Dow was up another 294 before settling.
A dem with a 401k who is ok losing their retirement is ???
Hopefully they will have more trouble collapsing the economy than they did to get Obama elected. Then they had complete control of Congress and had effectively shut down the Bush administration from doing anything.
Correct. I am voting for Trump, recession or not.
Ross Douthat = NYT fake conservative. Trained sea lions have more original ideas — and I say that with great affection for trained sea lions.
When did the Frauds handlers start the other recession in the election cycle?
During the period after the civil war known as reconstruction black legislators who were Republican were elected in the south To stop this democrats came up with segregation poll taxes and Jim Crow laws and the KKK
uring the Trump roundup this should be done.Check the precinct list of registered voters where these people resided. If theyre on that list, Federal crime, charge them and those that enabled them to vote knowing they were illegals. If enough noise is made it should discourage illegals still here from voting. Besides determining how they got a drivers license show how much its costing taxpayers of that state. Also point out increased premiums on drivers insurance rates. As well as demonstrate how ,local ,state and federal taxes are increased by diverting educational, medical, food and housing allocations to meet illegal’s needs at citizen expense.
Democrats unseat Republican Presidents or are successful ( 1976, 1992, 2008) when there is a recession or poor economic conditions during a Republican Administration. A recession is the fervent hope of the Democrats for 2020 and it is being gleefully predicted by the lackeys in the MSM and the left wing toadies in Academia.
People need to hear the democrats say they want a recession so that Trump loses.
In other words, it doesn’t matter to them that millions lose their jobs, their homes, their pensions, their savings and every single thing that gives them peace of mind and makes their lives possible.
The democrats do not care if you suffer. They only want power and if it means steamrolling over the bodies of workers thrown out of their jobs and homes, they DO NOT CARE.
Bill Maher doesn’t care. Anderson Cooper who lives on his late mother’s millions doesn’t care and neither do those feckless women who purport to be Congresswomen of the United States. Every single one of the democrats running and those supporting them would sell his or her body, soul, mother, child or brother to be able to claim the presidency.
They do not care if you suffer and lose everything.
Those on the left brought down the economy in 2007 just to give the left the win. One of the powerful who deals with destroying countries currencies and elections said it. “We went too far.”
I can’t find the statement. It is out there and curated somewhere. But I have excellent recall. I will find it.
If there were to be a recession in the next 14 months, it depends on what people think is the cause. The most likely ojective cause and the one that would be a problem for Trump is relations with the Chinese. A combination of the oppression of Hong Kong and trade imbalance and tariffs and counter measures against American farmers could be spun by the Democrats to Trump’s disadvantage.
There are several counter measures that Trump can do to continue an economic boom despite China. He should still try for a win in China. But he needs a plan B... or a set of plans A, B and C.
Payroll tax is a very regressive tax. Trump should push Cpngress to remove both the employer’s and employee’s share of the payroll tax from the working poor. If the Democrat House and the Senatorial Presidential candidates support Trump they are committing suicide with their base.
If they oppose it, they are supporting a very regressive tax that no self-respecting Progressive would condone. The word progressive means first and formost progressive taxes and opposition to regressive taxes.
Removing the tax on the working poor is equivalent to giving them $15/hr. But it actually has a positive impact on the employer and customer. It will be very good for the economy.
At the same time, Trump should do what he can, and push Congress, to cut welfare. The first welfare he should cut is welfare to the rich, to the big corporatins, to the lawyers and lobbyists. He has already started that and they are fighting him in court to prevent it.
He should also cut welfare to the poor. Currently we tax the working poor and reward the malingerers. That is crazy. There are people on the internet who claim a disability. But they are able to type/chat on the internet 40+ hours a week. And their comments are obviously intelligent. They should get jobs.
Some of this has already happened. SSI disability climbed under both Bush and Obama. It peaked at 2014 andthen was flat till Trump appeared on the scene. Since then, SSI has declined. In 2018-19 it has declined rapidly in GA where there are plenty of jobs.
People with SSI disability claim back ache or mental problems. A good job with self-respect and respectable income is the best cure for these disabilities.
There is room to get more people off disability and productive, proud members of societh no facing suicide.
There are other Plan Bs and Cs that Trump could take. He has built the image of a bold man of action. For him to now acquire the image of someone too timid to try anything is not the way to go.
When a home run hitter swings for the fences, sometimes he swings as misses. Most people remember his homeruns and not his swings that missed. Only his manager should be obsessed with them.
Which will make them even angrier.