To: JohnMac
I think ClassyGreenEyedBlonde fell off the end of the earth. Did she get "DXed" from the forum? I'm pretty sure she just opused out.
I kinda miss those flame war days, when it resulted in two or three opuses a thread.
To: Focault's Pendulum
The best flame wars were in the DonMorgan/Navigator/Deb/OneWhoKnows/Mojo days...
To: Focault's Pendulum
This is the 4th time I've seen it on this thread- so what does OPUS stand for
To: Focault's Pendulum
She told another FReeper she was banned. I think it had something to do with the thread she posted about staring at the sun. It was pretty weird. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson