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Columbine Victim's Dad Wants Darwinism's Weaknesses Revealed, Truth Taught in Schools
Agape Press ^ | October 28, 2003 | Jim Brown and Jenni Parker

Posted on 10/29/2003 8:03:50 PM PST by gore3000

(AgapePress) - The father of a student who died in the tragic Columbine, Colorado, school shootings of April 20, 1999, is weighing in on the Texas debate over high school biology textbooks. He believes children who are taught that they are made in the image of God will have greater respect for life.


The father of Rachel Scott feels there is a directly relationship between what children are taught and how they see the world and choose to live in it. "If children are taught that they came from slime, that they evolved from a lower form of life, and that there's no future after death, then their views of life are affected by that," he says.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Culture/Society; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: columbine; education; evolution; religion; texasschools
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This is an excerpt. Full text is at Agape Press
1 posted on 10/29/2003 8:03:50 PM PST by gore3000
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To: gore3000
If children are taught that they came from slime, that they evolved from a lower form of life

Well, some people do come from slime and are lower forms of life.

2 posted on 10/29/2003 8:13:49 PM PST by WackyKat
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To: gore3000
If kids are told they are just animals, they will act like animals!
3 posted on 10/29/2003 8:14:51 PM PST by LiteKeeper
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To: gore3000
Let me ask you a couple of questions. And, as a Christian, I know you will not lie.

First question. Do you believe that when other FReepers post in favor of evolution that is a violation of the rules of Free Republic, which deserves pushing the "Report Abuse" button?

Second question. Approximately how many times have you hit the "Report Abuse" button against evolutionists in, say, the last week?
4 posted on 10/29/2003 8:15:04 PM PST by CobaltBlue
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To: gore3000
What horsehockey.
Darwin didn't kill his kid, her nutty classmates did.
I doubt those classmates ever cracked open a book, much less digested the Origin of the Species.
5 posted on 10/29/2003 8:19:09 PM PST by John Beresford Tipton
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To: gore3000
Whatever... The Clintoons are still white trash (and trash comes in all colors).
6 posted on 10/29/2003 8:20:20 PM PST by MadMoo (CA-- From 3rd-World Status to a better one under the yoke of Mr. Muscle!)
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To: WackyKat
Well, some people do come from slime and are lower forms of life.

We certainly can agree on that! It scares me to see the inhumanity of man against man. It scares me to see how little some regard human life.

7 posted on 10/29/2003 8:22:29 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: CobaltBlue
I will tell you this. This is the second thread which you try to pollute with such a post and turn it into an ad-hominem and personal attack thread in order to get it pulled. The next time will be the last. There have been enough pulled threads already.
8 posted on 10/29/2003 8:25:52 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: gore3000; js1138; BMCDA; CobaltBlue; ThinkPlease; PatrickHenry; Right Wing Professor; VadeRetro; ...
The next time will be the last.

I don't want to get any thread pulled. The only way to get threads pulled is to hit the abuse button. Who is doing that? Is it you?

You just threatened me that the thread will be pulled. That suggests to me that you are the one who is hitting the abuse button. Is it you?

9 posted on 10/29/2003 8:30:21 PM PST by CobaltBlue
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To: John Beresford Tipton
What horsehockey.
Darwin didn't kill his kid, her nutty classmates did.

Not horsehockey. This is a father speaking from his heart. He has no ulterior motives, his child is dead. He does not want to see other parents suffer in the same way.

Check out the following:

When Time magazine ran excerpts from the video that Harris and Klebold made about their gruesome murderous plans, Time didn't include their rantings against Jesus, Christianity and some specific students for being Christians. It was only after the father of murdered student Rachel Scott, got a look at the video that he told the world about the vicious anti-Christian statements made by Harris and Klebold.
From: Nearly 4 years after....

10 posted on 10/29/2003 8:35:16 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: gore3000
The father of Rachel Scott feels there is a directly relationship between what children are taught and how they see the world and choose to live in it. "If children are taught that they came from slime, that they evolved from a lower form of life, and that there's no future after death, then their views of life are affected by that," he says.

Whether kids behave better when they're taught creationism rather than evolution is completely irrelevant to which one is true or not.

If we found that kids were really well behaved and society was better if they were taught the Moon was made of green cheese instead of rock, would you advocate ythat children be taught the moon is made of green cheese?

11 posted on 10/29/2003 8:35:35 PM PST by John H K
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To: gore3000
One problem with society today is that there's sort of a blind worship of anything that a victim of something horrible happens says...Brady is a good example.(Understandble, since the media doesn't want to look bad and unsympathetic challenging what victims say.)

Being a victim or someone that suffers some tragedy doesn't magically make that person an expert on anything, or even subjects related to what they were a victim of.
12 posted on 10/29/2003 8:38:15 PM PST by John H K
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To: gore3000
If children are taught that they came from slime, that they evolved from a lower form of life, and that there's no future after death, then their views of life are affected by that,"

He invents a strawman argument there; absolutely NOTHING about evolution even has the slightest thing to do with whether there's an afterlife or not, and I personally have never seen, or heard of, the afterlife being discussed when evolution is taught.

13 posted on 10/29/2003 8:42:10 PM PST by John H K
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To: gore3000
He believes children who are taught that they are made in the image of God will have greater respect for life.

A good example of the emotionalism that fuels the anti-evo movement.

Being emotionalism, the D*ms should be the ones backing it. Perhaps H*ll*ry will see anti-evolutionism as a way to save more children; the D*ms are already dumbimg the kids down in history, math, etc, what's one more subject?

14 posted on 10/29/2003 8:42:18 PM PST by Virginia-American
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To: John H K
Whether kids behave better when they're taught creationism rather than evolution is completely irrelevant to which one is true or not.

Scientifically speaking, perhaps not. However, one must say logically that a way of thinking which incites destruction is not perhaps the answer to creating things as evolution claims.

It also seems to me that an unproven theory which is so destructive should not be taught as true until definite proof has been shown for it.

15 posted on 10/29/2003 8:43:49 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: Virginia-American
A good example of the emotionalism that fuels the anti-evo movement.

There is evidence for the atheism and anti-Christian views of these murderers. So it is not emotionalism we are discussing, it is facts.

As to dumbing down students, evolution is the ultimate dumbing down. Making children believe unquestioningly an unproven theory is the ultimate in dumbing down. No, even worse, it is not education but indoctrination.

16 posted on 10/29/2003 8:46:46 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: gore3000
The teaching of Creationism didn't stop a thousand years of European religious wars or the Spanish Inquisition; how is it supposed to stop two teenage lunatics in Colorado?

17 posted on 10/29/2003 8:47:54 PM PST by WackyKat
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To: John H K
absolutely NOTHING about evolution even has the slightest thing to do with whether there's an afterlife or not

You are absolutely wrong. Evolution is completely materialistic and does indeed claim that we came from slime not from God. I challenge you to show me one sentence in Darwin's published works that says we came from God.

18 posted on 10/29/2003 8:48:54 PM PST by gore3000 ("To say dogs, mice, and humans are all products of slime plus time is a mystery religion.")
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To: CobaltBlue
Why don't you quit polluting and derailing threads with your harassment of FReepers? Let the admins do their job.
Is it your plan to leave a trail of slime on each science thread?

19 posted on 10/29/2003 8:52:51 PM PST by Michael_Michaelangelo
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To: gore3000
He believes children who are taught that they are made in the image of God will have greater respect for life.

He is either a fool of a knave using the tragedy to advance his pet cause.

If he gets what he wants, is there any reason to reject people who promise a more direct solution to the problem?

Teaching students tolerance of other religions, ethnicities, and lifestyles is the only solution to the hate crimes that plague our country's streets and schoolyards.

20 posted on 10/29/2003 8:55:13 PM PST by Oztrich Boy (You realize, of course, this means war?" B Bunny)
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