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Ridge to raise Terror Alert, news conf. 1:30 pm Eastern
Fox News-TV
Posted on 12/21/2003 9:34:27 AM PST by putupon
announcement, nothing furthur
TOPICS: Breaking News; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: alqaeda; defconernie; homelandsecurity; orange; orangealert4; shieldsup; turbanalert; waronterror; wot
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To: Trust but Verify
I am leaving the thread for a bit. I have some work to do around here prior to Christmas.
I will check back later to see if there are people I need to refute.
To: Trust but Verify
'First of all, how is it that YOU know there are terrorist cells in NJ?'
First hand knowledge. I have provided evidence against the 93 WTC cell to the FBI, for starters. How's that?
Comment #363 Removed by Moderator
To: All
Paranoia reigns supreme. All non-specifics. View from the outside - across the pond - is not pretty good of the continent. From a trading perspective...manna from heaven to sell the dollar! Forex traders are going to love this scare-mongering....
To: mtbopfuyn
I've read that the "Red" level is reserved for severe and imminent threats, meaning that attackers are actually known to be moving to carry out an attack
For example, if a suicide bomber was known to be on the streets fo NYC.
Red is supposed to shut down transportation, set up checkpoints, etc- it is far more stringent than Orange
To: nmh
My daughter is only 4 1/2. She doesn't understand any of this. She's oblivious. She does know to be "careful" but can't figure out who is a "good" person and who is a "bad" person. She believes they should "look" a certain way. sigh ... . Keep her and protect her as you always have, nmh. I agree with you, and feel sorry for the kids these days for what they have to put up with. I guess the early kids of the late 50's/early 60's had similar fears with bomb shelters and Cuban missiles.
May God bless your little girl and shroud her, you, and your family with His love and protection this Christmas season.
posted on
12/21/2003 11:25:51 AM PST
(66 more days until Lent and "The Passion" is released...and no I am NOT giving up Mel for Lent!)
To: JackRyanCIA
Let's see, that's a takeoff of Algore saying to Dubya "Well, you don't have to be snippy about it!", right?
posted on
12/21/2003 11:26:15 AM PST
("The evil is in plain sight")
To: WackyKat
I believe that is exactly right.
To: Trust but Verify
And who will we have doing the rounding up and deporting of 'all-illegals'? Bzzzzzt. Sorry, thanks for playing though.
As I said: Round up all illegals.
posted on
12/21/2003 11:26:50 AM PST
(Thats my story, and I'm sticking to it.)
To: TexKat
Be Well ~ Be Armed ~ Be Safe ~ Molon Labe!
posted on
12/21/2003 11:27:04 AM PST
To: redlipstick
FYI ping
posted on
12/21/2003 11:27:12 AM PST
("The evil is in plain sight")
To: Lady Eileen
We're talking terrorism here, not pick-pocketing. How many Mexican illegals have launched terrorist attacks?
I have no problem with lowering the hammer on 'real terrorists' and those from terrorist havens who might seek to enter this country, but I think in the current environment, losing sleep over migrant Mexicans looking for work is misplacing priorities.
To: Trust but Verify
"Please tell me what assets do we have that would allow us to do this massive 'round-up'?"
HS has no intention of even enforcing laws on the books, so what is your point?
To: At _War_With_Liberals
posted on
12/21/2003 11:28:31 AM PST
To: kstewskis
fears with bomb shelters and Cuban missiles
Did Monica fear the cuban missile bill gave her
posted on
12/21/2003 11:28:32 AM PST
al baby
(Ice cream does not have bones)
To: At _War_With_Liberals
Again, what specifically should he say? The exact location, the city, the exact delivery mechanism/vehicle, what?
It's easy to shoot arrows.
To: Trust but Verify
And who will we have doing the rounding up and deporting of 'all-illegals'?Most of them won't need to be expelled
If they are prevented from working and collecting government benefits, they will go home of their own accord
To: seamole
Lots of reservists are already in theatre. Unorganized militia is a good one. What training and expertise do these unorganized militias have? By your own words, they are unorganized. Sounds Keystone Cop-ish to me. Think.
To: snopercod
Why doesn't NYC pay for it's own damn security, and let us country folks take care of ourselves?
Sure, as soon as you country folks give back your federal farming subsidies.
To: putupon
I think the Department of Homeland Security is just trying to let the American public know that they are concerned and that it's up to each individual American to decide from that how he or she will react. I believe prior to 9/11 there was increased chatter and since we did not have a department set up for such warnings people did not know that there was even the possibility of something. I really don't know why some people are trying to kill the messenger. If you don't want to take heed, fine, go about your business. If you want to avoid large populated areas because you are concerned that's up to you. They are just trying to let us make informed decisions.
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