Whew! X42's in no danger: he never inhaled...
1 posted on
12/05/2003 6:52:43 AM PST by
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To: Jonathon Spectre
News Flash: No one gets out alive...
To: Pharmboy
Well, DUH! Inhaling any type of smoke into your lungs is not good for you. Doesn't matter if the burning substance is tobacco, marijuana, wood or whatever. Ask any firefighter about the effects of smoke inhalation.
3 posted on
12/05/2003 6:59:42 AM PST by
(Deo Vindice)
To: Pharmboy
Drinking to much water is bad for you.
We need a war on water. WOW
4 posted on
12/05/2003 7:02:52 AM PST by
To: Pharmboy
Nah... uh-uh. I was gonna make a few wisecracks, but so few people who respond to these drug threads can take a joke..
5 posted on
12/05/2003 7:05:08 AM PST by
(Hmmm...So this is gow this tag line thingie works)
To: Pharmboy
Now here's a solid argument for the continued legalization of marijuana.
6 posted on
12/05/2003 7:06:01 AM PST by
To: Pharmboy
"We found that smokers, compared to non-smokers, had impaired lung function," Nuttall said in an interview. Clearly this person is on the payroll of the nicotine nazi's and making these absurd claims because of it.
8 posted on
12/05/2003 7:06:43 AM PST by
Phantom Lord
(Distributor of Pain, Your Loss Becomes My Gain)
To: Pharmboy
Well golly! You mean to tell me that smoking hurts your lungs? Whoda thunkit? Glad to know we're not the only group of people who waste money on studies like this.
13 posted on
12/05/2003 7:10:17 AM PST by
AD from SpringBay
(We have the government we allow and deserve.)
To: Pharmboy
I like doing metal work as a hobby. Does this mean I should give up "recreational arc welding"?
15 posted on
12/05/2003 7:13:46 AM PST by
(Controlled application of force is the sincerest form of communication.)
To: Pharmboy
We found that smokers, compared to non-smokers, had impaired lung functionYa think?!?
To: Pharmboy
"said Dr Sarah Nuttall of the University of Birmingham in central England"
oh, those brits....
To: Pharmboy
I hope someone didn't PAY for this study.
To: Pharmboy
It took a study to figure this out?
To: Pharmboy
In a small study involving 20 people aged 19 to 30, I think the conclusions in this study will eventually be born out, but the sample size in this study is too small to provide any conclusions.
24 posted on
12/05/2003 7:45:57 AM PST by
To: Pharmboy
Do you think the anti-smoking forces will now come out against marijuana?
25 posted on
12/05/2003 7:47:20 AM PST by
(Autonomy is the guise of every graceless heart.)
To: Wolfie; vin-one; WindMinstrel; philman_36; Beach_Babe; jenny65; AUgrad; Xenalyte; Bill D. Berger; ..
WOD Ping
26 posted on
12/05/2003 8:08:37 AM PST by
(Help save a life - www.marrow.org)
To: Pharmboy
So what. Funnel enough alcohol and you can die instantly. No one has ever died from the effects of marijuana. Ever. Cancer cases because of mj -- zero.
To: Pharmboy
Wow smoke in the lungs is damaging. What a shocker!
36 posted on
12/05/2003 8:32:57 AM PST by
(The best service 'public servants' can do for the public is to get out of public service.)
To: Pharmboy
We needed a study to determine this? Even anti-WODers don't claim that inhaling smoke is good for you.
38 posted on
12/05/2003 8:44:27 AM PST by
To: Pharmboy
From the Department of Obviousness: Smoking Causes Damage to Lungs
60 posted on
12/05/2003 9:37:47 AM PST by
Liberal Classic
(No better friend, no worse enemy.)
To: Pharmboy
Round up all the usual suspects. Arrest them all, and send them to the smokey back room.
OOPs, I hope they don't sick from the smoke.
63 posted on
12/05/2003 9:45:33 AM PST by
(Putting government in charge of morality is like putting pedophiles in charge of children)
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