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The National Interest versus Corporate Interest ^
| 13 Nov 2003
| William R. Hawkins
Posted on 12/09/2003 8:07:18 AM PST by AreaMan
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I suppose Boeing is doing what they think they have to do in order to survive.
I wonder if Airbus would abandon its manufacturing in Europe to build facilities in China?
posted on
12/09/2003 8:07:21 AM PST
To: Carry_Okie; rdb3
This really bothers me. And we are doing this with our food as well, not just weapons parts.
posted on
12/09/2003 8:12:52 AM PST
( Isaiah 55:10,11)
To: AreaMan
Bottom line, to me:
A 'corporation' has become a 'collective' person. Collectively-owned, collectively-managed. The 'individuals' running the collective at any given moment are insulated from almost any external accountability.
It's such a national problem that 'Dilbert' has made a pretty good living off of the 'PHB' syndrome.
All our corporate problems are problems associated with colletives. Inefficiency. Waste. Corruption. Management that is completely devoid of any experience or talent in the business they're actually in. A 'hierarchy' of management
Consider the Erin Brockovitch story. A 'corporation' takes decisions that kill people. The punishment is for the corp to pay out money, most of which went to the lawyers. Look at Enron, for god's sake.
We've actually created a set of laws that make the favored business organization a 'collective'.
It's literally not safe to be an old-fashioned 'sole-proprietor' entrepeneur in America.
Are we still a 'capitalist' country if we're dominated by collectives?
To: AreaMan
Read later.
To: AreaMan
For example, the White House has agreed to allow Boeing to transfer two 737-800 aircraft to China that contain the QRS11 computer chip in their navigation systems. The chip has the potential to be used for military applications, such as in missile guidance systems. The chip is on the restricted Munitions List and should require an export license, but the State Department has given Boeing a pass. Boeing does it again. We justifiably take Clinton to task for sharing missile technology with China, but of course it wasn't Clinton himself who shared the technology; it was Boeing. Now the current administration is doing the same thing as the last one did - allowing Boeing to export criticial technologies which could be used in weapons. I guess it's business as usual.
To: Dominic Harr
A more doctrinaire interpretation of Adam Smith and Edmund Burke would help light the way to correcting this. Never in their wildest dreams did either man envisage today's lack of true accountibility. Chartered corporations may be one step toward regaining sanity - the current one size fits all incorporation process has sunken to the lowest common denominator (small businesses) and in the process opened the door to the collectivism you mentioned that we see with the big boys. The big boys can get away with murder because of the rules made for the little guy (e.g. made to encourage small business by protecting founders' personal assets). Once a corporation reaches a few hundred people or 10s of Millions in revenue it should be subject to much harsher scrutiny and the officers should be held accountable personally for decisions in all cases.
posted on
12/11/2003 11:11:37 AM PST
(Un-PC even to "Conservatives!" - Right makes right)
To: AreaMan
In a hallway conversation, the CEO of a certain Fortune 500 company was heard to utter, about one month ago, that even the tepid measures put in place after 9/11 to protect our borders, prevent dual use technology from falling into evil anti Western hands, and, chastize the PRC for proliferation, were, in his own words, "a knee jerk reaction." This individual while of Libertarian bent is a long time GOP contributor. I have a photo of him embracing W during the 2000 campaign. This demonstrates the nature of the beast, one hand contributes, while the other hand make back stabbing moves in cases where the government seeks to reign in the worst cases of national security corrosion. Knee jerk reaction? Please... the current measures are half measures at best! What will this guy and others like him say and do if we end up in a war with another great power, or even an Axis of smaller powers? This needs to be investigated by the DIA, FBI, Homeland Security and any one else who contributes to national security strategy for all of its implications.
posted on
12/11/2003 11:17:56 AM PST
(Un-PC even to "Conservatives!" - Right makes right)
To: AreaMan
And I might add "Belmont Mark helped train ChiCOM engineers in advanced design for assembly, design for robustness and quality planning methods which will now allow them to serial product WMDs and their control systems." Boy am I kicking myself now! Yeah, I used to be on that same bandwagon as the Business Roundtable crowd. Deluded they are with utopian visions as expounded by Thomas L. Friedman's "The Lexus and the Olive Tree." These people honestly believe that convergence, on Western terms, is inevitable. They believe that when we passed the supposed end of the Cold War, we passed beyond the end of history, and entered into a period where geopolitics and nation-to-nation relationships no longer mattered and were replaced by the so called "Fast World" or the "World Without Walls." In this supposed beyond-history universe, the only threats are now so called "rogue nations" and so called "superempowered angry individuals." Somehow, it is similar to the delusional nature of many in late 1860s France, as they scoffed at the suggestions of a small but aware faction that Prussia was preparing for war. Will today's decadent ones be similarly surprised by a future Bismarck, or by a group of Bismarcks?
posted on
12/11/2003 11:35:45 AM PST
(Un-PC even to "Conservatives!" - Right makes right)
To: belmont_mark
"serial product" s/b "serially produce..." Sorry.
posted on
12/11/2003 11:36:29 AM PST
(Un-PC even to "Conservatives!" - Right makes right)
To: belmont_mark
Once a corporation reaches a few hundred people or 10s of Millions in revenue it should be subject to much harsher scrutiny and the officers should be held accountable personally for decisions in all cases. Agreed.
May I suggest also that perhaps simply doing away with the 'virtual person-hood' would be a good start? Just force *someone* or *someones* to actually be the owner of record of each business? And then hold them criminally responsible for criminal behavior by those businesses?
That, I feel, is the real cause of our problems. That makes a 'business' into a 'collective person', and is the fount of all these problems.
To: Dominic Harr; harpseal; Willie Green; hedgetrimmer; A. Pole
posted on
02/05/2004 11:06:42 AM PST
(Un-PC even to "Conservatives!" - Right makes right)
To: belmont_mark; AAABEST; afraidfortherepublic; A. Pole; arete; billbears; Digger; DoughtyOne; ...
posted on
02/05/2004 11:09:10 AM PST
Willie Green
(Go Pat Go!!!)
To: belmont_mark
Corporations aren't chartered anymore? Isn't there a legal means to revoke a corporations status as a corportation? I think it would behoove the American people to learn how to do this.
We as citizens need to revoke any laws that allow governmental or taxpayer funding of any or all nonprofit corporations because they are a threat to the Republic and tax money should not be used for these types of entities. And remove nonprofit status from mega corporations like the Nature Conservancy because they are a threat to the Republic.
To: Willie Green; Wolfie; ex-snook; Jhoffa_; FITZ; arete; FreedomPoster; Red Jones; Pyro7480; ...
Under the original proposal as crafted by House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R-CA), all critical components in a weapon system would have had to be American-made and the overall system had to be 65 percent American. Those two requirements were eliminated under intense pressure from the Bush Administration, whose commitment to the recovery of American manufacturing has now been clearly shown to be phony. How is it possible that critical components do not have to be American-made?! Or am I dreaming? Or maybe the producers will be restricted to the trusty members of NATO alliance like France or Germany?
Is this process under supervision of WTO?
posted on
02/05/2004 12:35:04 PM PST
A. Pole
(pay no attention to the man behind the curtain , the hand of free market must be invisible)
To: A. Pole
"all critical components in a weapon system would have had to be American-made and the overall system had to be 65 percent American."
For National Security sake, the system should be 90+ percent American. Even at 65% with critical components being American made, there could be a serious problem if the other 35% is kept from the US. Also, there would be a serious delay if that happens and we contracted to have the remaining parts be made in America due to tooling, etc.
"Those two requirements were eliminated under intense pressure from the Bush Administration,"
That should have never happened. WTO, NAFTA, etc. are not more important that National Security.
posted on
02/05/2004 1:20:46 PM PST
(Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right? -- Megadeth (Peace Sells))
To: Looking for Diogenes
" Now the current administration is doing the same thing as the last one did - allowing Boeing to export criticial technologies which could be used in weapons. I guess it's business as usual."
Maybe China already has the technology from our surveilence plane that they held hostage.
posted on
02/05/2004 1:25:20 PM PST
(Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right? -- Megadeth (Peace Sells))
To: hedgetrimmer
"We as citizens need to revoke any laws that allow governmental or taxpayer funding of any or all nonprofit corporations because they are a threat to the Republic and tax money should not be used for these types of entities."
Whoa, wait a sec there. There are some nonprofits that are there for the good of the Republic.
posted on
02/05/2004 1:33:36 PM PST
(Tell me something, it's still "We the people", right? -- Megadeth (Peace Sells))
To: AreaMan
"He makes the rules , and he intends to keep it thataway
What's good for General Motors is good for the U.S.A."
Adapted from the chorus refrain from the musical version of "L'l Abner"
posted on
02/05/2004 1:36:35 PM PST
Doctor Stochastic
(Vegetabilisch = chaotisch is der Charakter der Modernen. - Friedrich Schlegel)
To: looscnnn
Now how does a private ownership compete with this? A leading land trust has completed purchase of a 23,780-acre timber tract in Mendocino County, the first time a conservation group has purchased a working forest in California with a goal of mixing restoration and timber harvests.
A leading land trust has completed purchase of a 23,780-acre timber tract in Mendocino County, the first time a conservation group has purchased a working forest in California with a goal of mixing restoration and timber harvests.
Helped by $10 million in state grants and loans, the Virginia-based Conservation Fund formally closed Wednesday on the $18 million deal, one of the largest transactions of its kind ever on the North Coast.
To: A. Pole
The corporations own the political parties. Both here and in Europe a corporate ruling class has taken over. They are transnational in nature, owing alegiance to no country and only to themselves. Profit at any cost is their motive.
They delude themselves into thinking they will always be in charge. Of such stuff revolutions and upheavals are made.
posted on
02/05/2004 2:42:13 PM PST
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