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| 12/14/03
| Andrew Sullivan
Posted on 12/14/2003 5:02:43 PM PST by livesbygrace
Readers are invited to send in the most strained and mealy-mouthed statements from the devastated press and anti-war politicians and activists following the capture of Saddam. First up: Saddam's paid-up British anti-war activist, George Galloway: "This will not stop the Iraqi resistance. if anything, it may set the resistance free, if you like, from the cloud of Saddam Hussein, and transform it into a purely national resistance movement without the charge that it's being controlled from behind by the deposed president." Galloway must be worried sick about what Saddam might tell the coalition. So must Chirac. - 4:23:59 PM
TOPICS: Culture/Society; Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: agitprop; andrewsullivan; antiamericanism; baghdadbob; bushbashing; cheeseandwhine; clymers; dairyproducts; galloway; greatnews; hussein; iraq; iraqaftermath; liberalpress; lyingliars; mediabias; prodictator; propaganda; quackmire; quagmire; reddiaperbabies; reddupes; saddam; saddamcaptured; saddamfreude; saddamhussein; saddamincustody; socialists; stalinsusefulidiots; usefulidiots
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Something else suggested by a freeper earlier today. Freepers are the best!
To: livesbygrace; aculeus; general_re; BlueLancer; hellinahandcart
posted on
12/14/2003 5:06:19 PM PST
To: livesbygrace
Let's keep it DU free though.
We want public figures.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:06:58 PM PST
(Two Wrongs don't make a right- they make the Democratic Ticket for 2004!)
To: livesbygrace
From AP, Chicago off Drudge link:
Kristin Williams, who lives in suburban New Albany, Ohio, said she found it fitting that a man she considers a coward was found hiding in a hole.
"Still, it's sad to see someone in that state of affairs. He looked like a caged animal," said Williams, 36. "Going to church, he was one of the people I prayed for, too."
To: livesbygrace
And Leslie Effin Stahl could not have been more negative interviewing Rummy...if it was a demonrat that did the equivalent, she'd have been lining up for a...
posted on
12/14/2003 5:12:09 PM PST
(Dems lie 'cause they have to...)
To: visualops
----Let's keep it DU free though. We want public figures.----
You'd be surprised how many of them are DU'ers.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:13:46 PM PST
Flux Capacitor
(Deck us all with Boston Charlie)
To: visualops
Let's keep it DU free though Yeah, they're so inconsequential as to be laughable. Where would you stop if you started bringing stuff from there? It's such a treasure-trove of idiotic tidbits.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:16:54 PM PST
(Psalm 11: 3 "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?")
To: visualops
But DUers are so much fun. One of them suggested that we'd had Saddam in custody for months and timed this for Bush's political benefit. Someone going by the name Liberalhistorian said "The problem is trying to convince others of that without sounding paranoid, crazy, and desperate." Indeed.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:17:28 PM PST
(Saddam has been brought to justice in my name. How about yours?)
To: livesbygrace
I nominate several lines from
this Newsweek article . . .
"In a part of the world where pride and dignity mean everything, the images were clearly intended to shame. "
Translation: The U.S. is a mean bully.
"IGC members said they would reinstate Iraq's death penalty, suspended during the American occupation. The scene could be a circus, and a dangerous one."
Time to call Hunter Thompson . . .
Saddam's capture sent the Democrats scrambling, warning that the celebrations were wonderful but could be short-lived.
Translation: Howie Dean and his anti-war platform is toast . . .
posted on
12/14/2003 5:19:37 PM PST
(Isaiah 9:6)
To: livesbygrace
posted on
12/14/2003 5:22:21 PM PST
Flux Capacitor
(Deck us all with Boston Charlie)
To: livesbygrace
Howard Fineman on Hardball a little while ago was slightly condescending and more than a bit agitated when speaking on the subject.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:24:24 PM PST
Sam's Army
(This just in: Saddam Endorses Dean for 2004)
To: MattAMiller
I read some liberals comments at a pc help site and some of the liberals think Bush has bin Laden hidden and will "pull him out" just before the election.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:24:41 PM PST
(AMERICA is the best! - Could hundreds of millions of immigrants be wrong?)
To: livesbygrace
I was listening to NPR (I know, but it's the only station I can get that has news) at work today and some dumb announcer said something like "The capture of Saddam Hussein is a national humiliation of the Iraqi people."
posted on
12/14/2003 5:25:47 PM PST
To: Pharmboy
60 minutes / Leslie Stahl doing their level best to help Saddam. Trying to get Rummy to commit to Red Cross vists, no use of truth serum, etc. Pathetic. I think CBS is terrified for the Western Euro's...(esp. France), the relations that will come to light.
Another theme: All is lost for Bush; still no WMD's. Esp. when Saddam confirms no WMD's.
The press continues to hang their collective hopes on the War; as the economy looks like a looser attack strategy. So even with the capture of Saddam, the 'success' of the war hinges on what Saddam says re: WMD's
The Press and the nine Dem clowns are as dellusional as Saddam.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:25:59 PM PST
To: livesbygrace
Instead of a negative statement, how about a positive one?
posted on
12/14/2003 5:29:00 PM PST
To: livesbygrace
One thing a lot of people, including Freepers forget is that Iraq, while it had dictatorial leadership had a SOCIALIST government. (Actually, dictatorial leadership is the inevitable consequence of Socialism/Communism or it's kissing cousins Facism and Nazism). Watch for the world Libs to start agitating for a return to Socialism in Iraq "For the children" of course.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:31:01 PM PST
(I use Macs. I have a computer, not a hobby.)
To: Scannall
dictatorial leadership is the inevitable consequence of Socialism/Communism or it's kissing cousins Facism and Nazism There are two kinds of fascists: Fascists and Anti-Fascists.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:34:39 PM PST
To: livesbygrace
Leslie Stahl was so hateful while interviewing Rumsfeld, that I actually wanted to slap her. You could tell she is angry because Saddam was captured...I turned off the tv before I had a stroke.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:46:42 PM PST
Lucy Lake
(Spell check is a great invention, so are turn signals.)
To: formercalifornian
I listened to the "left" talk channel on my Sirius Sat. radio just for fun this afternoon. If you really want to hear some spin tune it in. I couldn't stomach it long. Fuzzycat.
posted on
12/14/2003 5:47:03 PM PST
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