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To: fwdude
"U = U" is a farce. The "undetectable" status is only valid on the day of the testing. Viral load can rebound within a week of cessation of meds and/or drug resistant viral mutation.

And who's going to just take the word of a potential sexual partner who merely says that they're "undetectable?" That's stupid on steroids.

2 posted on 10/22/2024 10:41:23 AM PDT by fwdude (The cost of freedom is often not being able to experience it, or knowing it was even obtained.)
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To: fwdude

Undetectable is a play on words...The most recent tests ability to detect virus is down to about 20 copies per cc of blood. So “undetectable” means less than 20 copies per cc. Hiv is still present. The WHO or UNAIDS act as if “undetectable” means untransmissable.(Not absolutely true) the viral genome integrates itself into host hiv is always present...those infected...especially if a new mutant arises or the infected misses a few doses can be infectious again.
HIV is exposing the inability of too many humans to control an infectious agent. Both in thought and deed.

10 posted on 10/22/2024 11:57:53 AM PDT by Getready (Wisdom is more valuable than gold and harder to find.)
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