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1 posted on 12/02/2002 5:03:32 AM PST by maquiladora
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To: HairOfTheDog; 300winmag; 2Jedismom; blackbart1; carton253; Corin Stormhands; DonnerT; ecurbh; ...
5 star rave review from a movie critic! More spoilers than you've ever seen! Amazing!
2 posted on 12/02/2002 5:05:06 AM PST by maquiladora
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To: maquiladora
Wow is right. This really sounds good so far. I wanted to see Treebeard take on Isengard, and it will be great to see the two sides of Gollum, hehe. That bit about Aragorn floating down the river with the spirit of Arwen waking him up seems dumb to me, but perhaps it will blend in with them movie as a whole. This review was really good, and I'm excited to see TTT. Bring it on!
6 posted on 12/02/2002 5:56:04 AM PST by Reborn
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To: maquiladora
I only read the first half of the review so I'd still have SOME surprises when I see the movie. But it sounds as though TTT is gonna blow everyone's socks off! I'm so excited!!
7 posted on 12/02/2002 6:43:06 AM PST by SuziQ
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To: maquiladora
The next two weeks seems like an eternity! AARRRGGHH!! And I have to be somewhere else that night! (Maybe I'll just "get sick" and make my excuses!)
8 posted on 12/02/2002 7:43:36 AM PST by sneakers
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To: maquiladora
Unfortunately this seems more like a play-by-play than a review. Arrgh. I didn't want to know exactly how it opens.
17 posted on 12/02/2002 6:01:17 PM PST by Vindibudd
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To: maquiladora; ecurbh
In response to questions from readers, Balchack has created a FAQ with specific questions about the movie that he goes into more detail about.


Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers: After an overwhelming response to the review I posted last night for The Two Towers many fellow fans have e-mailed in asking questions about certain happenings in the plot that take place in the movie. Therefore, we've decided to compile all the questions here into an FAQ of sorts.

Please be warned. As with the spoiler filled review, HEAVY SPOILERS are present in this FAQ as well.

Does Faramir die?
NO. In my review, I mentioned that Faramir had sacrificed his life to release Frodo & Sam. I may have worded this incorrectly, but the moment in the film is still as heavy as I alluded to in my review.

In the movie, Faramir brings Frodo, Sam, & Gollum back to Gondor where Frodo and the ring are to be brought to Faramir's father, the host of Gondor. A struggle with Frodo & Sam occurs when Faramir tries to take the ring from Frodo. In a pivotal moment inside the walls of Gondor, during the fight against the Orcs (which we never really see), Sam screams at Faramir about how Boromir got corrupted, tried to take the ring from Frodo, and eventually died. This is where Faramir has a change of heart and decides to let the Hobbits go. This decision does not come without consequences as a captain of Faramir's men tells Faramir that if he does not bring Frodo and the ring to his father he will be punished by death. Faramir contemplates a decision and tells his men and the Hobbits that he sacrifices his life to Frodo and his mission.

After this, we don't see anymore of Faramir, which leaves his fate to be dealt with in Return Of The King.

Does Saruman die in The Two Towers? Does he get 'spiked'?
Nope. Saruman does not die in The Two Towers. The end of movie shows the Ents kicking the crap out of the Isengard Orcs, all as Saruman watches from the tower above. This is the last we see of Saruman in The Two Towers. No resolve, and no finishing of the Ent battle. I can only speculate that we'll see the demise of Saruman in the 3rd and final chapter. if he will be impaled on a spike like the rumors say, it is not known and no one will be able to tell by what commences in The Two Towers.

The Two Towers - the right towers?
There is much speculation here, even as Tolkien described the many towers of Middle-earth, there is no clear distinction as to what the two towers actually are. In the movie we are led to believe that the two towers are the alliance of Saruman's Orthanc, and Sauron's Barad-Duhr.

Can you clarify the Nazgul attack episode?
Many have written in about the Nazgul attack. I realize that Sauron is not supposed to know who has the ring, but from what was portrayed on screen at the end of The Two Towers, one can only come to believe that Sauron knows where the ring is.

At the end of the film, Frodo, not by his own will, is controlled by the ring somewhat and summoned to the top of a dwelling in Gondor. At the top of this dwelling, the Nazgul, riding the big black winged creature, hovers right in front of Frodo as Frodo is tranced by the power of the ring. The winged creature then comes within inches of grabbing the ring from Frodo until some men of Gondor shoot arrows into the creature causing it to falter and fly away. Frodo is then tackled by Sam who then tumbles down the steps of the dwelling which then knocks the trance out of Frodo.

How well is the conflict between the Mordor-Orcs and the Uruk-hai developed? Is there much talking or fighting?
This part of the story is completed with so many aspects of the book within the first 30 minutes of the book. Yes there is a 2 minute sequence where the Orcs and Uruk-hai do argue, but it is not lengthy at all. But, don't get me wrong, the scene is brilliant, and though it does not spend as much time in the scene as the book does, the scene in the movie does the book justice.

The Orcs start to get hungry and talk about fresh meat. They realize that the Hobbits are fresh meat. The Uruk-hai then stand in their way stating that the Hobbits are to be spared. One Orc lunges towards a Hobbit and the head Uruk-hai (must be Uglúk) chops off his head, then offers fresh Orc meat to the other Orcs as food! Then a bigger scuffle ensues as the Orcs and Uruk-hai are now upset with each other. Right then the Riders Of Rohan appear and start slaughtering them all. This is when the Hobbits escape into Fangorn Forrest. An Orc is right on their tail, calling for them. Then Hobbits then climb a tree which happens to awaken the almighty Treebeard. Treebeard then takes care of the pursuing Orc (who must be Grishnack) and squashes him like a bug.

Explain the Balrog fight sequence.
Many people have asked about this scene. To me this is one of the coolest scenes in the entire movie.

When Gandalf the White finally shows himself to Aragorn, Legolas, & Gimli in Fangorn forrest he recounts what happened to him after he fell in the mines of Moria. As the movie flashes back, we get to see the Balrog and Gandalf's decent into the black. After many cuts back and forth of the two fighting as they fall, the two end up on top of a mountain where they do battle with each other. From what looked like Gandalf summoning lightning from the sky, he harnessed the power to his sword and plunged it deep inside the Balrog. The Balrog then let out a high pitched shriek and fell to his death on the mountain side below. His flame gets put out, but we never really see what the Balrog looks like underneath the flame, as steam from the snow rises towards the camera and shields it from view.

Gandalf draws his sword? How does he do that when in LOTR we saw it go flying over the edge of the bridge into the abyss before he ever fell himself?
Gandalf actually catches up to his sword as it was falling with him. This is how he's able to stab the Balrog as they fall into the abyss.

How long is the battle at Helm's Deep really?
As rumor had it, the Helm's Deep battle was to take 45 minutes! This is not the case. The battle at Helm's Deep is about 20 minutes long, if that. It is the climax of the film, and does stretch into the end of the film, but the actual battle takes about 20 minutes. BUT, within the Helm's Deep battle we do cut back and forth to the other side stories as well, so that might make the sequence appear longer then it actually is.

Where people might be confused with a 45 minute length is the time that the fellowship and the people of Rohan actually spend in Helm's Deep. Many scenes happen in Helm's Deep before the battle even starts.

How exactly does Haldir die, and what is the role the elves play at Helm's Deep?
Haldir is sent to Helm's Deep with his troops by a decision made by Galadriel and Elrond. Haldir leads the group to helm's Deep and is welcomed whole heartily by the fellowship. His death comes on the walls of Helm's Deep as he is struck by an Uruk-hai axe. Aragorn ends up cradling him as he passes. For a character we really didn't get to know in Fellowship, the emotional impact is high when Haldir passes.

Does the Ent Battle (Storming of Isenguard) take place during the night or the day? I always imagined it took place during the day!
The battle takes place during the day, right at the end of the film. You see all of Isengard lit up and Ents trashing the place and the Orcs in it!

Is there any mention of the sword Anduril (which should have been re-forged in the first movie) does it finally make an appearance in the Two Towers? Is there any indication that Arwen is rebelling against Elrond to go find Aragorn and bring him the sword?
No reforging takes place in The Two Towers. The sword is not even mentioned in the movie. Arwen DOES NOT bring the sword to him, and Aragorn goes through this movie without the sword in hand. Looks like Peter Jackson is leaving this be dealt with in Return of The King.

How about the humorous chapter of Flotsam and Jetsom at Isengard? Is there any part of that in the movie?
Nope. This sequence is not present in the movie at all. Maybe we'll see something of it when we finally get an extended release on DVD.

Is Eowyn the LADY of the book, or does Arwen still take precedence?
A very good question indeed. I think everyone will have different opinions about this, but the way I saw it, Arwen was still the only lady for Aragorn. While Eowyn was portrayed as a powerful influence on the men of Rohan, every time Aragorn showed interest in her his thoughts drifted back to his love for Arwen. And even though Arwen only appears in the film as flash backs, and dream sequences, she still had the same impact on Aragorn as she did in the first movie. But, like I said, I feel that most people will have different opinions on this matter.

Does Arwen look into Galadriel's mirror? What does she see?
This doesn't happen in The Two Towers. The only thing that happens that alludes to the future of the story is a a sort of flash forward dream sequence in which Arwen sees herself next to Aragorn's graveside, grieving for Aragorn's mortality, and her immortality.

Is Arwen among the elves that come to the aid of Rohan or is she never *physically* present in the main movie plot?
As mentioned before, Arwen is never physically in the movie. Arwen only appears in flash backs, flash forwards, and dream like sequences. The only time she might even be considered physically part of the movie is when Aragorn awakes by the river bed after plunging into the water in the battle with the Warg riding Orcs. A mist-like Arwen appears and kisses Aragorn on the lips which eventually wakes him from slumber.

Another scene, in which I'm not too sure if it was meant as a flashback or a present situation is a scene that commences with Arwen and her father, Elrond. Elrond tries to convince Arwen that their love would never work with Aragorn being mortal and Arwen being immortal. This is when we get to see the aforementioned sequence of seeing Arwen grieving by Aragorn's graveside in the future.

No, Arwen does not make her way to Helm's Deep with the other elves in the movie. Arwen's main presence in the movie is to show the strong loving bind her and Aragorn and, and nothing more.

I heard they added a sex scene between Arwen and Aragorn, please tell me this is not true!
Nope. Not true at all. The only thing we see between Aragorn and Arwen is some light romantic kissing.

Do they show the scenes where Aragorn leaves Rivendell and he and Arwen are talking/holding each other? In a recent trailer, one scene has him sitting on a couch with Arwen looking out over Rivendell with her back to him....
This happens in a dream sequence. It's something that does not actually happen, but only in a dream. As the people of Rohan and the fellowship make their way to Helm's Deep, Aragorn has a dream of himself and Arwen together in Rivendell. In the dream Aragorn even says "this is only a dream" in which Arwen goes to comforting him.

Does Boromir appear in the film, even if its just a flashback?
Boromir does not appear at all in The Two Towers.

Do we see Shelob at all?
Nope. Shelob is only hinted to by Gollum at the end of the movie. Gollum figures he'll lead the Hobbits to "her" and have "her" do the killing for him. Then he can take back the ring that he so loathes for.

Does the film have any beheadings like Strider Vs. Lurtz in the first film?
Oh yes. Be prepared, many beheading fall upon the unlucky orcs and Uruk-hai throughout the film.

How is the Oliphaunt? Is that whole battle sequence cool?
The seqeunce is very cool indeed. Sam and Frodo watch from a distance as the Oliphaunts and their men are attacked by the men of Gondor.

Did the movie have a preview for Return of the King?
No. Due to the nature of the screening, no trailers were shown before the movie. The lights went down and the magic started. I don't think that there will be a trailer for Return Of The King for months due to the fact that post production on the movie is still in the early stages.

Is the theater version the full movie or was it cut down like the first movie was. If so, will they release an extended version on DVD like the first?
This movie, like Fellowship Of The Ring, had tons of footage that had been shot for it. I remember reading recently that there WILL BE an extended DVD cut of The Two Towers, just like we have with Fellowship. For more information on DVD info, stay tuned to our DVD section!

How long is the finished film?
As previously stated in early reports by Lights Out and other websites, The Two Towers runs 2 hours, 59 minutes, and 9 seconds!

22 posted on 12/02/2002 8:03:34 PM PST by JameRetief
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