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Another Suspected Iranian Mole Unmasked Inside the Biden Administration
TOP SECRET UMBRA ^ | 4 Nov, 2024 | John Schindler

Posted on 11/04/2024 8:40:17 AM PST by MtnClimber

“Mr. Bond, they have a saying in Chicago: ‘Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action’.”

- Goldfinger, Ian Fleming (1959)

On the eve of America’s election, Democrats and their media wing are putting in overtime suppressing stories that are unflattering to Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz. As this newsletter just reported, Walz has longstanding ties to the People’s Republic of China which are highly concerning from a counterintelligence perspective. Just don’t expect the mainstream media to investigate any of this, especially so close to the election.

However, when it comes to espionage, Democrat problems with Iran are even worse than with China. Going where the legacy media fears to tread, Top Secret Umbra has exposed the shocking extent of Iranian penetration of the current White House, which extends back to President Barack Obama’s two terms in the Oval Office. Regarding the all-important matter of cadres, President Joe Biden represents Obama’s third term, while Harris would be his fourth.

Take the astonishing case of Rob Malley, Obama’s Iran fixer, the academic-turned-bureaucrat who made the Iran Deal, formally the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a reality in 2015. Pres. Biden brought Malley back into the White House in 2021 to revive JCPOA, which Pres. Trump killed in 2018. As the top mullah-whisperer for Team Obama-Biden-Harris, Malley hoped to deliver better relations with Tehran, but that fell apart in the spring of 2023 when Malley’s top-level security clearances were yanked, and he was escorted from his office at the State Department. Malley fell under suspicion for espionage and was placed under FBI scrutiny.

It's been 18 months since Malley’s high-flying government career fell apart, but we still don’t know what happened. Repeated inquiries by Congress about the status of the FBI investigation into Malley’s misdeeds have been stonewalled by the White House. The Beltway rumor mill has it that Malley illegally downloaded classified information to his personal email, which then got hacked by Iranian spies. Making the bad situation worse, Malley then lied to the FBI about his actions.

The Biden administration is running out the clock on the Malley scandal, hoping it fades away. As it might. Malley’s been soft-landed back into elite academia, a cushy gig at Princeton, while the Democrats and their media helpers have shown no interest in ascertaining what exactly was going on between Tehran and Team OBH’s top Iran expert. At best, Malley is uncomfortably close to the mullahs and their clerico-fascist regime; at worst, he’s his generation’s Alger Hiss. It’s not like the legacy media is going to ask questions anyway.

Regrettably, the Biden-Harris administration is packed with friends and protégés of Malley’s. The absurd case of Ariane Tabatabai is illustrative. Another academic-turned-bureaucrat, the Iranian-born Tabatabai was appointed to a very sensitive job in the Pentagon by the Biden White House. As the chief of staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, Tabatabai enjoyed access to an astonishing array of highly classified information, particularly regarding covert action. She was unmasked in Sept. 2023 as an agent for Tehran going back a decade. Tabatabai worked for a front for Iranian intelligence called the Iran Experts Initiative, which sought to improve the regime’s image in the West. Despite this, the Biden administration kept Tabatabai in her ASD SOLIC job. After her exposure as Iran’s agent, Tabatabai visited the White House at least eight times, for (presumably classified) meetings. Just as with Malley, the administration stalled Congressional inquiries into the Tabatabai case, while the Democrats and their media wing showed no interest in the scandal. Last week, this newsletter revealed that, at last, Tabatabai has been removed from ASD SOLIC and “kicked upstairs.” She’s been named the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education and Training, which is a promotion yet with reduced access to Pentagon secrets.

Then there’s Phil Gordon, another Democrat foreign policy maven who’s bounced between government and the Council on Foreign Relations for many years. He’s long been close to Kamala Harris and has served as the vice president’s National Security Adviser since 2022. Gordon’s been chummy with Malley for decades, while they worked together to deliver Pres. Obama his Iran Deal. Under Obama, Gordon held top jobs on the National Security Council and at the State Department. Gordon co-authored several op-eds with Ariane Tabatabai, all of them with a pro-Tehran bent. He is also close with the National Iranian American Council, an NGO which advocates for the mullah regime and is considered a front for Tehran by Western counterintelligence. Gordon addressed NIAC’s leadership conferences in 2014 and 2016. Gordon seems a shoo-in to hold a top job in a Harris administration. Again, Congress has asked what’s going on between Gordon and Iran, which the White House refuses to answer, while the legacy media ignores the issue.

The Biden White House official who should be fretting over all these Friends of Tehran holding top jobs in the administration is Maher Bitar, who’s the NSC’s senior director for intelligence programs. As such, Bitar is the White House’s top coordinator with the Intelligence Community.....SNIP

TOPICS: Society
KEYWORDS: 2018; afghanistan; arianetabatabai; belize; bidenisatraitor; casselle; condoleezarice; cuba; democrats; dss; espionage; gordon; honeypot; iran; iranbelize; irandeal; iranianmole; iraq; johnkerry; ksm; larrycasselle; lawrencecasselle; lawrencewkcasselle; leftism; maherbitar; majidkhan; malley; mole; niac; philgordon; philgordongordon; princeton; robmalley; tabatabai; tehranjohn
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1 posted on 11/04/2024 8:40:17 AM PST by MtnClimber
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To: MtnClimber

So that is three. How many more that we don’t know about?

2 posted on 11/04/2024 8:40:29 AM PST by MtnClimber (For photos of scenery and wildlife, click on my screen name for my FR home page. More photos added.)
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To: MtnClimber

Obama the guy pulling the deep state strings is Shiite (aka pro Iranian) so what does anyone expect?

3 posted on 11/04/2024 8:52:48 AM PST by ChinaGotTheGoodsOnClinton (You can vote totalitarians in but you can never vote them out...)
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To: AdmSmith; AnonymousConservative; Arthur Wildfire! March; Berosus; Bockscar; BraveMan; cardinal4; ...
...besides Harris, Biden, Obama, NGO Kerry...

4 posted on 11/04/2024 8:53:50 AM PST by SunkenCiv (Putin should skip ahead to where he kills himself in the bunker.)
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To: MtnClimber

The FBI could grab Valerie Jarrett’s emails with NGOs and bank accounts of the individuals involved, and quickly indict them all for treason. Unfortunately that FBI no longer exists.

5 posted on 11/04/2024 9:02:24 AM PST by montag813
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To: MtnClimber


6 posted on 11/04/2024 9:12:27 AM PST by nopardons
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To: MtnClimber

We basically know about zero and his Iranian bunkmate ValJar but no one wants to talk about them.

7 posted on 11/04/2024 9:26:22 AM PST by angry elephant (Been with Trump since huge 2016 Washington state rally in May.)
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8 posted on 11/04/2024 9:38:06 AM PST by PMAS (Vote with your wallets, there are 80 million of us - No China made, No Amazon)
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To: montag813

I am sure they have all taken a page out of HRC’s book and use the messaging app that deletes the texts.

9 posted on 11/04/2024 9:43:12 AM PST by Cowgirl of Justice
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To: null and void; aragorn; EnigmaticAnomaly; kalee; Kale; AZ .44 MAG; Baynative; bgill; bitt; ...

3 is the charm

10 posted on 11/04/2024 10:22:49 AM PST by bitt (<img src=' 'width=30%>)
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To: MtnClimber; piasa

The mole referenced in the title:

* * *

How many Iranian moles are operating in the upper echelons of the Biden-Harris administration? Officially, nobody knows, while nobody in the legacy media will ask. Counterintelligence experts in Washington, DC, do ask, that’s their job, albeit in hushed tones. Counterspies inside the Beltway tell me that another suspected Friend of Tehran recently was unmasked, and the implications of this case are deeply alarming for U.S. national security.

His name is Lawrence W.K. Casselle, and he’s one of the top officials in the State Department’s Diplomatic Security Service. Although little known to the public, DSS are Foggy Bottom’s cops, the federal agents who guard American diplomats abroad as well as foreign government dignitaries when they visit the U.S. Importantly, DSS also provides counterintelligence oversight to the State Dept.

Casselle, a native of Las Vegas, joined the State Dept. as a Diplomatic Security special agent in 2003, following graduation from Hampton University on an ROTC scholarship, then four years on active duty with the U.S. Army as an infantry officer. Casselle’s DSS career has been very successful, with tours at home and abroad, including serving on the protective detail of then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice from 2006 to 2008. He served as a Regional Security Officer in Kabul, then as senior RSO based in Belize. Casselle got important international experience in 2018-19 when he served in Baghdad as the DSS liaison to the Department of Defense’s Combined Joint Task Force – Operation Inherent Resolve (that’s the Pentagon’s term for our war against the Islamic State in the Middle East). Following that, he got the White House plum job of NSC Director for Counterterrorism (2019-20), then was promoted to be chief of staff for all DSS (2021-23).

Casselle was then promoted to be DSS regional director for the Near East (2023-24), including elevation to the Senior Foreign Service (State’s version of the Senior Executive Service for diplomats, equivalent to general officer rank in the military), to be moved up to Deputy Assistant Director of DSS in May of this year. Then, everything fell apart for this Foggy Bottom high-flyer. Casselle this summer came under suspicion for his ties to Tehran. When he was serving in the Middle East, apparently during his tour in Baghdad, Casselle became close with a foreign woman. They developed a romantic relationship, IC insiders tell me, and Casselle used his powerful job and State Dept. connections to help his new friend. Inconveniently, his paramour turned out to be an operative for Iranian intelligence.

How compromised Casselle is by this scandal isn’t yet known. IC counterspies tell me that they are trying to establish how close to Tehran Casselle got during his close relationship with that Iranian spy, but the State Dept. isn’t cooperating energetically with the counterintelligence investigation. If one of Foggy Bottom’s rising stars turns out to be an Iranian mole, the embarrassment to the department will be serious. Casselle’s superiors want this mess to simply go away.

Casselle isn’t just a top U.S. diplomat, he’s African American, which puts him perfectly in tune with the Biden-Harris emphasis on DEI in the federal government. . .

11 posted on 11/04/2024 11:53:14 AM PST by Fedora
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To: MtnClimber
"Another Suspected Iranian Mole Unmasked Inside the Biden Administration

It was long past due to take the profit out of sedition at least as far back as the clinton misadministration. I'm afraid that by the time of obiden it has become institutionalized in the swamp creatures.
12 posted on 11/04/2024 12:56:51 PM PST by clearcarbon (Fraudulent elections have consequences.)
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To: MtnClimber; bitt; rodguy911
***Top Secret Umbra has exposed the shocking extent of Iranian penetration of the current White House, which extends back to President Barack Obama’s two terms in the Oval Office***

Iran agents have deeply penetrated U.S. intel organs; Robt Malley is symptomatic of a broken system - perhaps involved in providing info for the Hamas October 7, 2023 on Israel - they even had kibbutzim community gate codes.

Soon an unexpected Hamas penetration of U.S. intel will be exposed. The current administration is deeply involved in an evil assault on our nation. Watch Hamas👈 Watch Hamas influence on antisemitic disruptions in U.S.👀

13 posted on 11/04/2024 2:23:15 PM PST by Bob Ireland (The Democrap Party is the enemy of freedom.They use all the seductions and deceits of the Bolshevics)
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To: Bob Ireland


14 posted on 11/04/2024 2:25:26 PM PST by Bob Ireland (The Democrap Party is the enemy of freedom.They use all the seductions and deceits of the Bolshevics)
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To: Fedora


15 posted on 11/05/2024 9:11:51 AM PST by Pagey ( Valerie Jarrett IS A DEMON! )
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To: Fedora

Good post. I noticed an interesting detail:

“He served as a Regional Security Officer in Kabul, then as senior RSO based in Belize”

Belize. Reminds me of the pro-Iran leaking translator Reality Winner, who traveled to Belize during the time she was conversing with foreigners.

16 posted on 11/09/2024 6:03:15 PM PST by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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To: piasa

Castro’s Cuba and Price’s Belize

Two Belizean parliamentarians to attend Fidel Castro’s funeral in Cuba

Fidel Castro Ruz’s birthday is celebrated in Belize.

17 posted on 11/10/2024 1:21:45 PM PST by Fedora
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To: Fedora

Interesting reads there. Apparently if you are a Cuban trying to escape Cuba, going to Belize could be a bad idea. They may turn you in for failing to appreciate how much freedom you had in Cuba.

18 posted on 11/10/2024 8:12:13 PM PST by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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To: Fedora
Casselle transitioned from the Army to the State Department’s Foreign Service, where he became a special agent with the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) in 2003. As a DSS agent, Casselle served in the New York Field Office where he conducted criminal investigations and was the lead site agent at the United Nations. Casselle also served in Washington D.C. where he was a watch officer in the State Department’s 24/7 Operations Center, the global information hub for the Department..... Among his highlights are working with the Belize Special Branch police to coordinate the capture and return of 40 international fugitives who were hiding in Belize. Casselle was also selected to serve briefly as the Chargé d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy.... ---- from the Missouri Military Academy website.
19 posted on 11/10/2024 8:23:10 PM PST by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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To: Fedora

Wonder if this ffollowing Belize deal also connects to Kamala’s brother in law Tony West?

Biden quietly released high value Al Qaeda terrorist from Guantanamo Bay and relocated him to Belize
Hotair ^ | 02/23/2023 | Karen Townsend
Posted on 2/23/2023, 10:30:29 PM by SeekAndFind

A Baltimore schoolboy-turned-terrorist was quietly freed from Guantanamo Bay on February 2 by Joe Biden and relocated to Belize at taxpayer expense. He is the first high-value detainee to be released from Guantanamo Bay and the first inmate resettled by the Biden administration.

Majid Khan was the only American resident locked up in Guantanamo Bay. He ran errands for the 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM). He also plotted to blow up Pakistan’s then-President Pervez Musharraf, a key U.S. ally in 2002. He wore a suicide vest packed with explosives and waited at a mosque for Musharraf to arrive. When he didn’t show up, KSM sent Khan back to the United States as a sleeper agent to attack gas stations and poison water supplies. He was captured by Pakistani security forces in March 2003. Before he was captured, Khan couriered al Qaeda cash to Indonesia that financed a 2003 hotel bombing, killing a dozen people.

Khan arrived in the US at 16, graduated from Owings Mills High School outside Baltimore in 1999, and went on to land an IT job in Washington, D.C.

According to US court filings, he was drawn to radical Islam after the death of his mother.

He decided to seek out al Qaeda after looking out from his office window on 9/11 and watching a plume of smoke rise from the Pentagon after it was struck by American Airlines flight 77.

The resettlement package is worth about $300,000. It includes health care expenses, housing, education, and money for him to start a new business in Belize....

20 posted on 11/10/2024 8:31:40 PM PST by piasa (Attitude adjustments offered here free of charge)
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