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To: My Favorite Headache
To: My Favorite Headache
Todos tenemos que aprender espanol.
4 posted on
01/07/2004 11:32:24 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
I doubt this will survive long with that title.
5 posted on
01/07/2004 11:32:26 AM PST by
("I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" -- Jacobim Mugatu, 'Zoolander')
To: My Favorite Headache
Ye Ole Tar and Feathering
Sons of Liberty resorted to tar & feathers
for loyalists. A medieval punishment used as early
as 1191 under Richard III on his crusade. British
troopers used it too. In1775, the soldiers of the
47th regiment tarred and feathered a peddler who
tried to buy their guns. The Rogue's March on fife
and drum accompanied the crowd. In this picture
an Excise or Customs officer is tarred.
The Stamp Act hangs upside down on the tree.
We may need to remind our elected who elected them and who they serve.
6 posted on
01/07/2004 11:32:56 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
8 posted on
01/07/2004 11:33:21 AM PST by
("Deserving ain't got nothing to do with it" - William Money)
To: My Favorite Headache
I ve already got one..
10 posted on
01/07/2004 11:33:56 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
And remember . . .
Americans work underground in coal mines under threat of cave-ins and poison gas.
Americans work as garbage men, outdoors in all kinds of weather, each man lifting several tons of stinking, leaking garbage every day.
Americans work in sewers and Americans work hundreds of feet in the air walking steel beams.
There is no job Americans won't do
To: My Favorite Headache
25 posted on
01/07/2004 11:37:44 AM PST by
(Smart Alec tagline about POTUS's illegal immigrant policy CENSORED by AdMod on 1-6-04)
To: My Favorite Headache; 1Mike; 3catsanadog; ~Vor~; ~Kim4VRWC's~; A CA Guy; A Citizen Reporter; ...
Thanks, MFH!
31 posted on
01/07/2004 11:39:40 AM PST by
(Bush has stolen two things which Democrats believe they own by right: the presidency & the future)
To: My Favorite Headache
Oh how times have changed.
28 Feb 01
Ensuring Detention and Removal of Illegal Aliens:
The Administration is committed to removing those who have entered the country illegally and to detain criminal aliens. The budget funds INS detention and deportation staff and provides resources to remove criminal and illegal aliens swiftly. The 2002 Budget provides $89 million to support an additional 1,607 average daily detention bed spaces for a total level of more than 21,000 bed spaces. INS will continue to target its efforts primarily on removing deportable aliens held in Federal, State, and local facilities to ensure that these criminal aliens are not allowed back on the street. The budget also continues funding to fully implement detention standards to ensure those detained, particularly those who have pending asylum cases, are treated fairly.
To: My Favorite Headache
Tancredo SI!!!
President Bush's best buddy NO!!
35 posted on
01/07/2004 11:40:15 AM PST by
(Don't Tread on Me)
To: My Favorite Headache
This is one of those threads that may need to be forwarded to all elected in Washington, DC, so they will see the furor and animosity the illegals issue is causing.
Numbers from poll [I added commas and color for readability]:
YES (826,302) |
7% |
NO (10,525,120) |
93% |
11,351,422 total votes since 12/10/03
36 posted on
01/07/2004 11:40:25 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
To: My Favorite Headache
My early American history pic got pulled by the moderator. That's unAmerican.
Now even our history can no longer be referenced.
56 posted on
01/07/2004 11:44:23 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
weird why didn't rush/clearchannel cut in??
82 posted on
01/07/2004 11:48:30 AM PST by
(Be vewy vewy qwiet, I'm hunting weftists.)
To: My Favorite Headache
122 posted on
01/07/2004 11:53:36 AM PST by
(Mr Bush, the Supremes upheld CFR...what's your plan B? Too late to veto, now)
To: My Favorite Headache
This is insane.
To: My Favorite Headache
(Speaking of 'aliens'...)
131 posted on
01/07/2004 11:54:27 AM PST by
To: My Favorite Headache
I'm gonna be sick.
163 posted on
01/07/2004 11:58:27 AM PST by
(Fac ut vivas)
To: My Favorite Headache
Jobs Americans won't fill? Name one. Although I've heard this before, it is disingenuous in the extreme.
191 posted on
01/07/2004 12:01:25 PM PST by
(Have a Happy New Year!)
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