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To: Vol2727
Look, you guys, I reallllly need your help this time. Fox News has STOPPED captioning their news. Looks like they went back to their normal schedule of captioned news.

I am so desperate here. I'm at my lowest low. I cannot keep up with the news without captioning. I'm sneaking in here (my hubby is asleep) to ask and beg you guys to EMAIL Fox News and demand they keep their captioning going.

By 'captioning', do you mean closed captioning for hearing impaired ? Let me know and, of course, I will send them an e-mail . . .

49 posted on 03/26/2003 2:07:37 AM PST by MeekOneGOP (Bu-bye Saddam! / Check out my Freeper site !:
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To: MeeknMing
Yes, I mean closed captioning. Sorry, we deafies just call it captioning. I'm still bummed out. It's still not captioned this morning. Before the war began, they were captioning their news from seven am til 11 pm. Looks like they are back to that now. Bummer.

Can you use your ping list too, Meek?

Let me explain a little bit more in case you do ping others. I have been emailing Fox News forever about closed captioning their news 24/7. Fox News only captions their news from 7 am til 11 pm on weekdays. And a couple of hours on the evenings of the wknds. MSNBC which is dead last in the ratings captions their news from six am til midnight during the wk and on the wknds from 7 am til 9 pm. You would think Fox News being tops in the ratings would have the means and money to provide full time captioning for their deaf viewers.

Now, since the liberation began, Fox News was the only news network to do the 24/7 captioning until 11 pm last night. A bunch of us had emailed them thanking them for captioning their coverage non-stop but now looks like those thanks went unheeded. I don't know what else I can do. Is their anyway I can get a hold of the higher ups in the network about this? I feel they are ignoring the emails.

The battle for Baghdad is about to begin and I don't want to miss ANYTHING. Looks like I'm going to. I'm really desperate.

I kept suggesting to Fox News that if they would do the 24/7 deal that they would become the FIRST news network to do so and would draw more deaf viewers to them. The Weather Channel is the ONLY station to provide 24/7 captioning and even got announced in the deaf newspapers.

I would like to thank those of you who have been helping me with this. And hope that you continue to help me.

52 posted on 03/26/2003 3:23:14 AM PST by Vol2727 (Pls email Fox News and demand 24/7 closed captioning. Pls!!)
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