Posted on 10/20/2003 4:53:35 PM PDT by Jim Robinson
Edited on 10/20/2003 8:39:45 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
I happen to believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton were the worst presidents in our nation's history. Corruption, government abuse, treason and daily scandal were the norm under their rule. Bill is a useful idiot who can't keep his mouth shut or his zipper up and Hillary is an America hating godless communist power monger. These are my personal opinions.
Bill and Hillary Clinton and their minions still wield a tremendous amount of power and influence over the Democrat Party, the socialist movement and the national press. Their goals are to completely eliminate our rights to free speech, free religion, freedom to keep and bear arms, etc., and these are just for starters.
I believe the overall goal of their movement is to completely do away with the U.S. Constitution and in its place, install socialist/totalitarian rule over America. Furthermore, I believe they wish to do away with our national sovereignty altogether and subject America to domination by the U.N. and other world bodies.
Now you may call me a nutcase if you wish, but that's the way I see it. I believe that in the last century, FDR, LBJ, RMN, Carter, Clinton, et al, successfully introduced many socialist programs into our government and our way of life and with the help of the media and atheist institutions like the ACLU began systematically destroying the fabric of our society. In the process, they've moved both of our major political parties way over to the left. They (the liberals/marxists/socialists) have almost completely taken over all of our government institutions and agencies, the judiciary, the press, the Universities, our education systems, our charities, even our churches.
I believe that as long as Bill and Hillary Clinton and their like minded socialist minions have any influence or power over the government or either of the two major political parties, our nation and all of our freedoms are in extreme danger.
Free Republic was created in 1996 as a place where liberty-minded individuals could gather and share the news and discuss the Clinton scandals and other government abuses. I had hoped that the truth of the Clinton corruption would come out in time to prevent his re-election in 1996. Didn't happen. So we moved on. If we couldn't block his re-election, well, perhaps we could help with his impeachment. He was impeached, but we could not remove him.
So next, we decide to do all in our power to ensure that his second in command does not get to the Whitehouse. Even though GWB was not my first choice, once he won the Republican nomination, most of us rallied behind him and fought like the dickens to get him elected. Then we fought again to block the attempted Gore coup d'etat. Our Free Republic chapters mobilized all across the nation and there were thousands of rallies and protests in hundreds of cities objecting loudly to Gore's attempted takeover.
Then we all thanked God when Bush was finally declared the winner and off to Washington we went to celebrate at the Free Republic George W. Bush Inaugural Ball (I).
Then we all thank God again when after the cowardly attack on our nation by a gang of murderous international terrorists we realize how close we were to complete collapse and national destruction had the socialist U.N. loving Al Gore been in charge. Thank God for President Bush!
And I haven't even mentioned how evil I truly believe the official Democrat Party platform is. Here's a partial laundry list of what the Democrat Party supports and promotes: abortion; homosexuality; feminaziism; environmentalism; government control over every aspect of our lives and society; socialized health care; disarmament of the American people; subjugation of the U.S. to the U.N.; the complete elimination of our national sovereignty; complete destruction of our basic traditional family unit; loss of personal freedoms and individual liberty. In other words, complete destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights and our American way of life.
I came to the conclusion several years ago that there is no way this republic can survive if we allow the Democrat Party to maintain control over our government and other institutions. If America is to survive as we know it, Bill and Hillary Clinton and all the current democrat/socialist power mongers who share their philosophy and visions for a socialist America and socialist world must be soundly rejected and defeated at the polls.
And not just at the presidential level. They must be rejected and removed from both houses of Congress and from our State houses and local legislatures. For example, if we cannot remove them from the Senate, then there is no hope for reestablishing a judiciary built on the original intent of the Constitution and the rule-of-law. The liberals and socialists must be rooted out of our congress and our judiciary. Our free republic, our freedom and even liberty itself depends on it.
Just my humble opinion and why I act the way I do. I see the Democrat Party as domestic enemy number one of the Constitution and therefor it is my sworn enemy. And, in my eyes, anyone who helps to elect members of the Democrat party are aiding and abetting the enemy.
Futhermore, I believe wholeheartedly in the original intent of our Founding Fathers and in the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."
God gave us these unalienable rights and they can never be taken from us by man or government. And we are ALL to be treated justly and equally under the law.
"That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
Yes, the Founders established a government and set forth the plan for us to govern ourselves.
"That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness."
The government has become destructive to these ends. One of the main purposes of our government is to defend, preserve and protect our liberty. It has been doing just the opposite. Therefore, it is our right and duty to alter or abolish it. I propose doing so by destroying enemy number one of the Constitution, the corrupt socialist Democrat Party.
That election was so close, and you could tell from the historic struggle just how important it was. For instance, if Gore had won he would have signed the Kyoto Treaty, and would have tried to put America in the ICC, where every pissant third-world moron could take a swipe at the U.S. and our military. And nobody wants to think about how Gore would have handled 9/ll.....
You shouldn't let detractors bother you. Remember this famous quote:
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Winston Churchill
Best regards as always
Hits on your character, honesty and MO were perceived to be their problem, not yours, and I think most agree. Your work and the work of others who give 10,000% here is too important in light of what we're facing (above!).
We're with you!!
I guess you mean "super floss" If the mental floss fits...
I can think of a dozen good places to start.
The general size of the federal government would be as good a place as any.
Educate people.
Show them what portion of their income goes to satisfy the leviathan.
Show them what it was 25, 50, 100 years ago.
Show them that only 6 cents on the dollar allocated for social programs, actually goes to the recipient (with the rest being bureaucratic overhead).
Show them what is happening to their country.
And how is JimRob's support of the president undermining it?
It isn't necessarily.
But we have to be honest enough with ourselves to admit that government continues to grow, no matter who occupies the Whitehouse.
Without exception.
Thanks in advance :0)
Firstly, JimRob - Good post and I generally agree. The DNC has done more to harm this country than even the taliban could do.
Mr. Fairbanks, I think what we need to do is make a gradual turn back to the right. The country has been hijacked and brainwashed by the left since the 1930's (or perhaps longer) through our schools, newspapers, and other information institutions - corrective action isn't going to occur overnight. We will get to those RINO's after we remove the greatest threats to liberty - the extreme leftists and their minions.
We got to take the yardage where we can get it.
Four yards and a cloud of dust.
Which of his comments do you disagree with?
Haven't seen you around. I hope all is well!
And are they truly pro-life? I don't know... there's a woman being murdered as we speak, and so far (although things can still change) the Republican governor of Florida has not done much except for pretend to care, and his brother also hasn't done anything, as far as I know. Why pretend to care about the sanctity of life if you really don't? To keep the conservatives voting for you? I realized years ago that the Republican party is not really what they are supposed to be about. I'm not saying there aren't any good Republicans, there are a few, but I think many of the ones in charge are not true conservatives, and don't seem to care about the constitution. JMO.
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