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To: Robert DeLong; MeganC; gleeaikin; BroJoeK; Timber Rattler;; Williams; PIF

“...we are the target, not Ukraine. We are also being targeted from within...”


Well I agree to some degree here. Let me explain, just in case.
Russia is indeed using Ukraine as a springboard in order to take half of Europe, again. Moscow wants its “Warsaw Pact” countries back. I’m happy you realize that now. Russia needs Ukraine as a tool for its expanded imperialist policies.

The intent of the Kremlinists is to use Ukraine’s massive natural resources in order to prepare its second step against Europe, and thereafter eliminate America’s influence and economical interests in Europe once and for all.

It’s the “Great Replacement” policy. The East replacing the West.
Neosovietism, Iranian-style Islamism, and communism would become “Great Again”, if Russia succeeds. The economical repercussions on America would be severe. We don’t want that do we?

Thus, as you said, Europe is the true final target, while America will be the true indirect target - subverted from within by Russia and their communist Chinese “friends of circumstance”. (China’s TikTok is a formidable tool to subvert America). May it be banned!

Yes, America is already targeted from within... by Russia and their Chinese friends.. And by Russia’s number one islamic ally : IRAN. Just look what they have done to many of our universities and campuses, they are now imploding with violence against good American citizens. The Russian Alliance has resurrected their old “Subverting America” program...

You are partly convinced now... but that’s not enough.

You may want to read this:


“On the founding of our nation’s 245th birthday, it would be nice to set our eyes on the window displaying blue skies. But out on another window displays storm clouds. Montpelier’s decision to cancel any meaningful Fourth-of-July recognition along with our schools and our very own government promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) tells us all we need to know about these ominous clouds. Both these movements are Marxist in origin. With CRT being a derivative of the German Marxist Frankfurt School and member Max Horkheimer’s 1937 essay titled ‘Traditional and Critical Theory’ and one BLM founder on record stating that they are trained Marxists.

Communism’s 45 goals were read into the Congressional Record by Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., (D-Florida), in 1963. These goals were gleaned from the testimony given to Congress by scholars and from the writings of current or former Communists.

Socialism is seen as the bridge between Capitalism and Communism. The major difference between Socialism and Communism is in the method of takeover. Socialism (and Progressivism) believes that it can centralize all control of the individual, land and industry by peaceful, but gradual, legislation; whereas Communism seeks a violent and final confrontation to eliminate all dissension to achieve its Utopian goal of a Stateless and Classless society.

But make no mistake; what is the same in all three ideologies is the desire to seize monolithic control of society. Mussolini termed this the Totalitarian Society: “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”

In order to get a better understanding of our storm clouds, let’s exam a few of the 45 Communist, and by extension Socialist and Progressive, goals that have been read into our Congressional Record:

Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

Get control of the schools and teachers’ associations. Soften the curriculum.

Gain control of all student newspapers.

Infiltrate the press.

Gain control of key positions in radio, TV and pictures.

Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and press.

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in the media.

Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, and healthy.”

Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.

Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principal of “separation of church and state.”

Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate and old-fashioned.

Discredit the American founding fathers as selfish aristocrats [and racists].

Belittle American culture and discourage the teaching of American history.

Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

Infiltrate and gain control of big business and unions.

Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies.

Treat all behavioral problems as mental health or social problems.

Discredit the family as an institution.

Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents.

Repeal the Connally Reservation, allowing the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.”


Here is the whole thing:

As a final word.. :
Let’s become patriotic again.
Lets defend ourselves against our historical enemies again.
Lets make America Great Again.
Freedom First.

35 posted on 05/02/2024 7:09:31 PM PDT by USA-FRANCE (The only thing needed for Evil to succeed is for good men to do nothing.)
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Calling in all your buddies to support you, huh. No problem, I've battled with them all& I'm still battling. Because when you are right, it gives one strength to battle on.

Well I agree to some degree here. Let me explain, just in case. Russia is indeed using Ukraine as a springboard in order to take half of Europe, again. Moscow wants its “Warsaw Pact” countries back. I’m happy you realize that now. Russia needs Ukraine as a tool for its expanded imperialist policies.

You are not a very astute person. That claim is utter BS, and there is nothing you can bring to this discussion that even remotely supports that claim. Bringing up past history of the former USSR is not a valid argument for many reasons, such as the people that created the USSR, and the control they amassed. Putin is not Stalin, & Russia is nowhere near being the USSR.

Both Russia's Putin and Ukraine's Zelenskyy had agreed to a peace agreement where Putin promised to return the landmass that Russia controlled would be returned to Ukraine, except for the Crimea, which Putin said is too important for Russia's national security. This whole conflict is not about Russia increasing it's landmass, it's all about protecting Russia's national security which has been under assault with the continued expansion of NATO. That expansion of NATO into Ukraine was the only thing Putin was asking of Zelenskyy, to remain neutral like the USSR had asked Sweden, Norway, & Denmark, to remain neutral in WWII. The USSR even respected them after the end of the war. Yes, I will admit that Norway & Denmark's neutrality was in name only for the most part.

This was no different than our response in the early 60s when the USSR's Nikita Khrushchev tried to place nuclear weapons 90 miles off of the coast Florida in Cuba. We reacted which prompted Russia to react. Fortunately, levels heads prevailed and nuclear weapons were not used, let alone placed that near to us. But just as we felt threatened, so did Russia with NATO's expansion. Putin even stated, in 2008, that both Georgia & Ukraine were red lines as far as Putin was concerned.

Had we allowed the two leaders to work their issues out, then a lot of people on both sides would be alive today. As I have said many times already, they (US, UK & NATO) didn't want a peaceful resolution to occur. They wanted a proxy war, with Ukraine being the battlefield, and the Ukrainian males the military on the battlefield.

This has actually made the entire world a far more dangerous one.

That's because the totalitarian nations have created a much tighter embrace with each other than they have historically.

Our nation is 35 trillion, in debt & he EU is not much better off. Both our nation & the EU are seeing declining economies. Both have also spent money on keeping Ukraine afloat. So, this conflict has taken its toll upon NATO nations that have propped up this conflict, and the sad part is that it was all unnecessary. Had we just not gotten involved, none of this would have taken place.

The intent of the Kremlinists is to use Ukraine’s massive natural resources in order to prepare its second step against Europe, and thereafter eliminate America’s influence and economical interests in Europe once and for all.

So, your plan was to weaken the EU even further? That is all this has done, is weakened the EU, along with weakening the US.

Robert Gates who was Sec. of Defense in Obama's administration, said that Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy throughout his entire political career. All saw what he did with Afghanistan, yet you all followed him with the statement that Putin had designs on all of Europe?

You people are all so gullible, it frightens me to think that you people actually vote. If you can't see that Biden is an incompetent fool, then you all probably need to be barred from the voting booths. Considering how incompetent many of the leaders of European nations are there's a lot of supporting evidence for my statement.

It’s the “Great Replacement” policy. The East replacing the West. Neosovietism, Iranian-style Islamism, and communism would become “Great Again”, if Russia succeeds. The economical repercussions on America would be severe. We don’t want that do we?

Well, the first part of your statement was right on target. Problem is though, that the great replacement policy is not the plan of the communist nations, it's the brainchild of the elites who desire to rule the world with a One World Government, and yes they are just as big on totalitarianism as are the existing totalitarians on this planet. So, you got the policy correct, you just aren't astute enough to see who is really running that operation.

What do you think I keep telling you all to wake up about? It's not the outside players, it's the ones from within that are our real threat, but you people will not see that to the determent of everyone, including yourselves. This is a real conspiracy, it's not some kooky theory, but we have all been conditioned by the CIA to dismiss conspiracies as being the ramblings of people who are not quite all there. But conspiracies abound, and there are laws to combat conspiracies. However, when those running the conspiracy are at the levers of power, who is going to stop them? That falls upon the people, and for the people to unite they must first accept that the conspiracy is real. If they don't then they will fall victim to that conspiracy.

Oh, I know because I said the same things many times myself over the last 20 years, but when you start seeing it unfolding before your very eyes, then you need to come into reality & understand that it is possible, because it is happening.

It started with Covid which was a dry run to see how far societies had devolved in giving up their freedoms for security, and sadly enough, many have failed. In fact, many still believe that Covid is a serious virus, and that the Covid "vaccines" work as promoted.

That facilitated the coup d'état for the theft of the 2020 election, as well as, the the 2022 midterm election. It also helped keep certain leaders who are integral parts of the conspiracy in place. You see it doesn't really require many leaders, just key leaders that help with the destruction of their countries. Which then clears the path for the totalitarian leaders who already exist in the world. Along with the new ones itching to possess that kind of power.

For power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

May the good Lord enter into all of you to awaken you to what is really happening.

I had this discussion with two other people 20 years ago. One was a policeman, and the other was an airline pilot who had flown in Vietnam. The only difference, I was like all of you then. I dismissed it as nonsense, for the same reasons that many of you dismiss it now. It's impossible, the conspiracy would have to be too big, yada, yada, yada, just as I am sure many of you are saying to yourselves reading this.

Perhaps that discussion has enabled me to see it unfolding as they had stated, though they were at a higher level and the details were scarce. But the details are much clearer now, if you will just start looking. They have stepped up their timetable because, Trump interrupted their previous timetable. That is why they are willing to do anything to keep Trump from becoming our 47th president.

Pay attention, quit sleepwalking through this. That is what I am saying when I say that Ukraine is the distraction. The US is the target. What do you think all of this mass illegal immigration into the US is about, and it's being facilitated by the Biden Administration? It's to weaken the cohesiveness of the nation even further. Their plan has been to weaken the cohesiveness of the US for decades now, this is not a fast moving conspiracy, it has been a slow methodical march through all of our institutions, which they got from the communists and adopted as part of their grand scheme. For decades they have been pitting men against women, blacks against whites, ethnicities against ethnicities. Gays against straights, religion against religion, and whatever else they could think of to divide people. It serves two distinct purposes, it keeps them from joining together, and it creates more chaos which results in more conflict.

I mean look what they have done to us with this conflict, you all started out by calling us names because we would not support this conflict, which in turn made us call you all names, because that is all part of the distraction game. well, I am ending that as far as I am concerned, you all either wake up and realize what is going on, or you live with the results. It's your choice from here on out as far as I am concerned. I do not have long for this world, by my estimation, but then again I never thought I would have lasted this long. But here I still am. I guess the Lord is keeping my alive for some reason, & by all accounts I can only assume that it is to wake slumbering people that our current administration is pure evil, and many of the allied nations of WWII also have evil administrations running their countries as well.

Yes, America is already targeted from within... by Russia and their Chinese friends.. And by Russia’s number one islamic ally : IRAN. Just look what they have done to many of our universities and campuses, they are now imploding with violence against good American citizens. The Russian Alliance has resurrected their old “Subverting America” program.

Well, I actually addressed who is really using this program, and I already acknowledged that those who are subverting my nation are just as ruthless as any of the totalitarians that we all recognized as dangerous actors. What you have failed to realize is that Macron is also one of them, as is Biden, as is Trudeau, as was Merkle and now Scholz, even Giorgia Meloni seems to have pulled the wool over many people's eyes in Italy & beyond. I could go on, but you get the picture.

You will get a better view of the picture if you just open your eyes and see the reality, not the picture they are presenting to you, which is all a lie.

“On the founding of our nation’s 245th birthday, it would be nice to set our eyes on the window displaying blue skies. But out on another window displays storm clouds. Montpelier’s decision to cancel any meaningful Fourth-of-July recognition along with our schools and our very own government promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Black Lives Matter (BLM) tells us all we need to know about these ominous clouds. Both these movements are Marxist in origin. With CRT being a derivative of the German Marxist Frankfurt School and member Max Horkheimer’s 1937 essay titled ‘Traditional and Critical Theory’ and one BLM founder on record stating that they are trained Marxists

That only works in the movies where a script is followed. Problem is those running the production unit have a different script they are following. Do you think perhaps Hitler told others to spread the same kind of happy thoughts to the general population back in the 30s? I know his minions used violence, like well: BLM, Antifa and other organizations today do the same here. Is that who you are really working for? Do you think that Trump is our Hitler as do they?

Yes, they have captured both political party's controls, and they have been working pedal to the metal to destroy this nation from within while enriching themselves. They learned the teaching of the communist well, haven't they.

So, since we both agree now that America is the real prize, because once it has been completely captured, there is nothing to stop them from taking the world. Problem with their thinking is that even with success failure awaits them around the corner when the infighting amongst them to see who holds the largest share of that power begins to rear its ugly head, which it will without question.

So, do you want another stab at trying to convince me that Ukraine is not just a distraction as I originally said?

Because quite frankly you have only succeeded in bolstering my case, which I know wasn't your intention.

Give what we both have said some thought. If you do, then you have to accept that I am correct, that our involvement helps no one, especially Ukraine. In fact, it negatively impacts the entire world by jeopardizing freedom itself. First off rethink who are enemies really are. It's communism, but it's not Russia. They have a lot of nuclear weapons, but using them is a final sum game where no one wins, and Putin is aware of that. It's the communism from within. Many of them are Americans too.

I could & should bring up Senator Joseph McCarthy who saw communists all around him. No one believed him then, and he was an important man. I am a nobody. I'm not a gifted speaker or debater so it's very easy to dismiss me. But hey, at least I tried, just like Joe McCarthy did back in the day. BTW, I had his granddaughter as my history teacher. I wish I had paid more attention to history back then. She didn't fail me, I failed her, though she probably should have failed me. 😋

36 posted on 05/03/2024 7:26:34 PM PDT by Robert DeLong
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