To: SilvieWaldorfMD
Oh goodie: trans!
I guess this marks the end of this contest.
2 posted on
08/04/2024 6:41:42 AM PDT by
(I miss Rlush!)
To: SilvieWaldorfMD
Future generations will view the Decadence of Western Civilization with disgust. Many do today. Some are too sleazy, lost, and stupid to see it for what it is.
4 posted on
08/04/2024 6:50:25 AM PDT by
Savage Beast
(Fight! Fight! Fight! God Bless America!--President Donald Trump, Butler, Pennsylvania, July 13, 2024)
To: SilvieWaldorfMD
Don’t have to be female, unmarried or 28 and under. Rules are such pesky things.
Yes, I remember when Trump allowed a faker compete. Those were not the good ol’ days.
5 posted on
08/04/2024 6:54:55 AM PDT by
(Righteousness exalteth a nation: sin is a reproach to any people. - Proverbs 14:34)
To: SilvieWaldorfMD
So if this trans sexual competitor wins it will be celebrated as some sort of great achievement for transgender folks.
To: SilvieWaldorfMD
Watch this perverted garbage? No, thanks.
9 posted on
08/04/2024 9:00:14 AM PDT by
Bigg Red
(Trump will be sworn in under a shower of confetti made from the tattered remains of the Rat Party.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson