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W's Live Speech Thread
Fox News
| 1-7-04
| my favorite headache
Posted on 01/07/2004 11:29:59 AM PST by My Favorite Headache
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To: Hostage
I didn't make the original post. But I agree, with the premise. We could boot tens of thousands out a year and set an example. We could make it extremely painful for them to be here via the examples you cited. I agree with everything in your post.
Anyone who thinks the only option we have is this--is just delusional. Drunk on the kool aid.
posted on
01/07/2004 4:03:26 PM PST
To: Indie
I WILL NOT BE VOTING IN THIS ELECTIONDon't give up your vote, at least make a statement
posted on
01/07/2004 4:05:05 PM PST
(Smart Alec tagline about POTUS's illegal immigrant policy CENSORED by AdMod on 1-6-04)
To: My Favorite Headache
I need a Tylenol the size of a softball right now.
GW has the election pretty much locked-up, but he can't resist the urge to buy the taco vote at any price. He's giving away the store, the "hispanic" community is whining that it still isn't good enough, and the conservatives are screaming bloody murder. This thing is driving everybody nuts.
To: MinuteGal
I sat through the whole speech and am still trying to make some lemonade out of the lemon that just dropped in our basket. You pretty much summed up where I'm at. It's so distasteful to think we're rewarding lawbreakers and I'm not all that sure his proposal will work but something must be done now to curb the influx. The argument that we need these migrants to do work Americans won't do falls on deaf ears when one considers the many waiting in line to gain legal entry. When you listen to the Deans and Clarks of this world wanting to grant total amnesty without any recourse, Bush's proposal seems to be the lesser of the two evils. Short of rounding up and deporting them all (which may be impossible) this approach may give us better control. I'm still sitting on the fence but knowing that LaRaza and some other radical groups feel it isn't enough, makes it easier to swallow.
To: Hostage
Agree. The only way I can see to reverse what is happening is to increase the penalties on employers who hire illegals, crackdown on who can receive social services, and improve border security. It is unrealistic to expel 15 million people, but we can make conditions such that many of them leave of their own volition. If we don't do something now, we will be overwhelmed by the numbers. It is simply a matter of demographics and economic realities.
posted on
01/07/2004 4:09:16 PM PST
To: Excuse_My_Bellicosity
"GW has the election pretty much locked-up, but he can't resist the urge to buy the taco vote at any price. He's giving away the store, the "hispanic" community is whining that it still isn't good enough, and the conservatives are screaming bloody murder. This thing is driving everybody nuts"
Does Hillary still have time to throw in her broomstick? If so, I think Karl Rove knows something. Otherwise it is greed and fear.
posted on
01/07/2004 4:13:01 PM PST
Diva Betsy Ross
("were it not for the brave , there would be no land of the free")
To: CasearianDaoist
Bush has to go. Period. I see, so a Dean or Clark favoring full amnesty with no questions asked should replace him?
To: StarFan
Globalization by either party, some choice. Surrender or surrender.
To: You Dirty Rats
If the border is effectively closed, Mexicans will be even less likely to leave the country, since they can't get back.That's why we deport the ones who are already here. :-)
posted on
01/07/2004 4:20:15 PM PST
Tolerance Sucks Rocks
(Strong enough for a man who wants to be a woman, but made for a woman who used to be a man)
To: Laura Earl
You're one of the lucky ones, but watch out for an H1b worker who can undercut you.
posted on
01/07/2004 4:21:08 PM PST
(Cats know how we feel. They don't give a damn, but they know.)
To: ravingnutter
Thank you for being a voice of reason. The Republican version of the bill that I have seen specifies a $1500 fine for breaking the immigration law, plus these people will be put at the back of the line in the guest worker program. So much for the comments about "rewarding" them.
Of course. But regaling the listening audience with the complications of legislative sausage-making do not make for rapt attention paid to Savage, Hannity, and Rush. And so, the Sky Continues To Fall...
Don't believe me?
Well, you should have, because the Mexicans are driving up the 101 and have already overrun Chavez Ravine! And George and Laura Bush are at the Border passing out free Green Cards to the first 100,000 Mexicans who show up! Oh my Lord, the Betrayal! If only Alan Keyes were President!
My God! The Mexicans are taking all the Dodger Dogs! They're pouring Veracruz Jalapeno Sauce on all the hot dogs! Oh the Humanity!
Jesus God! I just saw five hundred of them rooting through Arianna Huffington's garbage. And they're keying all of Norman Lear's cars, including the Bentley! God Save us All!
We're All Going to Die! And it's All Bush's Fault!
Be Seeing You,
posted on
01/07/2004 4:21:31 PM PST
(Major Kusanagi says, "Click on my pic and read my blog, or eat lead!")
To: oreolady
am desperately tring for some optimism on this issue,cheap lettuce and lawn care
posted on
01/07/2004 4:22:03 PM PST
(Smart Alec tagline about POTUS's illegal immigrant policy CENSORED by AdMod on 1-6-04)
To: Thisiswhoweare
I am beginning to think the gamble is for Coservatives to bite the bullet and stay home, to send the message and let the chips fall where they will for four years.
Good God , have I really said that. What has gone on here?
posted on
01/07/2004 4:22:20 PM PST
Diva Betsy Ross
("were it not for the brave , there would be no land of the free")
To: section9
Your mockery shows that you have no valid point ,or serious thoughts here. Sorry it is the truth.
posted on
01/07/2004 4:24:41 PM PST
Diva Betsy Ross
("were it not for the brave , there would be no land of the free")
To: Flyer
What I am saying is that anyone who believes that these policies will be enforced is very naive.
President Bush has a habit of doing what he says.
864 posted on 01/07/2004 1:24:43 PM PST by Flyer (Happy Birthday Houston Area Texans!)
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'I have some conserns regarding the legality of the legislation.'
Paraphrasing Bush's answer To Larry King to whether he would support CFR during the Presidential campaign.
Yeah, a man of his word!
And let's not forget his "promise" to reauthorize the AWB if congress sends it to him.
What a guy!
posted on
01/07/2004 4:24:51 PM PST
(Big time RINO hunter!)
To: No More Gore Anymore
"...and let the chips fall where they will for four years"
Frankly, if we oppose Dean as hard as we opposed Clinton, we would probably pass less of the left wing agenda than Bush has.
Flame retardents at the ready.
(Tapping toes) No child left behind, largest birthweight bureaucracies ever (homeland security, drug benefit,etc), general hyperexpansion of the government...
To: Indie
bye bye
Comment #1,298 Removed by Moderator
To: Thisiswhoweare
There is truth in that statement. As sad as it is to hear. Man, I really wanted to like this guy. President Bush has done a great job for us with the war, but what is left to betray us with domestically?
posted on
01/07/2004 4:39:48 PM PST
Diva Betsy Ross
("were it not for the brave , there would be no land of the free")
To: riri
How does deporting people wo are here illegally translate into some snide Hilter comparison.Easy. By suggesting that we round up the illegals and put them into railroad cars.
I think the people here are sounding more and more like elitist, close-minded isolationists. We are the only good people because we have jobs, we don't steal or commit crime, we have families to support, we believe in God, etc.
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