Posted on 12/07/2024 4:08:28 AM PST by Libloather
An anti-Israel student club at Columbia University freely distributed a new hateful newspaper on campus Friday — peddling antagonistic rhetoric calling Jews “colonists” and “subjugators.”
While the Ivy League institution denounced the publication, the hate-fueled group Students for Justice in Palestine openly handed out its inaugural edition of “The Columbia Intifada.”
The group printed 1,000 copies of the rag, which contains about a half-dozen articles with titles including “Zionist Peace Means Palestinian Blood,” “The Myth of the Two-State Solution” and a handy “Guide to Wheatpasting” — a method of vandalizing public surfaces with propaganda fliers or other messaging.
Allowing such a publication to take root on campus is “outrageous,” said New York Congressman Mike Lawler, who represents voters in Rockland, Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties.
“If Columbia cannot protect Jewish students on their campus, they should lose federal funding and have their tax-exempt status revoked,” the rep wrote in a post on X.
“And for those students here on a visa engaged in an “intifada” against American students of the Jewish faith? Deport them,” he raged.
Columbia itself denounced the newspaper’s publication, including its unauthorized association with the school by name.
The university suspended the group last November for repeatedly violating school policies, including with its “threatening rhetoric and intimidation.”
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Trump just cut off all federal funds on day one .
They’re a bunch of rats.
That the college would let any such rotten filth into its midst speaks volumes about the moral depravity of its administration. As a practical matter, we’ve redirected our estate (and current) gifts away from scumbag schools like this. Fortunately, there are still some good, deserving colleges where young folk can get good educations without being misled or propagandized or steered into such self- degrading demonstrations of demonic lunacy.
Trump just cut off all federal funds on day one.
The left would scream their fool heads off if Jewish students printed anti-muslim newspaper calling,for some of the vile crap that the unlimited paper calls for!
So happy. Sin will devour sin. San Francisco is exactly what the citizens created. Columbia too. Wonderful.
Given that the openings for non-educated children with degrees in Angry Studies, Underwater Lesbian Dance, and similar laughable areas are disappearing, what jobs will the little grad ‘tards get after they graduate? Oh, forgot, they go into the gubmit, media, and the RAT party.
Behold... Our petrol dollars at work, thanks to the Saudi wahhabi tribe.
This is NYCity — the trash dump of the West. Fondly reminiscing about NYC is like thinking back to “Seinfeld”. Yeah, there were chuckles. But, never forget, they were all evil people and ended up in jail when they left their bubble.
I agree that Columbia should lose its federal funding and visa students who protest, deported.
We went last year for a young relative’s graduation from a master’s program - the graduation was canceled b/c of the protesters, then moved off campus to a different venue - a very dusty field house.
We were not allowed on the campus at all, it was closed to all but students and staff - we were furious that these “protesters” were allowed to commandeer the campus for themselves. Not sure the campus was safe for my Jewish SIL, an alum of Columbia. He said they’d never get another penny from him as long as he lives.
Give ‘em free college attendance certificates and the bass turds use them to become Muzzie Terrorists.
Columbia University has been a terrorist training school since the 1960s (not necessarily this particular issue).
Yeah but the new ‘mare’ (Levi Straus heir) of sin francystco says he gonna clean it up. As long as “all” the “citizens” have their rights protected blah blah blah. You know, ALL.
the odd thing is, they have it so right....or so it certainly seems....that there should be several hundred similar colleges in USA and Canada
there are a few, yes. some quite good I hear. but still... why would ANY parent send his.her kids to moral cesspools and anti=American indoctrination camps like Harvard, Columbia, and so on??? Letting one's kid go there should be prosecutable as child abuse.
When I went to Columbia University 25 years ago, this ideology was present , but hidden from donors and perspective students. The left at Columbia University is now openly supporting terrorism. This is an act of treason after September 11th and an act of intimidation against the Jewish students. Thankfully, in January, we will have a president who will enforce civil rights laws for Jews. The city, state, and federal government should not be giving a dime to Columbia University. Individual donors should not donate to the university but only to particular programs or sane student groups.
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