Years ago one of my sisters got herself into helping an elderly woman, and then she couldn't get her to stop asking for favors. I tried to tell her, that her problem was being too nice to begin with, and people would take advantage of her. My sister finally got up enough courage to tell the woman she couldn't help her as often as she had been, and it ended when the old lady died.
Most of the problems we have, we create ourselves. I learned a long time ago, that people will do to us, what we let them get away with.
that people will do to us, what we let them get away with.
And that PEOPLE can be family, friends, neighbors or such.
Humans have changed along with the world.
You may be going overboard here, you have 2 sons sometimes let them help you, they should want to. Set up a once a quarter “See Mom Day” where they not only can spend time with you but take care of things you may have let slip.
I visited dad at least weekly trying to help him take care of things, and was glad to do so. A main issue I had was he wouldn’t spend money (that he had) on himself, such as replacing his 150lb CRT TV with a modern flatscreen.