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DUBOB 11- more tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast...
various links and websites
| 01-31-03
| The Heavy Equipment Guy
Posted on 01/31/2003 5:07:21 PM PST by backhoe
At the request of members, I am restarting those "Tales from the Dark UnderBelly Of the Beast"-- the stories and issues that the press and media either ignore, won't even talk about, or will mention once and forevermore claim "it's old news..."
Naturally, some will be stories which interest me, or things I think we all need to be aware of.
I am experimenting with a minor change in presentation- when I can, I will cut to
with a keyword or two and see what kind of links to "mainstream" stories I can find in contrast to what we see here and on other sites.
May I remind you of a couple of points to bear in mind?
Each link usually has many other links within- follow them all to get "the rest of the story."
Don't forget the "open multiple browsers" trick with control-n -- this allows you to hold your place with one, and use the others to follow links, run searches, etc.
Rather than go back and rehash old links, I'll give you links to the original posts here:
-DUBOB 10- the *best of* the Dark Underbelly Series--
-DUBOB 9-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast..... --
DUBOB 8-- still *more* tales from the Underbelly***
DUBOB 7-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....
DUBOB 6-- yet *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....
DUBOB 5-- even *more* tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast.....
DUBOB IV- yet more Tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast-
DUBOB III -- "Tales from the Dark Underbelly of the Beast"
DUBOB 2-- more tales from The Dark Underbelly of the Beast-- thread II
-The Dark Underbelly of the Beast- Stories the Media won't Discuss...--
KEYWORDS: americans4prosperity; davidharsanyi; dubob; erichoffer; kochbrothers; lamestreammedia; oldmedia; thetruth
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To: All
posted on
04/03/2003 5:08:24 PM PST
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posted on
04/03/2003 5:34:44 PM PST
To: All
Good grief. It doesn't take long for the "one issue crowd" to crank up the ol' victrola, does it?
The important thing to remember is that this professor was just stupid enough to say what Dashole, Kerry and most of the other Rats in Congress would say if they were to really speak their minds. This professor is not the problem - just the symptom.
Kerry stands by Bush remark
Washington Times ^ | Friday, April 4, 2003 | By Charles Hurt
The French are caving, the Germans are caving, even the Russians are caving. I guess the Democrats take some time to catch up to their spiritual leaders.
The author fails to look at examples from history in places like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, where tens of millions of people were murdered by their own government and they had no defense.
Awesome interactive map of Baghdad!
They hate already. The only protection we can muster is for them to fear us. They are never going to love us.
By equating the vile, totalitarian regime in Baghdad with the government of the United States, Mr. Kerry is now indistinguishable from the most hardcore anti-war leftists.
Does it seem as though many of Hollywood's "A-List" actors are speaking out against the war or against President Bush? Probably the latter, based on many actors' personal assaults on the president's intellect, morality, masculinity and intentions. Clinton, on the other hand, remains an all-time favorite of the modern sewer culture in Tinsel Town (the "why" should be obvious; the ex-president and much of Hollywood share the same valueless culture).
posted on
04/04/2003 2:33:43 AM PST
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posted on
04/04/2003 2:48:40 AM PST
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Do smoking bans cut heart attacks in half? ^ | Friday, April 4, 2003 | by Jacob Sullum
In truth, the study shows nothing of the kind. The fact that Sargent and his fellow tobaccophobes got away with this kind of prevarication shows how eager journalists are to accept any factoid that helps the anti-smoking cause.
Democrat Crack-up Rolls On
Rush Limbaugh .com ^ | 4/3/03 | El Rushbo
This strategery is backfiring among rank-and-file Democrats. You wouldn’t imagine how many of them came up to me at the recent Cigar Aficionado dinner to say that they couldn't believe it...
posted on
04/04/2003 4:42:48 AM PST
To: All
ybody see the MSNBC "damage controll ad" that they have been running? Peter Arnett has really hurt their credibility... The reason FOX will won is because they are the only network that has avoided rooting for the our soldiers to fail... This is just another milestone in the revolution that is occuring within the media and this country.
War Support Solid, Optimism Grows (GWB at 71%!)
The Washington Post ^ | April 4, 2003 | Richard Morin, Claudia Deane
DemonRat's panic is growing by the day. If Daschle was saddened a few days ago, just imagine how he felt after seeing today's paper. GW Bush's approval ratings are going up despite the media's best efforts to demoralize the American public.
posted on
04/04/2003 9:15:43 AM PST
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posted on
04/04/2003 9:38:50 AM PST
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About 5 days old, but still a good list
posted on
04/04/2003 12:33:26 PM PST
To: All
Why are the Brits so in love with Arafart? Every time someone mentions "justice for the Palestinians" in Parliament, they practically get a standing O. Have they gone bonkers? Or do they just really hate Jews?
posted on
04/04/2003 3:35:54 PM PST
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...brand new arms which included grenades, Russian and Chinese machine guns, automatic carbines and almost a tonne of ammunition.
posted on
04/04/2003 4:53:27 PM PST
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"Elite" what?
They just go to the leftist lock box and pick out an index card with a mantra du jour. They don't have to have too many because most of them work in a multitude of situations. "For the children" is a well-worn out card--one of Hillary's personal favorites. They were in a real panic there for awhile because they thought someone had lost the "Quagmire" card.
Please email your congressional Representatives regarding this issue and ask them to introduce or support legislation to cut Columbia's funding off over this issue.
The NY times is a joke. Not one word of praise for our troops. Our guys and gals risked their lives trying to save innocent Iraqis and their basic internal stucture. Does the hate America crowd at the Times say that, no, instead, we need the UN
G*d*mn, this paper is relentless! Unable to that Bush has failed in his reckless war plan, now, without a backward glance, they turn to the next theme: Bush diabolically bolsters his political standing on the bodies of dead Iraqis...and Marines.
Anti-Bush blather: Kyle Williams reminds Hollywoodites who pays their... ^ | Saturday, April 5, 2003 | Kyle Williams
No matter how rich and famous they may be, they are nothing but trash...
Baghdad is Falling!
Self | 04/05/2003 | Self
Bob Arnott was being greeted by people on the street screaming "Thank you Bush!", "Go get him" etc.
I'm gonna hold my judgment of GW, for now, but I'm gonna do all I can to let ANYONE and EVERYONE know my feelings about our back-stabbing allies and the UN.
Gee, I wonder why?
posted on
04/05/2003 6:34:10 AM PST
(A nuke for every Kook ( NK, Iraq, Iran, Pak, India... )- what a Clinton "legacy...")
To: All
posted on
04/05/2003 9:11:52 AM PST
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Did Kerry steal a line from the communists at Workers World newspaper?
"World demands regime change in Washington "
Full text here:
Where Can a Person Send a Care Package for Troops?
posted on
04/05/2003 11:18:24 AM PST
("Time to kick the tires & light the fires-- Let's Roll!")
To: All
Just reported on FOX News -- "Iraq ia being de-Saddamized."
It would improve Hollywood, too.
They sure are making it easy for Saturday Night Live tonight. And can you imagine how depressed Judy Woodruff is today? What a great day this has been.
posted on
04/05/2003 3:08:10 PM PST
To: All
Ya'll are gonna LOVE this link. HUNDREDS of DOD photos of Operation Iraqi Freedom-
I find it rather interesting that voicing one's opinion is fine and dandy if it fits the leftist's agenda, but show ANY sign of independant thought, and they jump on the "mutant" like hyenas on a lone wildebeest calf.
Hot topics from cool Canada:
posted on
04/05/2003 4:16:52 PM PST
To: All
I hope the peaceniks now have the good grace to shut the hell up.
posted on
04/05/2003 5:33:17 PM PST
To: All
Inside Saddam's Terror Regime (Vanity Fair, 1/21/02)
Vanity Fair | January 21, 2002 | David Rose & Henry Porter
...the exclusive on al-Qurairy's brutal history of-rape, torture, and mass murder, his training of a previously unknown elite force called al-Qare'a - including an untraceable 30-commando unit that left Iraq a year ago and his strong belief that Iraq was involved in the September 11 attacks
Game over, antiwar crowd.
"ANSWER is not the Answer"
Poll: More Say War Justified Without Finding Weapons
Washington Post ^ | Apr 5, 2003 | Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
Remember "gravitas"?
They'll simply shift to something else. Yes, I know, people supposedly aren't stupid and should see right through it, but there are zombies in every country. I almost wonder if there's a huge whiteboard at tne NYT that's *filled* with things they can poke at to make Bush look bad. Someone's erasing this line and they're having a skull session on what to pick next and how to "shade" it. They'll run some stories, and that'll send the orders out to ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, (and *all* the other papers) to spew it out.
Harvard has five million pages of captured Iraq documents on the net here. Mass murder by Saddam is more well documented then the genocide of Pol Pot or Stalin.
Philadelphia Daily News ^ | 03/21/03 | Michael Smerconish
"We would see the news and would see the peaceniks, and we wondered how they felt when the boy next to us died in our arms. This guy was dying for them. Without the soldier, they would have no First Amendment rights."
posted on
04/06/2003 1:53:24 AM PST
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Speaking of "useful dupes"--
New York Post ^ | 4/06/03 | RALPH PETERS
Eat a big hunk of dead Iraqi crow, Times twits. And the next time GI Joe goes out to thrash one of your pet dictators, ask a military man what's going down, instead of trusting the croissant commandos on your staff.
Whatever Kerry is paying for political advice these days, it's too much.
Of course, just to show that his heart is in the right place (well to the left side of his puny chest), Oliphant takes a few obligatory swipes at Republicans.
Before the war: "War on Iraq will cause terrorism!"
After the war: "There's been no terrorism as a result of the war, so Bush was wrong in linking Iraq with terrorism."
With the Left, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
Classic "Spin Cycle..."
Gun Owner Harrassed-
There have been enough Freudian gaffes from Liberal utopian sycophants to reveal the mindset behind the seemingly phobic reactionary police policy towards civilian owned firearms.
Sharon Carstairs said it as necessary for the social reengineering of Canadian society. One of Rock's staff said it was the first stage in the pacification of Canadians. We have had Justice ministers, solicitor generals and multitudes of Liberal MPs state they wish to ban civilian firearms ownership. These people see the police state as utopia. In light of the global history of police state governments, this is some form of delusional psychosis.
posted on
04/06/2003 5:38:53 AM PDT
To: All
Hollywood isn't going to listen to this. and aparently most of the media are having none of it. Is anyone other than Foxnews carry thise stories? I haven't seen it and my local paper barely touched it.
Sounds like liberal sour grapes. They know their monopoly on information is over.
posted on
04/06/2003 10:08:03 AM PDT
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posted on
04/06/2003 3:06:26 PM PDT
(The 1990's will be forever remembered as "The Decade of Fraud(s)..."( Oslo, dot-bombs, clintons...))
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