Now mind you this remembrance varied from school to school but the bottom line is the child was remembered and shown respect.
And very often, a page dedicated in the yearbook.
Who ever heard of 17 or 18 year olds dying of cancer prior to 2022? đź’‰
Pretty low class of the school.
What that school did was totally heartless.
A classmate of mine in high school committed suicide the summer before our senior year.
He got a full page photo in the year book despite being a drug addled psychopath.
WTF is wrong with “educators’ in this day and age?
My God, those school administrators are CRUEL and HEARTLESS. How could they do that?
Your school did a wonderful job honoring the deceased student. I don’t recall any students dying during my high school career, but we did lose a fraternity brother in college in his sophomore year. That was the first young person I knew to pass. It was really sad, especially because he was on his honeymoon in Hawaii, dove into a shallow pool, and broke his neck.
Our graduating class lost 3 students from freshman to senior year.. Each had a photo in senior yearbook. One who died his senior year, in the winter was awarded a diploma, which was given to his parents.
That decision is both unnecessarily cruel to her family and just plain odd for a school to go out of their way to appear devoid of empathy. There must be a backstory, a subplot to that decision. The article never goes any deeper than a general reporting.
What’s wrong with people. Boy, are we messed up. A child died...
Liz you are good at this. Find the contact info for the board of education of this school so we can voice our opinion please..
The administrators should be ashamed of themselves. She worked hard to complete her requirements, just so she could something with her life, and that should be remembered.
What a crappy thing to do!
It looks like now she will be recognized. Didn’t read the article, but hopefully the family will be satisfied with what the school comes up with.
We unfortunately had a student at my son’s school pass away in his senior year due to cancer. His family has been involved with almost everything graduation and band wise since he was one of the lead members of said band. The citizens of our school district would have raised holy hell had the school tried to do anything to stop it.
Sadly his girlfriend died a few months after he did in a car accident that we’re not sure was an accident.
Schools use to be places that taught more than text book materials. They would teach, and expect, students to have honor and integrity as well as a level of compassion.
Part of teaching such things is living by example.
This ‘school’ failed
It is almost like the school district has aborted the student from public view.
The best educational moment in the lives of those associated with the scene. Free, too.
These “educators” are abject morons.
It’s not a stretch to suggest the young lady was white, if the youngster was black or Hispanic it wouldn’t have likely happened. Of course they’ll never admit it when the whole nation comes down on them, just watch.