We can rest assured it wasn’t caused by that thing we are not allowed to talk about.
I didn’t know that in the locker room you could get hit in the chest hard enough to stop your heart. I wonder what excuse they’re gonna use this time, the air conditioning was too cold?
Schlong Covid?
It seems to be happening more these days with young athletes. Sometimes I wonder if (aside from pandemic related causes) all these scientific and digitally monitored excersing regimes are way overdone. Exercise is so vital but people really overdo it these days. We’re not machines.
It sounds more like a dehydration event, not a covid attack.
SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, SAFE AND SAFE AND EFFECTIVE. That was a lie. If true it would have been a good drug. It was a lie!
The shot stays only in the muscle tissue to elicit an immune response and is not systemic and affect other parts of the body. That was a lie. If true it would have been a good drug. It was a lie!
Although the young have little risk from covid they must be vaccinated which did cause many death. They lied again.
The covid shot (it is not a vaccine) was experimental and only given license because no alternative existed. That was a lie as HCQ and Ivermectin were very effective in the early parts of the disease but not so in the later terminal portion. They lied again.
The real proof of that lie is India. India has 4 times the population of the USA. It had about the same number of deaths from Covid. It should have been 4 times more. India used HCQ and Ivermectin, and antibiotics, and stopped the pandemic. Those drugs are dirt cheap. Big Pharma made billions. Millions of lives were lost needlessly.
I am a pharmacist and at one time respected big pharma for their advances in drug therapy which has saved millions of lives. If Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo, SKF etc. said it we believed it. Sadly this is no longer true.
Now what did orange man do to that poor, defenseless, defensive lineman to cause a heart attack?
“Still unconscious” is a bad sign. Probably had brain damage. Vital signs could be pharmacologically propped up. Feel bad for anyone in that condition...especially if they’re young. May The Lord heal this guy.
Just checked for the latest.
Still nothing on a diagnosis.
There’s a shocker.
From the above...
"...Staff then restarted Thompson’s heart with a single defibrillator shock. “So, he was only in cardiac arrest for less than a minute, minute and a half,” Burkholder said..."
60 to 90 seconds. Hope that's the case because likeky no brain injury. But to know so precisely, was soneone timing it. Guess, or did someone know to do that...
No mention of whether or not CPR was being done. If not, why not? Especially since use of both improves outcome from what I've read.
And for anyone else curious, a link to a recent paper on hypoxic brain injury...