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2 posted on
08/19/2024 8:35:01 PM PDT by
(Trump: Befuddling Democrats, Republicans, and the Media for the benefit of the US and all mankind.)
To: ConservativeMind
The typical test look great on me. No dr has ever run the B test so I did it myself. And it is high.
I don’t know how hard you have to push to get the B test.
3 posted on
08/20/2024 12:20:51 AM PDT by
( )
To: ConservativeMind
My wife is a functional medicine physician and says the ApoB test is a very accurate measure of potential heart disease. In her practice, in addition to medicine and nutraceuticals, they have a nutritionist who helps patients modify their diets. She herself believes exercise is one of the best things you can do to manage the risk … and encourages her patients to stay on an appropriate workout program. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson