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Tyranny Expert Sums Up A Donald Trump Win With 2 Ominous Words
Huffington Post ^
| 07/03/2024
| Lee Moran
Posted on 07/07/2024 8:46:00 PM PDT by logi_cal869
Originally published 3/7, updated 7/3 (oddly).
Yale history professor Timothy Snyder shared a warning on X (formerly Twitter) about what will happen if presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump wins back the White House in the 2024 election.
“Unless Trump loses, America ends,” he wrote in his first of a five-post thread.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Chit/Chat; Conspiracy
KEYWORDS: 2024; 2024election; agitprop; ayaleman; deepstate; demagogicparty; donaldtrump; huffingtonpost; leemoran; leemoron; timothysnyder; trump; tyrannyexpert; ukraine; yale
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To: logi_cal869
Ukraine aid is the reason we are facing WW3. We have backed a crooked nut against another crooked nut neither of whom care a bit about their populations. Recipe for WW3.a
posted on
07/08/2024 3:47:36 AM PDT
To: logi_cal869
I get great pleasure watching the left realize that THEIR days are numbered. They equate America with their Deep state. So in this sense, yes, America ends.
Timothy Snyder has finally opened his eyes to what is in store for Globohomo cretins like him. In the same way that Nicolae Ceaușescu opened his eyes very wide, just as he was about to be executed by military firing squad.
In 2025, there is going to be a lot of trash taken out. /spit
posted on
07/08/2024 3:53:00 AM PDT
(Tony Fauci will be put on death row and die of COVID!)
To: Zhang Fei
Not surprising that a lightweight troll such as yourself would stand up for this lightweight Yale propagandist.
posted on
07/08/2024 4:42:00 AM PDT
To: Sicon
posted on
07/08/2024 4:42:16 AM PDT
(Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy!)
To: logi_cal869
Yale history professor Timothy Snyder is a leftist and a devoted Clinton supporter. Like many professors who suddenly decide to become political activists, Snyder has little intuitive sense or experience about how American politics works.
An intelligent man but a fool, Snyder is advocating for his pro-Ukraine and anti-Putin views with energy but little perspective or wisdom. Instead of making a case based on his considerable knowledge of East European history, Snyder decides to bash Trump and his followers. In short, Snyder is a dummy.
To: Scott from the Left Coast
Every Republican has been getting endless tyranny lessons for at least the last 20 years.....
posted on
07/08/2024 4:50:38 AM PDT
(I won't be reconstructed and I do not give a damn...)
To: logi_cal869
TYRANNY EXPERT SAYS: We just gotta preserve Biden’s winning trajectory for the US of A, continuing to Build Back Better while ushering in unlimited numbers of terrorists from around the world and attacking Constitutional freedoms and the American economy.
posted on
07/08/2024 5:02:36 AM PDT
(Lenin: "Socialized Medicine is the Keystone to the Arch of the Socialist State.")
To: logi_cal869
His definition of America is as a communist nation, and he thinks communism will end under Trump. Seems OK to me!
posted on
07/08/2024 5:03:29 AM PDT
(Rule #1: The elites want you dead.)
To: logi_cal869
What the hell does it take to become a “tyranny expert”? I’ll bet that it takes years of study and tremendous intellectual prowess. This jerk is no doubt a “tranny expert” too.
To: FlipWilson
This is the same sort of mentality that goes on about global warming — dire predictions with no backup.
posted on
07/08/2024 5:14:54 AM PDT
(Baizuo, )
To: bobbo666
Snyder and a Yale Macmillan Center presentation: “The Russian looked Satan in the eye, put God on the psychoanalyst’s couch, and understood that his nation could redeem the world. An agonized God told the Russian a story of failure. In the beginning, there was the Word, purity and perfection, and the Word was God. But then God made a youthful mistake. He created the world to complete Himself, but instead soiled Himself, and hid in shame. God’s, not Adam’s, was the original sin, the release of the imperfect. Once people were in the world, they apprehended facts and experienced feelings that could not be reassembled to what had been God’s mind. Every individual thought or passion deepened the hold of Satan on the world.”
To: logi_cal869
I’m afraid it’s the exact opposite, i.e. unless Trump wins, America ends.
posted on
07/08/2024 5:20:48 AM PDT
Savage Beast
(Trump defeated the entire Philistine Army using the jawbone of an ass, the ass being Joe Biden.)
To: Scott from the Left Coast
“tyranny expert”? no...Gaslighting expert. interesting how anyone from the leftside can claim to be an “expert” on virtually any subject and be taken seriously as long as their so called expertise sullies the right. gotta wonder...are there any experts on experts?
posted on
07/08/2024 5:23:23 AM PDT
("IF the Second goes first the First goes second" L.Star )
To: logi_cal869
I thought SCOTUS just determined we don’t have to listen to “experts” anymore.
posted on
07/08/2024 5:35:11 AM PDT
(Banned from Breitbart)
To: logi_cal869
“Unless Trump loses, America ends.” So, the left is going to start a war if Trump wins.? Doesn't that sound a whole lot like conspiracy to commit treason.?
Too bad we no longer have an FBI and a DOJ to protect the people and the nation..
posted on
07/08/2024 5:52:04 AM PDT
(I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the REPUBLIC..!)
To: logi_cal869
My two words back....
Drama Queen.
To: Zhang Fei
Ukraine ping
In response to a Peeper request, I'll put in my 2 cents. Snyder is great for historical facts. He goes into archives, pulls out numbers, memos, correspondence, et al, in the source languages so his readers don't have to. But outside his specialty, he's just not that knowledgeable.
And he's got his home team biases like many other people do. His home team is the Democrat party, so he'll say anything necessary to give his team a leg up. You know how some Freepers said Obama would never leave office? Same idea.
That some of these supposed elites are as clued into (i.e. not very) human motivation and the difficulty of mounting an actual coup in the American context as the average Freeper is eye-opening. These academics are supposed to be professionals - this stuff is supposed to be their bread and butter, whereas the average Freeper is just using a keyboard to issue an extended belch.
Snyder did some good work after the collapse of the Soviet Union finding things in archives that were previously unavailable to Western historians. In order to do that, he tread lightly on the toes of local historians, particularly in Ukraine ignoring and covering for how the old Ruthenians of Habsburg Galicia and the Second Polish Republic became forcibly assigned into the Ukrainian ethnicity by the Soviet Union. It's just like leftist actors. We can appreciate their acting but reject their political pronouncements as pure leftist excrement. The same goes for leftist academics, which most in academia are, despite claiming to be all about having an open discussion.
posted on
07/08/2024 6:04:29 AM PDT
Dr. Franklin
("A republic, if you can keep it." )
To: higgmeister
His head is smaller than I thought it would be.... its like a peanut.
posted on
07/08/2024 6:17:16 AM PDT
(I live by the Golden Rule. As applied by others; I'm not selfish.)
To: higgmeister
posted on
07/08/2024 6:27:40 AM PDT
hal ogen
(First Amendment or Reeducation Camp??)
To: gundog
And a crash of the stock market etc. etc.
posted on
07/08/2024 6:44:30 AM PDT
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