

[ED. NOTE: In the last few months, FReeper Southack put together a list of Bush administration achievements over its first three years in office, and tirelessly posted it whenever an opportunity presented itself. Southack gave me permission to take that list, organize it by topics, and enhance it with further research from and other sources. This thread is posted in gratitude to and in honor of Southack.]

Abortion & Traditional Values

  1. Banned Partial Birth Abortion — by far the most significant roll-back of abortion on demand since Roe v. Wade.
  2. Reversed Clinton's move to strike Reagan's anti-abortion Mexico Policy.
  3. By Executive Order (EO), reversed Clinton's policy of not requiring parental consent for abortions under the Medical Privacy Act.
  4. By EO, prohibited federal funds for international family planning groups that provide abortions and related services.
  5. Upheld the ban on abortions at military hospitals.
  6. Made $33 million available for abstinence education programs in 2004.
  7. Supports the Defense of Marriage Act — and a Constitutional amendment saying marriage is between one man and one woman.
  8. Requires states to conduct criminal background checks on prospective foster and adoptive parents.
  9. Requires districts to let students transfer out of dangerous schools.
  10. Requires schools to have a zero-tolerance policy for classroom disruption (reintroducing discipline into classrooms).
  11. Signed the Teacher Protection Act, which protects teachers from lawsuits related to student discipline.
  12. Expanded the role of faith-based and community organizations in after-school programs.

Budget, Taxes & Economy

  1. Signed two income tax cuts, one of which was the largest dollar-value tax cut in world history.
  2. Supports permanent elimination of the death tax.
  3. Turned around an inherited economy that was in recession, and deeply shocked as a result of the 9/11 attacks.
  4. Is seeking legislation to amend the Constitution to give the president line-item veto authority.
  5. In process of permanently eliminating IRS marriage penalty.
  6. Increased small business incentives to expand and to hire new people.
  7. Initiated discussion on privatizing Social Security and individual investment accounts.
  8. Killed Clinton's "ergonomic" rules that OSHA was about to implement; rules would have shut down every home business in America.
  9. Passed tough new laws to hold corporate criminals to account as a result of corporate scandals.
  10. Reduced taxes on dividends and capital gains.
  11. Signed trade promotion authority.
  12. Reduced and is working to ultimately eliminate the estate tax for family farms and ranches.
  13. Fight Europe's ban on importing biotech crops from the United States.
  14. Exempt food from unilateral trade sanctions and embargoes.
  15. Provided $20 million to states to help people with disabilities work from home.
  16. Created a fund to encourage technologies that help the disabled.
  17. Increased the annual contribution limit on Education IRA's from $500 to $2,000 per child.
  18. Make permanent the $5,000 adoption tax credit and provide $1 billion over five years to increase the credit to $10,000.
  19. Grant a complete tax exemption for prepaid or college tuition savings plans.
  20. Reduced H1B visas from a high of 195,000 per year to 66,000 per year.

Character & Conduct as President

  1. Changed the tone in the White House, restoring HONOR and DIGNITY to the presidency.
  2. Has reintroduced the mention of God and faith into public discourse.
  3. Handled himself with enormous courage, dignity, grace, determination, and leadership in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 hijackings and anthrax attacks. He almost single-handedly held this country together during those searing days:

Education & Employment Training

  1. Signed the No Child Left Behind Act, delivering the most dramatic education reforms in a generation (challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations). The very liberal California Teachers union is currently running radio ads against the accountability provisions of this Act.
  2. Announced "Jobs for the 21st Century," a comprehensive plan to better prepare workers for jobs in the new millennium by strengthening post-secondary education and job training, and by improving high school education.
  3. Is working to provide vouchers to low-income students in persistently failing schools to help with costs of attending private schools. (Blocked in the Senate.)
  4. Requires annual reading and math tests in grades three through eight.
  5. Requires states to participate in the National Assessment of Education Progress, or an equivalent program, to establish a national benchmark for academic performance.
  6. Requires school-by-school accountability report cards.
  7. Established a $2.4 billion fund to help states implement teacher accountability systems.
  8. Increased funding for the Troops-to-Teachers program, which recruits former military personnel to to become teachers.

Environment & Energy

  1. Killed the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty.
  2. Submitted a comprehensive Energy Plan (awaits Congressional action). The plan works to develop cleaner technology, produce more natural gas here at home, make America less dependent on foreign sources of energy, improve national grid, etc.
  3. Established a $10 million grant program to promote private conservation initiatives.
  4. Significantly eased field-testing controls of genetically engineered crops.
  5. Changed parts of the Forestry Management Act to allow necessary cleanup of the national forests in order to reduce fire danger.
  6. Part of national forests cleanup: Restricted judicial challenges (based on the Endangered Species Act and other challenges), and removed the need for an Environmental Impact Statement before removing fuels/logging to reduce fire danger.
  7. Killed Clinton's CO2 rules that were choking off all of the electricity surplus to California.
  8. Provided matching grants for state programs that help private landowners protect rare species.

Defense & Foreign Policy

  1. Successfully executed two wars in the aftermath of 9/11/01: Afghanistan and Iraq. 50 million people who had lived under tyrannical regimes now live in freedom.
  2. Saddam Hussein is now in prison. His two murderous sons are dead. All but a handful of the regime's senior members were killed or captured.
  3. Leader by leader and member by member, al Qaida is being hunted down in dozens of countries around the world. Of the senior al Qaida leaders, operational managers, and key facilitators the U.S. Government has been tracking, nearly two-thirds have been taken into custody or killed. The detentions or deaths of senior al Qaida leaders, including Khalid Shaykh Muhammad, the mastermind of 9/11, and Muhammad Atef, Osama bin Laden's second-in-command until his death in late 2001, have been important in the War on Terror.
  4. Disarmed Libya of its chemical, nuclear and biological WMD's without bribes or bloodshed.
  5. Continues to execute the War On Terror, getting worldwide cooperation to track funds/terrorists. Has cut off much of the terrorists' funding, and captured or killed many key leaders of the al Qaeda network.
  6. Initiated a comprehensive review of our military, which was completed just prior to 9/11/01, and which accurately reported that ASYMMETRICAL WARFARE capabilities were critical in the 21st Century.
  7. Killed the old US/Soviet Union ABM Treaty that was preventing the U.S. from deploying our ABM defenses.
  8. Has been one of the strongest, if not THE strongest friend Israel has ever hand in the U.S. presidency.
  9. Part of the coalition for an Israeli/Palestinian "Roadmap to Peace," along with Great Britain, Russia and the EU.
  10. Pushed through THREE raises for our military. Increased military pay by more than $1 billion a year.
  11. Signed the LARGEST nuclear arms reduction in world history with Russia.
  12. Started withdrawing our troops from Bosnia, and has announced withdrawal of our troops from Germany and the Korean DMZ.
  13. Prohibited putting U.S. troops under U.N. command.
  14. Paid back UN dues only in return for reforms and reduction of U.S. share of the costs.
  15. Earmarked at least 20 percent of the Defense procurement budget for next-generation weaponry.
  16. Increased defense research and development spending by at least $20 billion from fiscal 2002 to 2006.
  17. Ordered a comprehensive review of military weapons and strategy.
  18. Ordered a review of overseas deployments.
  19. Ordered renovation of military housing. The military has already upgraded about 10 percent of its inventory and expects to modernize 76,000 additional homes this year.
  20. Is working to tighten restrictions on military-technology exports.
  21. Brought back our EP-3 intel plane and crew from China without any bribes or bloodshed.

Globalization & Internationalism

  1. Challenged the United Nations to live up to their responsibilities and not become another League of Nations (in other words, showed the UN to be completely irrelevant).
  2. Killed U.S. involvement in the International Criminal Court.
  3. Told the United Nations we weren't interested in their plans for gun control (i.e., the International Ban on Small Arms Trafficking Treaty).*
  4. The only President since the founding of the UN to essentially tell that organization it is irrelevant. He said: "The conduct of the Iraqi regime is a threat to the authority of the United Nations, and a threat to peace. Iraq has answered a decade of UN demands with a decade of defiance. All the world now faces a test, and the United Nations a difficult and defining moment. Are Security Council resolutions to be honored and enforced, or cast aside without consequence? Will the United Nations serve the purpose of its founding, or will it be irrelevant?" We all know the outcome and the answer.
  5. Told the Congress and the world, "America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country."

Government Reform

  1. Improved government efficiency by putting hundreds of thousands of jobs put up for bid. This weakens public-sector unions and cuts undeserved pay raises.
  2. Initiated review of all federal agencies with the goal of eliminating federal jobs (completed September 2003) in an effort to reduce the size of the federal government while increasing private sector jobs.
  3. Led the most extensive reorganization the Federal bureaucracy in over 50 years: After 9/11, condensed 20+ overlapping agencies and their intelligence sectors into one agency, the Department of Homeland Security.*
  4. Ordered each agency to draft a five-year plan to restructure itself, with fewer managers.
  5. Converted federal service contracts to performance-based contracts wherever possible so that the contractor has measurable performance goals.


  1. Strengthen the National Health Service Corps to put more physicians in the neediest areas, and make its scholarship funds tax-free.
  2. Double the research budget of the National Institutes of Health.
  3. Signed Medicare Reform, which includes:

Homeland Security, Border Enforcement & Immigration

  1. *See Government Reform above. Under President Bush's leadership, America has made an unprecedented commitment to homeland security.
  2. Has CONSTRUCTION in process on the first 10 ABM silos in Alaska so that America will have a defense against North Korean nukes. Has ordered national and theater ballistic missile defenses to be deployed by 2004.
  3. Announced a 9.7% increase in government-wide homeland security funding in his FY 2005 budget, nearly tripling the FY 2001 levels (excluding the Department of Defense and Project BioShield).
  4. Before DHS was created, there were inspectors from three different agencies of the Federal Government and Border Patrol officers protecting our borders. Through DHS, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) now consolidates all border activities into a single agency to create "one face at the border." This not only better secures the borders of the United States, but it also eliminates many of the inefficiencies that occurred under the old system. With over 18,000 CBP inspectors and 11,000 Border Patrol agents, CBP has 29,000 uniformed officers on our borders.
  5. The Border Patrol is continuing installation of monitoring devices along the borders to detect illegal activity.
  6. Launched Operation Tarmac to investigate businesses and workers in the secure areas of domestic airports and ensure immigration law compliance. Since 9/11, DHS has audited 3,640 businesses, examined 259,037 employee records, arrested 1,030 unauthorized workers, and participated in the criminal indictment of 774 individuals.
  7. Since September 11, 2001, the Coast Guard has conducted more than 124,000 port security patrols, 13,000 air patrols, boarded more than 92,000 vessels, interdicted over 14,000 individuals attempting to enter the United States illegally, and created and maintained more than 90 Maritime Security Zones.
  8. Announced the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS), an internet-based system that is improving America's ability to track and monitor foreign students and exchange visitors. Over 870,000 students are registered in SEVIS. Of 285 completed field investigations, 71 aliens were arrested.
  9. This week, the US-VISIT program began to digitally collect biometric identifiers to record the entry and exit of aliens who travel into the U.S on a visa. Together with the standard information, this new program will confirm compliance with visa and immigration policies.
  10. Eliminated INS bureaucratic redundancies and lack of accountability.
  11. Split the Immigration and Naturalization Service into two agencies: one to protect the border and interior, the other to deal with naturalization.
  12. Signed the workplace verification bill to prevent hiring of illegal aliens.
  13. Established a six-month deadline for processing immigration applications.
  14. Information regarding nearly 100% of all containerized cargo is carefully screened by DHS before it arrives in the United States. Higher risk shipments are physically inspected for terrorist weapons and contraband prior to being released from the port of entry. Advanced technologies are being deployed to identify warning signs of chemical, biological, or radiological attacks. Since September 11, 2001, hundreds of thousands of first responders across America have been trained to recognize and respond to the effects of a WMD attack.

Judiciary & Tort Reform

  1. Is urging federal liability reform to eliminate frivolous lawsuits.
  2. Killed the liberal ABA's unconstitutional role in vetting federal judges. The Senate is supposed to advise and consent, not the ABA.
  3. Is nominating strong, conservative judges to the judiciary.
  4. Supports class action reform bill which limits lawyer fees so that more settlement money goes to victims.


  1. His leadership resulted in Republican gains in the House and Senate, solidifying Republican control of both houses of Congress and the presidency.
  2. Signed an EO enforcing the Supreme Court's Beck decision regarding union dues being used for political campaigns against individual's wishes.

Second Amendment

  1. Ordered Attorney General Ashcroft to formally notify the Supreme Court that the OFFICIAL U.S. government position on the 2nd Amendment is that it supports INDIVIDUAL rights to own firearms, and is NOT a Leftist-imagined "collective" right.
  2. Signed TWO bills into law that arm our pilots with handguns in the cockpit.
  3. Currently pushing for full immunity from lawsuits for our national gun manufacturers.
  4. *See Globalization & Internationalism.

Traditional Values, Compassion & Volunteerism

  1. Endorses and promotes "The Responsibility Era." President Bush often speaks of the necessity of personal responsibility and civic volunteerism. He said, "In a compassionate society, people respect one another and take responsibility for the decisions they make in life. My hope is to change the culture from one that has said, if it feels good, do it; if you've got a problem, blame somebody else — to one in which every single American understands that he or she is responsible for the decisions that you make; you're responsible for loving your children with all your heart and all your soul; you're responsible for being involved with the quality of the education of your children; you're responsible for making sure the community in which you live is safe; you're responsible for loving your neighbor, just like you would like to be loved yourself."
  2. Started the USA Freedom Corps, the most comprehensive clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities ever offered. For the first time in history, Americans can enter geographic information about where they want to get involved, such as state or zip code, as well as areas of interest ranging from education to the environment, and they can access volunteer opportunities offered by more than 50,000 organizations across the country and around the world.
  3. Established the The White House Office and the Centers for the Faith-Based and Community Initiative — located in seven Federal agencies. The faith-based initiative supports the essential work of these important organizations. The goal is to make sure that grassroots leaders can compete on an equal footing for federal dollars, receive greater private support, and face fewer bureaucratic barriers. Work focuses on at-risk youth, ex-offenders, the homeless and hungry, substance abusers, those with HIV/AIDS, and welfare-to-work families.
  4. The White House released a guidebook fully describing the Administration's belief that faith-based groups have a Constitutionally-protected right to maintain their religious identity through hiring — even when Federal funds are involved.
  5. Issued an EO implementing the Supreme Court's Olmstead ruling, which requires moving disabled people from institutions to community-based facilities when possible.
  6. Increased funding for low-interest loan programs to help people with disabilities purchase devices to assist them.
  7. Revised the Department of Housing and Urban Development's Section 8 rent subsidies to disabled people, permitting them to use up to a year's worth of vouchers to finance down payments on homes. HUD has started pilot programs in 11 states.
  8. Committed US funds to purchase medicine for millions of men, women and children now suffering with AIDS in Africa.
  9. Heeding the words of our own Declaration of Independence, the president laid out the non-negotiable demands of human dignity for all people everywhere. On January 29, 2002, he said, "No nation owns these aspirations, and no nation is exempt from them. We have no intention of imposing our culture. But America will always stand firm for the non-negotiable demands of human dignity." As stated by the President, they are a virtual manifesto of conservative principles:

TOPICS: Foreign Affairs; Front Page News; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: administration; bush; bush2004; bushdoctrineunfold; bushrecord; conservatives; electionpresident; georgewbush; gwb2004; gwblegacy; napalminthemorning; presidentbush; record; wot
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To: Tamsey; templar
Templar wrote to you, We are on different sides. We are enemies."

I think he's right. Thank God for that.

OUR enemy.

1,221 posted on 01/28/2004 11:50:47 AM PST by onyx (Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
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To: Miss Marple
I can guarantee you, it is no different than what 42nd Street used to be 10 years ago. BTW, drugs are illegal in Holland. The laws are just not enforced in Amsterdam. You will be surprised, how many of those laying on the streets all drugged up are just tourists from the US and England. Even then, Amsterdam has a much lower crime rate than any big city in the US.
1,222 posted on 01/28/2004 11:52:25 AM PST by FirstPrinciple
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To: cyncooper
You're sitting here declaring fellow freepers enemies?

I have no problem with that. Anyone that is intent on restricting my liberty and my freedom, insisting that the Federal government has to have a greater role in my life and has to keep watch on me (all of us) constantly, is my enemy.

You can feel differently if you wish.

1,223 posted on 01/28/2004 11:54:32 AM PST by templar
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To: RiflemanSharpe; FirstPrinciple
At least RS says he'll vote a GOP ticket, with the exception of the top spot, but you FP, have not demonstrated one GOP leaning.

You're both recent sign-on's to FR and I suspect, you, FP, to be nothing more than a DNC plant.
1,224 posted on 01/28/2004 11:58:21 AM PST by onyx (Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
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To: onyx
I voted for Alan Keyes in the primary of 2000, although I disagree with a lot of things that he says. He wants to continue the WOD and wants to reinstitute the draft. But, he was the closest I found on issues that matter most to me - abortion, states rights, and taxes. He was the strongest in those areas out of the whole bunch. I voted for Pat O'Malley in the gubernatorial primary in IL. Since then, ILGOP has become a RINO hell hole. Ask anyone from IL. I will not vote for Bush, but I will vote for someone on the local level if they can at least find someone who is not headed for jail.
1,225 posted on 01/28/2004 12:01:35 PM PST by FirstPrinciple
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To: onyx
I am not a DNC plant, but I am also not someone to blindly follow with out asking is theis the best way. Bush as of late has not been a conservative. So why then should a conservative follow him?
1,226 posted on 01/28/2004 12:02:28 PM PST by RiflemanSharpe (An American for a more socially and fiscally conservation America!)
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To: FirstPrinciple
Perhaps you didn't know. Stockholm has drug parks where addicts are not harrassed and are supposed to be "safe." Of course, the opposite is true, but that's another story. Drug addicts lying around streets outside the park are routinely busted and/or moved.

I can't find it, although I've tried, but there was an article posted on FR about how the Scandanavian countries that have extremely liberal laws regarding drug use are trying to find ways to overturn those laws. The cost to human lives and society are becoming to high to sustain the current laws.

1,227 posted on 01/28/2004 12:02:49 PM PST by Peach (The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
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To: Miss Marple
Two excellent articles on drugs and crime in Amsterdam.

1,228 posted on 01/28/2004 12:02:55 PM PST by FirstPrinciple
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To: FirstPrinciple
Lack of enforcement is the same as being legal, as far as the effect.

And I don't care if the people drugged out on the streets are Americans, Spanish, Dutch, or Chinese. They are there because no one enforces the law...which is the same as it being legal.

If you legalize drugs here, we will get the refuse from other countries who want to smoke dope and shoot up without penalty.

Your position is without merit and is based on the pipe dreams of one who has not very much life experience.

1,229 posted on 01/28/2004 12:03:32 PM PST by Miss Marple
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To: Peach
I can guarantee you that legalized drugs aren't problem in Scandanavia. Socialism is. Ask any economist. Read the two articles that I flagged in 1228.
1,230 posted on 01/28/2004 12:04:37 PM PST by FirstPrinciple
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To: RiflemanSharpe
I have many priorites (there are about 11-12)I give them all equal weight and I use these to decide should I support a candidate. Bush I found is week in the majority of them. This is why I can no longer support him.

I checked your sign-on date and find that you like so many others signed on in the last six months, give or take a month or so, have the same mantra. A lot of you claim to have supported the President but don't any longer. The number of you defies probability. It is impossible for that to be true.

It is obvious that you have not bothered to read much of what is written on here. There are a few major issues that "real" conservatives disagree with the President on -- they are No Child Left Behind, Immigration and Social Security Prescription Benefits. The CFR argument is kind of lame since he said he would sign it and don't count on him to veto the bill.

Being from Texas (I used to live in South Texas), it would have been impossible for you not to know exactly what this President stood for when he ran for office in 2000 since his stump speech stayed pretty much the same. You also had to know what a compassionate man President Bush was as Governor if you really are from Texas. For you to come on here now and declare he has lost you is disingenuous because Pres Bush hasn't wavered in what he believes or what he has stated he wanted to do during the campaign when he became President.

Even the conservatives on here that don't like some of the President's agenda give him high marks for his taking the fight to the terrorist which is a priority with a large percentage of conservatives (90%+) who make up the President's base.

I have more respect for Freepers that say they never supported Pres Bush and will not do so now then I do the "I voted for Bush in 2000, but he lost me!" crowd. You want to know why? Because they are honest.

1,231 posted on 01/28/2004 12:04:47 PM PST by PhiKapMom (AOII Mom -- Support Bush-Cheney '04)
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Comment #1,232 Removed by Moderator

To: Miss Marple
Then tell me since you have much more experiences in life than I do, why does Amsterdam have a lot lower crime rate than any major US city? Why is its murder rate so low? If drugs cause so many problems, why aren't they showing up in the data? Again, it is no different in Amsterdam than what 42nd Street looked like. We still have just as many people shooting up in NYC, except they do it in homeless shelters.
1,233 posted on 01/28/2004 12:07:27 PM PST by FirstPrinciple
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To: FirstPrinciple
A "Keyster." Makes sense. You cast "masturbatory" votes on candidates with no chance of winning. I sometimes do that myself, but only in Republican primaries.
1,234 posted on 01/28/2004 12:08:33 PM PST by onyx (Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
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To: FirstPrinciple
Excuse me, but why do you want to live in America?
1,235 posted on 01/28/2004 12:10:43 PM PST by b9
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To: Wolfstar
CBP has 29,000 uniformed officers on our borders.

It's obviously not enough. On the prolife/defense/anti-UN/taxcut/enviroment/judges/Christianity issues I think he's in the right direction. He does however need to do more. On the illegal immigrant/free trade/spending/mediscare issues, he is in the wrong direction. The illegal immigration deal is the biggest problem I have with him.

So far, his politics, along with other events, have done well for the Repub party. But if he doesn't do anything to stop the illegal immigrant flow and the pork spending by Congress, it could damage the Repub party.

I'm voting for him in 2004 and (R) Jim Holt for US Senate from Arkansas. We must never let the Presidency or the Senate fall back into Demoncrat hands, especially for the sake of judges. Everyone has seen what happens when Dems are in control, there's no need to let it happen again.

As for the US House, and State elections I would vote for conservative third party or most conservative Repub. If an R is lost in those races, it will not do near as much damage to the country.

1,236 posted on 01/28/2004 12:11:43 PM PST by pulaskibush (If your waiting to vote for someone you completely agree with, you might as well stay home.)
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To: PhiKapMom
Then we will agree to disagree, I find Bush to leftest in several areas and have decided to give my support to the Constitution Party Candidate.
1,237 posted on 01/28/2004 12:12:13 PM PST by RiflemanSharpe (An American for a more socially and fiscally conservation America!)
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To: Sabertooth
Heck, I'm voting for Bush, but I'm really not happy about it, nor with his performance domestically. I'm not even voting for him for the reasons that you are; so how do we regain the votes that have one foot out the door?

There is a God, after all! Saber, I'd just about given up on you. I don't agree with Bush on everything, either. I operate a struggling midwestern manufacturing business with my husband, and times have been really tough. But I believe in MOST of what Bush has done -- even though I haven't profited personally. I admire his principles and I know that he wants what is best for this country, so I'm more than willing to give him another four years. And PLEASE let's elect more Republicans to the Senate to give us those 60 votes that we need to confirm judges.

1,238 posted on 01/28/2004 12:13:47 PM PST by afraidfortherepublic
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To: RiflemanSharpe
Bush as of late has not been a conservative. So why then should a conservative follow him?

I do not FOLLOW anyone. I SUPPORT them.

Had you read the list posted by Wolfstar, you'd know that your broadly voiced concerns are falling on the deaf ears of the enlightened.

1,239 posted on 01/28/2004 12:15:14 PM PST by onyx (Your secrets are safe with me and all my friends.)
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To: doodlelady
Excuse me, but why do you want to live in America?

Re: First Pinciple -- he says he's writing from BARCELONA! Go figure.

1,240 posted on 01/28/2004 12:16:03 PM PST by afraidfortherepublic
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