Dynamically and financially, VERTOL is always going to be a hideously expensive proposition.
The Wright’s first powered airplane was roughly the same weight but only had 12 hp and made just 132 lbs of thrust. But it took off horizontally using wing-generated lift to get airborne instead of fan-generated thrust. With a 175-lb pilot going solo, this thing will need more than 6x that just to get off the ground. A boxy fixed wing with the same 400-ish hp will give you a cruise speed of about 225 knots, vastly more range, as well as protection from the elements.
I’m sure it will make an entertaining toy, but it’s highly impractical.
“...But it took off horizontally using wing-generated lift to get airborne instead of fan-generated thrust....”
The Wright Brothers also used a derrick with a heavy weight - attached to cables and pulleys to pull the aircraft forward on a track to achieve lift-off.
Gustave Whitehead needed no such ‘help’ when he flew a powered aircraft 28 months before the Wright Brothers...