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To: Chief_Joe
"This is another example why people are so upset with this over glorification of Jessie - it's media-driven pop gibberish. The real questions like the ones you've raised aren't addressed. That's the first thing I noticed when reading the official report. It stood out to me that they were undermanned, I mean the whole fighting force, not just the 507th. They did not have all the firepower you'd expect to protect the supply line."

My sentiments exactly. Did they even have one crew-serve weapon? Did they have any infantry carried anti-tank weapons? A couple of those stupid T-54s could have made mincemeat of that convoy.

As to women in the service, my reserve unit has some really top-notch females who really know their stuff, but I know for a fact that none of them could drag my 6'4" 225lb frame out of a burning Humvee.

259 posted on 11/07/2003 6:01:10 AM PST by jjm2111 (I'm in the Navy so excuse my lack of army knowledge.)
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To: jjm2111
My sentiments exactly. Did they even have one crew-serve weapon? Did they have any infantry carried anti-tank weapons? A couple of those stupid T-54s could have made mincemeat of that convoy.

There is still more to this story that has not been revealed and perhaps never will.

I remember a black soldier that was hospitalized that contradicted the story that the 507th had taken a wrong turn when the story first broke. He was either involved in the fight that day or knew what had happen. He was slightly interviewed by one of the cable news networks, but after that they never showed him again. I keep waiting for this guy to be interviewed again due to me being highly upset that this group for some reason was left alone. I think the 1st story that came out was that they were at the rear of the convoy or that they fell behind. It was something that did not sound right.

267 posted on 11/07/2003 6:36:02 AM PST by TexKat
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