But looks intriguing. Maybe post the actual text?
Don’t you read the above until tomorrow, you!
Sorry. No can-do. I just cut and pasted a random image off the Internet. Does that make me a plagiarist?
I can read it fairly easily, now that I put my mind to it. It is “the Venus Project”.
The passage reads: “How set in stone are the project’s and movement’s names at this point? To grow faster, the movement needs to make a good first impression, taking advantage of anyone’s fleeting first exposure to it so a person will want to learn more and believe it could actually offer a possible real solution, or they won’t bother. But this name, “The Venus Project”, rather than encouraging one to listen....” and so on. I could continue.
A lifetime of having poor natural eyesight has trained me to be able to do this. After all, every sentence I read looks just like that, above.