Posted on 08/10/2002 10:52:27 AM PDT by FresnoDA
Edited on 04/12/2004 2:10:06 PM PDT by Jim Robinson. [history]
A Clovis chiropractor was at the heart of an international child pornography ring that transmitted images so despicable they nauseated investigators, authorities said Friday after they unsealed indictments in Fresno.
Lloyd Alan Emmerson, 45, was among nine Americans and six foreigners charged with taking sexually explicit photographs of minors and sending them over the Internet as part of a ring whose members sometimes referred to themselves as "the club."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
By Thomas K. Arnold
Club Paradise, according to its Web site, is situated in the back hills of the El Cajon Valley, nestled in a secluded, yet easy to access area. The facility offers a high-class, home-party style environment and boasts 5,000 square feet of fun, including a swimming pool, spa and backyard fire pit to socialize with your new friends while warming your erogenous zones.
Guests are welcome to bring some goodies (besides your wife)and once their erogenous zones are sufficiently warmed, they may choose from plenty of play areas ... most prefer the living room floor or kitchen, but [private] rooms are always available.
Club CB is an on-line club providing a safe meeting place for sensuous consenting adults. Member parties promise the hottest couples, the best facilities, very tasty buffet dinners, scrumptious desserts and a staff dedicated to ensuring your experience is clean, fun and safe.
Club CB party organizers boast they specialize in stirring up erotic sensations and placing our members in the ideal environment to meet and expand friendships with the most exciting people in San Diego County ... all while raising funds for local charity foundations contributing to the research for multiple sclerosis and other debilitating diseases.
Welcome to the wonderfuland apparently charitableworld of swinging, San Diego style.
Tony Lanzaratta, a retired Los Angeles police officer who, as executive director of NASCA International, probably has a better handle on swinging than anyone else in the country, stops short of saying San Diego is a hotbed for what he calls play couples.
Its impossible to chart, Lanzaratta says. But I travel a lot, and I know one thing: I meet a lot of people from San Diego.
He says there are half a dozen organized swing clubs in San Diego County, some in private homes and some in commercial buildings. None is openly marked. San Diego is a very conservative city, he says, so you just cant do that.
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Makes you feel your children are safe ,and well protected ..Putting the fox in charge of the hen house
We have told the children in our family to look for a woman ..preferably a grandma type if they get lost or in trouble..this is why
Beyond the legal or ethical ramifications of law enforcement officers joining such a group, what about the health implications?
The article documents the free sexual contacts that take place locally or in cities across this nation. One visualizes a person having sexual intercourse with persons infected with HIV, Herpes, Syphilis, Gonorrhea or a myriad of other infectious diseases. Then they travel across the nation spreading these diseases to whomever they wish, knowingly or unknowingly.
When I was a kid growing up, one guy warned me about a girl. She was obviously very promiscuous. He stated to me, "I wouldn't ---- her with your ----." That was pretty self-explanatory. Well folks, I wouldn't go near the Van Damns for love nor money. In fact you can count me down as thinking that they should be labeled to be a public health risk.
They and their contacts break one of the taboos that have been one of my biggest complaints about promiscuous homosexuals. Gay bath houses provide a setting where homosexuals can and do have sex with as many as 25 sexual partners in a weekend. This doesn't not imply that they completed the sexual acts with them all, but that they had sexual contact with that many. I don't approve of this any more in a heterosexual setting than I do in a homosexual setting.
If the diseases stayed within the swinger's groups that would be one thing, but they don't. When one of these swingers ventures outside the swinger community, they infect the individual who has only temporarily unknowingly coupled with a swinger. And that individual then goes on their merry way to infect other non swingers. The most at risk are young adults.
This sexual freedom is sold under the auspices of intellectualism and an enlightened freedom. "I'm open to the possibilities..." In truth it is anything but. The ignored problems that are associated with this community, affects our whole society, not only the idiots that knowingly participate.
Wasn't one of Brenda's/Damon's friends at Dad's a little league coach who was also their drug supplier? Were the VD's boys on his team?
"...Amid the superstores and strip malls that pass for community in the suburbs of San Diego, some small-town traditions remain. Parents still come out to watch their kids play Little League baseball, just like their parents did.
Theres sunshine and sunflower seeds. Dirt and grass.
But in the Carmel Mountain Ranch Little League, grass is a touchy subject this season. Parents have admitted smoking it, and one of them says a coach supplied it.
Grass. Marijuana, that is.
The coach is Rich Brady (not the well-known San Diego clothier with the same name). Some wanted Brady to resign, but others involved with his team threatened to pull their children out of the league if he left, according to a league official. Brady declined comment on the subject. The dispute went all the way to Little League headquarters in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
The Carmel Mountain Ranch league was covering its bases, according to the league official. The general consensus from everyone involved is unless the man is charged with something, and his performance on the field is affected by choices in his personal life, at this point there are no grounds to remove him, the official says.
Rich Brady is still coaching, but Its one of those situations where we wish he would go away quietly, says another coach.
And who is the parent who says Brady supplied marijuana?
Brenda van Dam..."
Hmmm.... a sex club where parents abuse their kids...
Alright, I am going to concentrate on this article really, really hard ... and lets see if you can read my mind...what am I thinking?
But seriously, I noticed several things. Southern California is the only place where several molesters were geographically close to eachother. I also noticed that they said that they expect more arrests. I would guess maybe alot more. Ten perps is alot of video and papers and interviews and computers.
I noticed that the feds had solid evidence when they arrested ppl. I noticed the reference to a "leak" in the group a year ago, which would indicate a thorough, although maybe TOO lengthy investigation.
I am gonna wait and see, but it looks like I might get a chance to join the Hang 'Em High crowd for a change.
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