To: ksen; Bear_in_RoseBear
Hi K! I'm with Bear, for many of the same reasons. I've been pretty heavy on the Lott War threads. Definitely the most acrimonious freeping I've had since I quit the Religious Wars. Although the lovely Mrs. Wordsmith, whose insights I often defer to on these issues, was certainly more revolted by Lott's performance on BET than by his performance at Strom's party.
To: Wordsmith
Thanks for your input Wordsmith. I had forgotten that you, as well as Bear, had a mixed know, a male and a female. ;^)
892 posted on
12/19/2002 10:31:20 AM PST by
To: Wordsmith; ksen; Rose in RoseBear
heh heh... I wouldn't say Rose was "revolted" by his appearance on BET so much as she was amazed... was hard to believe that someone who had reached such a high level in politics could be so politically inept. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson