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I'm LEAVING Because of This New Format!!!
Posted on 03/30/2002 4:00:16 PM PST by Texaggie79
This is Horrible. I can't stand this. I actually have to look to the other side of the page for the exact same links. There is different look to the site. This is just wrong. I'm calling my psychic!!!!!
It now tells me right when I get in if I have replies! That's so wrong! I liked to click on self search every minute to check if anything was new. I can't believe we have a choice of what topics we have on our sidebar!!! I want to be forced to accept Breaking News and Front Page only!!!
Change makes me paranoid!!! I can't stand having to take 2 minutes to get readjusted to the format. I'm gone GOOD BYE
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To: Texaggie79
"We fear change"
--Garth, in Waynes's World.
posted on
03/30/2002 4:24:15 PM PST
Ken H
To: AmericaUnited, Sabertooth
LMAO!!!! That's exactly it!!!!! Move a link 2 inches and they are completely lost. I didn't know Palm Beach had so many FReepers
To: Texaggie79
LOL.............................good one. :)
To: Texaggie79
You just don't get it do you? These changes are a direct result of GW Bush trashing the Constitution by signing the CFR bill. Jim was FORCED to make his site difficult to read in order to confuse us and stifle our free speech while making the site user friendly to the democrats. I have it good authority that a uniformed band of NWO storm troopers are really the ones that have made these changes. The entire conspiracy is outlined in great detail on the John Birch Society's home page. Michael Riverro is following this closely and will tell us all "what really happened" in due course.
To: Ken H
Well I'm afraid of the future, but if it's adapt or die, I'll adapt. No big problemo.
To: Texaggie79; Nita Nupress
To: Texasforever
To: Cyber Liberty
Click the link in #46. History always repeats itself.
To: Texaggie79
LOL thanks for the laugh.
posted on
03/30/2002 4:43:41 PM PST
I agree. Before, it was easy to scan the new postings. Several headlines were visible at once. Now you're lucky to see three. That makes it difficult to decide quickly which story/posting you might want to check out further. Much less of the screen is put to good use. Hope ads are not slated for the cleared out areas. Let's stick with the tried and true.
posted on
03/30/2002 4:53:27 PM PST
To: Texaggie79
To: Texaggie79
Are they actually down to a "final four" yet? Or is it the final four brackets of 78 teams apiece from each of the 22 different regions?
posted on
03/30/2002 5:05:14 PM PST
To: dbwz
You need to watch a little more TV :-)
Comment #54 Removed by Moderator
To: Sungirl
Personally I think the border is too fat and most of all...the paragraphs seem smaller and take up too much space. THey need to truncate the number of words in the introducing paragraph so we can read more than one article without having to scroll so much. Relax Sungirl, no animals were hurt in the creation of this website.!! :)
To: Glaucon
Before, it was easy to scan the new postings. Several headlines were visible at once I would assume they will increase the density of the page soon. There is a lot of wasted space. Aside from that, most of the old stuff is still there, just moved around from where it was. It's new code, just a small adjustment here and there and everything will be fine again.
To: Texaggie79
Partial quote from
a message by Free Republic founder JIM ROBINSON:
Just got home a little while ago and have been trying to catch up on reading all the complaints about our new face lift. Well, this particular email caught my eye and thought I'd post it to see if we can lighten up the atmosphere just a bit (I got a chuckle out of it anyway).
Subject: FREE Non Surgical Face Lift in a Bottle!-- snip --
-- snip -- "By the way, we will be working over the weekend and the next few days, to try to make the new FR face lift a little less shocking. It will all be back to (almost) normal soon.
Hang in there.
Have received thousands of comments, emails and FRmail complaints and compliments today (running about 10 to 1 in the complaint department).
Will not be able to answer all (or even most), but we will do what we can to make things better.
Let's follow the lead of FR's founder, and MAKE THIS FORMAT CHANGE WORK!
We can do this.
posted on
03/30/2002 5:24:54 PM PST
This is not user friendly, and not Eye friendly....this is NERD friendly..
As someone once said... "the geeks shall inherit the earth."
To: Texaggie79
It now tells me right when I get in if I have replies! Once again you are right! I went to the News main page to look for the self-search gizzy and up in the corner I noticed some brightened text telling me I had replies. I clicked on it and your reply to me on the other thread came up.
I tell you, I was downright humiliated! </sarcasm>
To: Kalashnikov_68
posted on
03/30/2002 5:42:13 PM PST
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