To: EdReform; Vol2727; SAMWolf; MistyCA; Victoria Delsoul; SpookBrat; OneLoyalAmerican; larryjohnson; ..
Email sent just now to FOX.
FRiends, please see FReeper request for help at #42.
46 posted on
03/25/2003 9:26:59 PM PST by
(Support our Troops * Stand up to Terrorists * Liberate Iraq)
To: AntiJen
51 posted on
03/26/2003 3:07:37 AM PST by
To: AntiJen
I was thrilled they were captioning too. I didn't realize they'd stopped. They snuck that in while I wasn't looking. E-mail on the way.
To: AntiJen
Email sent just now to FOX. FRiends, please see FReeper request for help at #42. Excellent idea, Jen. Thanks so much. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson