What these leftist miscreants need are millstones placed around their necks, and then toss them into the sea 🌊.
It would all be different if parents has a choice in schools, for real.
But, public schools won the battle and we’re stuck with government run, one size fits all, politically influenced, wasteful / inefficient, schools that get $10,000 a year per kid that deliver us kids that can barely do math, can’t write worth a damn...
But I bet all kids know about climate change, can tell you what the word patriarchy means, every letter in LGBTQIA means, what privilege is, social justice, equity and diversity are, what it means to be triggered... Their heads are literally being pumped full of nonsense while they don’t know the basics.
Ask a kid with an American public education:
—Who is Martin Luther, not the King?
—Do we live in a democracy or republic?
—Have you read Plato’s Republic?
—Have you read Beowulf?
—Have you read any of Shakespeare?
Then ask them:
—Have you read works from Maya Angelou?
—Who is Che Guevara?
—Can you tell me what “institutional discrimination” is?
—Is the world over populated?
—Is abortion a womans rights issue?
Real simple 10 question test, you’ll be amazed.
We are pumping out leftist morons that all want to be social justice warriors.