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Liberal Challenge: "Nobody Died When Clinton Lied"
| zeebee
Posted on 10/24/2003 2:58:31 PM PDT by zeebee
I've been challenged by a liberal who stated, "Nobody Died When Clinton Lied".
I replied, "except almost 3000 on September 11, 2001"
He said "put up or shut up"
I pointed to 3 books:
"Legacy: Paying the Price for the Clinton Years" by Rich Lowry
"Losing Bin Laden: How Bill Clinton's Failures Unleashed Global Terror" by Rich Miniter
Dereliction of Duty: The Eyewitness Account of How Bill Clinton Endangered America's Long-Term National Security by Robert Patterson
He said, "They all come from the wingnut propaganda house Regnery. If Regnery were to publish a dictionary I wouldn't believe a word in it."
"You've evaded my challenge. You haven't pointed to a specific Clinton lie or lies that led to the deaths of the 3,000 people on Sept. 11, or of anybody else."
"What did Clinton say, how was it a lie, and who died as a result? Be specific."
Can I get some Freeper help here?
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I can't let him get the last word.
posted on
10/24/2003 2:58:32 PM PDT
To: zeebee
So would he say the same thing about Watergate?
posted on
10/24/2003 3:00:35 PM PDT
To: zeebee
Vince Foster and Ron Brown come to mind.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:01:42 PM PDT
To: zeebee
Look, he's not going to believe you no matter what sources (confirmed or otherwise) you present to him. He's an ass and a fanatic. Move on.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:02:36 PM PDT
(Liberals can sugarcoat sh** all they want. I'm not biting.)
To: fml
and the USS Cole
posted on
10/24/2003 3:02:48 PM PDT
To: zeebee
He didn't "lie" per se on this one. He said no to the Sudan four times.
To: zeebee
The correct answer is "Bush didn't lie".
But if we are just addressing the Clinton part, then I think that the people who were working that aspirin factory in the Sudan might beg to differ. So might Ron Brown, Vince Foster, and James McDougal.
To: zeebee
"What did Clinton say, how was it a lie, ..." I'm confused, it seems your correspondent has already acknowledged that Clinton lied. ("Nobody Died When Clinton Lied", true or not, is an acknowledgment that Clinton lied about something.)
I'm also confused because I can't for the life of me figure out when it's been established that Bush lied, and about what.
So as it stands you are debating someone who has acknowledged that Clinton lied, and (I can only assume) can't point to a real, serious instance of Bush "lying".
Why not declare victory and end it there. If he objects, ask him to explain what Bush has "lied" about, and prove that it was a "lie". I'll bet he can't.
To: fml
Ask the Serbs ......
posted on
10/24/2003 3:03:29 PM PDT
To: zeebee
Clinton 'lied' about the genocide in Kosovo. Of course Bush neither Bush or Clinton 'lied' about the war, just overstated their case based on the intelligence. But if they insist Bush lied about Iraq, they must concede that Clinton lied about Kosovo, because the genocide Clinton described was never found.
To: zeebee
Clinton's AG Reno lied whe she said it was "for the children" and 80 people burned to death in Waco, along with the 4 ATF agents and 6 Davidians who died in the inital gunfight.
To: zeebee
He lied.
That's enough.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:04:34 PM PDT
("I want a man with grit."..................Mattie Ross of near Dardenelle in Yell County)
To: zeebee
You did a good job, in my opinion. I would leave it at that and agree to disagree. If they keep bringing up the liberal jive, ask them to stop until they read the books and agree to discuss them.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:04:38 PM PDT
(Go Cubbies!)
To: zeebee
Nobody died when Clinton lied?
What about the night janitor in the pharmeceutical building that Clinton claimed was making WMD and just had to be bombed on the eve of Monica's grand jury appearance?
And that's without even pondering it for a minute.
Oh, what about those at the Chinese embassy that got bombed due to "faulty maps"?
You were right to point to 9/11. Clinton even now is going around saying he warned President Bush about bin Laden but Bush wouldn't listen as he was intent on getting Iraq.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:05:10 PM PDT
(We call evil by its name...President George W. Bush to the Australian Parliament)
To: zeebee
1. The hundreds of dead Serbian civilians might disagree.
2. Granting for the moment that the Iraq war was solely fought for the purpose of increasing the profits of Exxon and Haliburton, it *still* produced a net benefit. The lives lost in the war are more than balanced by those who will now not be murdered by Saddam's thugs.
To: zeebee
I honestly can't imagine why you'd continue to have a conversation with someone so bereft of original thought and understanding of 'irony' that they'd actually utter the phrase "Nobody Died When Clinton Lied" without bursting into laughter.That statement is so loaded, and ethically hypocritical, that you know for a fact the person you were talking to is a rabid hater of Bush and will never, ever be budged from their position.
To: zeebee
When he took the office of office and swore to defend the nation from all enemies foriegn and domestic. He then refused to act on multiple opportunities to take into custody or kill a terrorist (OBL) who has threatened the US and our citizens since the Reagan administration, including the known funding and oranization of attacks on our military in Somalia and Yemen he failed to act on the oath he took - a promise to the American people- and therefore made that promise a lie.
posted on
10/24/2003 3:06:13 PM PDT
(Feed the Tree .....)
To: zeebee
First WTC bombing - he did nothing.
Cole - he did nothing.
Embassies - he did nothing.
Other countries offered OBL on a platter - he did nothing.
OBL laughed on videotape after Black Hawk Down and understood he could take on Americans and Clinton would not do anything.
I'd say AT LEAST that Clinton gave encouagement to a terrorist organization and probably is indirectly responsible for the deaths of all those on 9/11.
Clinton himself admitted to a live audience in the days after 9/11 that he should have accepted other country's offer to hand over OBL.
And ask your friend - is that the standard now for a good president? No one has to die?
posted on
10/24/2003 3:06:27 PM PDT
(The Clintons have pardoned more terrorists than they ever captured or killed.)
To: zeebee
Ask him the same question about Bush.
Document where Bush lied.
To: zeebee
This will get him worked up:
Ask him what he suggests should be done in order to protect us from muslim fanatics who would kill us all. Demand operational specifics and tell him to put up or shut up.
He'll babble about how the US is supporting Saudi Arabia, etc. and is a racist nation. Avoid debating that, make him tell you exactly what should be done to combat our enemies.
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