We climbed trees, skinned knees, and played outside for most of our childhood before the scourge that is the Internet came about. I say this somewhat ironically as a Gen-Xer who never gets sick but has a head cold at the moment.
Here is an interesting thought:
Gen-X and the older millennials were in that range who did the least amount of smoking. The previous generations smoked cigarettes and the gen-z are doing the vaping.
George Carlin - germs and the immune system (Language)
Ok, fine. I just looked up and I qualify, but you’ll NEVER hear/read me reference myself as such.
To answer the question generically, “not universally.”
My experience: Death is all around me.
But the point ought be exposure to germs/viruses (not to mention home cooked food) vs. millennials etc. who were raised in sterile environments on processed food, made to wear masks and got the clot shot.
In those respects, an enthusiastic, “HELL YEAH!!”
Take some vitamin C, vitamin D, and some zinc (balanced with copper) along with some exercise daily and your immune system will be top notch.
Raised on hosewater and neglect. Ginger Ale was our penicillin.
“Generation X encompasses the children born in the ‘60s and ‘70s when shifting societal and cultural changes started by the after-effects of World War II were becoming more prominent.”
Our adult children and our adult nephews and nieces are gen X’s.
Besides being good citizens, workers, bosses, they are hard working and are often in middle management or as VP’s.
Many of the females became RN’s and are rounding out careers as health care post Covid has become a lot of B$.
Some as young adults had to be told to find an apartment or get a roommate and get out of the home. The rest had good jobs before they finished.
None have nor will serve in the military. A large % of their
parents or uncles had served in our military from Nam to 9/11 and zero with our recent and current wars.
their real degrees.
No we old bastards do!
Genx is all jabbed and only God and fauxci know their expiration date!